Chapter 722 Anzhi Yule?

This should be a big joke.

"I don't know good people." The man couldn't argue with Xing Ranran, after listening to Xing Ranran's words, he just stomped his feet and said angrily.

Xing Ranran felt baffled, and laughed: "The sparrow knows the ambition of the great swan."

"Zi is not a fish, how do you know the joy of fish?"

Two sentences made the other party's face turn red instantly, Xing Ranran also stood up, and looked at the other party: "If you have so much time to arrange other people behind your back, it's better to think about dreaming and acting skills. In this case, maybe you can really get some What about resources?"

"How is my life in the company? I don't need people like you who haven't even made a debut to care about it. Instead of caring about me, you might as well care about whether you can pass the company's next quarter's assessment!" Xing Ranran finished speaking After that, he walked out of the classroom with his materials.

The person behind was left with a face that turned black and then white.

"It's really boring, there are everyone." After Xing Ranran walked out, she complained to herself.

During this period of time in class, I don't know how many gossips around me.

Everyone thinks that she has no resources, and the resources are not good, but it's still the same sentence, Zi Feiyu, Anzhi Yule?

How do those people understand her happiness?
However, Xing Ranran found that even if he was walking in the corridor, some people looked at him obediently.

Xing Ranran boarded the red eye and looked at the news.

Ye Tian released a new song today, and the performance of the song is very good.

It can be said that it is so good that it explodes, and the evaluations of passers-by are also good. After all, Ye Tian's singing skills were very good at the beginning, and now her songs, naturally some people want to listen to them.

Xing Ranran had already listened to the five songs in the album before Ye Tian released them, and they were indeed very pleasant to listen to. The five songs were on repeat in her playlist.

Ran Ran also wanted to shut up: Tiantian, a lot of people in the company are comparing us with us. After looking at it, on the Internet, is there someone who is playing the rhythm?

Xing Ranran's ranking was not low when he debuted, he also had a lot of fans, and his strength was considered very strong.

Now being pulled by netizens to compare with Ye Tian, ​​although the fans rationally know that someone is deliberately pushing and trampling, but emotionally they can't accept it.

After that, if something happens again, the fans of both sides will easily tear it apart.

Ye Tian originally planned to go to the company for class in the afternoon, but after receiving the news from Xing Ranran, she changed her mind, took out her phone, and called Xing Ranran.

"I was planning to come to the company in the afternoon. Have you eaten yet? Let's have lunch in the company cafeteria at noon?"

Ye Tian knows how idle the netizens are, but most of the rhythmic ones are not idle netizens, most of them are trolls who have taken money.

If the fans of Ye Tian and Xing Ranran start a fight, it will be easy to get on the trending searches. After all, the two people's traffic is there, and there is no limit to the popularity of Ye Tian's fans and Xing Ranran's fans.

Internally, the faces of the two people are not good-looking, and the fans are making trouble like that, which will definitely affect the relationship between the two people. After all, the fans are tearing up like that. As the two people involved, don’t they feel separated in their hearts? should it?
Once two people are divorced, it will look good at that time.

"Okay, I'm really annoyed to death. A group of people are looking at me strangely, like watching a monkey. I'm really annoyed."

 Yanque and Zifeiyu don't need me to write the source, do they?I understand everything, I understand everything.

(End of this chapter)

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