Chapter 719 Feeling Thankful
[Sisters, I really think Qi Ye is very likely, Qi Ye! 】

[Remember, in the variety show, Qi Ye said that he has a job during this time! 】

Qi Ye's fans all know that Qi Ye has a period of rest every year.

It is known that after April in the second half of the year, Qi Ye will enter another crew, and Xueba will wrap up in April.

No matter how you look at it, it is correct.

[If Qi Ye is really the male lead, then I really want to crave Ye Tian and Qiye's CP, these two people are too easy to crave, right? 】

[Wait, isn't Qi Ye and Ye Tian going to be on the next variety show together?Before, I thought that Qi Ye didn't leave, maybe he fell in love with the shooting environment, but if Qi Ye knew that Ye Tian would come in the next issue, then he was just waiting for Ye Tian to come! 】

[WOC, the sisters upstairs are really bold!I haven't even analyzed it from this angle, please sister, we need you so much, you write the article! #also sweet#]

The speculation about the heroine of the TV series quickly went wrong.

From the current point of view, if the heroine is confirmed to be Ye Tian, ​​the number of candidates for the heroine will decrease a lot.

There are not many people in the circle who are worthy of Ye Tian, ​​and among them Qi Ye is the most vocal.

But Qi Ye's fans didn't believe it.

[It's just an idol drama, Brother Ye probably won't participate, right? 】

[Didn't he say before that he would not participate in idol dramas. 】

[No, I never said that I would not take part in an idol drama, I just said that I would not participate in a shoddy drama. Obviously, this idol drama is a big production of Starlight Entertainment, and it is not a shoddy thing. 】

[To be honest, I'm still looking forward to it, and the heroine is Ye Tian, ​​so she's a good-looking heroine, satisfying all my fantasies about idol dramas! 】

【I also... want to watch it very much. I want to watch idol dramas more than real dramas (beep beep softly)】

[But it has not yet been decided who this is. Let’s not talk about it. If it is true, you can look forward to it. 】

[The program team has decided not to say who the male lead is. I'll watch the show when it airs. If it is, I'll earn money. If it's not, I'll see who Ye Tian will pair up with.]

Ye Tian's appearance is definitely top-notch in the industry. If a male actor who is not very good-looking stands with her, he will definitely not feel CP.

After Ye Tian read everyone's guesses, she didn't think much about it, but it was Luo Min that everyone mentioned that made her pay attention.

It's the end of June now, and the draft for that young boy ended in May, and Luo Min didn't have any unexpected No. 1.

And because it is a male relationship, the current momentum is very strong, and there are many fans on the Internet.

When Wang Qing was in the finals, her boss asked her to canvass for her.

The current boy group is run by Starlight Entertainment and a newly established company, which is said to be owned by another investor.

This has led to the fact that the men's team is not as good as the six-pointed star in many resources.

It is worth mentioning that this men's group has been perfunctory to the extreme in obtaining the group name, and it is called Youth Boys.

It's a little embarrassing to think about it. A large group of men in their 20s have to shout when they introduce themselves: "Hi everyone, we are young boys."

Ye Tian couldn't help but feel a little lucky, at least the six-pointed star can still shout out.

 I want to complain about the name Hard Candy Girl again...

(End of this chapter)

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