Chapter 721 Provoking Discord
Xing Ranran's album was released in March, and the results at that time were indeed very good, but compared to Ye Tian, ​​it was still a little worse.

After all, that album was created by Xing Ranran himself, and did not use the company's professional team.

[Right, Xing Ranran's resources are very poor. It is said that he went to be the second female lead in a costume drama. The two-month filming period is over. Now he is idle in the company and spends every day with a debut trainee. Attend class. 】

[Is it so miserable?When Xing Ranran switched jobs, I thought she jumped out of a pit, but I didn't expect that she entered another pit? 】

[It's not Ye Tian from the same company, he has already got two top luxury endorsements, look at Xing Ranran, he doesn't have a single endorsement, and the albums are made by himself. 】

[Miserable, Xing Ranran's strength is not weak, why is this?Isn't Starlight Entertainment the conscience of the industry? 】

[Don't say that, compared with others, she is indeed the conscience of the industry. Look at Shu Ruxue, she doesn't have anything other than the album. Xing Ranran has at least one female second, but it's not as good as Starlight Entertainment The little princess Ye Tian is nothing more than that. 】

For Ye Tian's album this time, each song has been painstakingly produced, as well as the MV for the title song.

When Xing Ranran was in class, she felt that everyone was looking at her in the wrong way.

She went to the production team for two months, and she did learn a lot. After she came back, she studied with the teacher again, and felt that she was making great progress.

Sure enough, there is a saying that there is no mistake at all. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth, and practice guides people's development.

Only after passing the practice, do you know what your learning situation is like.

"Xing Ranran, did the company abandon you?" A trainee couldn't help asking when he saw Xing Ranran.

Xing Ranran was puzzled.

Things that I don't even know, you know in advance?
what happened?
"Where did you get the news?" Xing Ranran looked shocked.

what happened?
She did nothing wrong?

"Have you seen Ye Tian's new song? The lineup is so luxurious. If you look at you again, you are all in the same group. The treatment given to you by the company is too bad!" The other party laughed and looked at it with disdain With Xing Ranran.

So what if he made his debut, isn't he overwhelmed in the team?
The popularity on the Internet is not as high as others.

Xing Ranran heard the smell, and her expression changed instantly: "Does this have anything to do with you?"

Didn't expect to come to sow discord?

Xing Ranran naturally knows how the company treats him.

After the group disbands next year, if nothing else happens, she will be called a college student, and because of her studies, she may not be able to take care of her acting career, but the company has not pursued anything.

And after she said that she was going to take the college entrance examination, sister Ai Jia also took the initiative to say that after she passed the entrance examination, the company would consider changing her to a more relaxed contract.

Xing Ranran thought that no other family could afford such good treatment.

After all, she is considered a popular idol now. Even if she wants to study at home, it depends on whether the company is willing or not. She doesn't want to do too many things to make money, and the company still has to make money.

But what is this person in front of him talking about?
The company doesn't value her?

(End of this chapter)

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