Chapter 723
Xing Ranran has forcibly held back her desire to curse.

If she didn't think it was a public place, there might be someone around who was recording a video and wanted to watch her make a fool of herself, and she might have given the other party a blank stare.

They are all a group of people.

"Are you preparing for the exam recently?" Xing Ranran told everyone before that he was preparing to re-enter the university.

There will always be a kind of regret in life without going to university. It is a good thing that Xing Ranran now has the time and opportunity to study.

After all, it's never too late to make money, but if you don't have knowledge, you will miss 1 opportunities to make money.

Besides, who can be a star for a lifetime?

Even if you can make money as an actor or singer all your life, you still need to learn.

Going to university, what you learn is not only knowledge, but also the ability to learn.

After all, exam week, exam month, and mastering Marx in one day are not gossips (although this is not a very good thing, learning still needs to be done step by step)
However, in any case, going to a more advanced institution of higher learning can broaden one's vision and world, and make friends with like-mindedness.

Everyone agreed and supported Xing Ranran's decision. Ye Tian also specifically talked about it with the company, which led to the company's agreement that if Xing Ranran could be admitted to university, the future contract could be changed.

"No, you're too busy during this period, you don't have time to chat with us." Xing Ranran knew that Ye Tian was busy with the album during this period, and basically kept her feet on the ground.

"Recently, I am preparing for review at home, and then attend lectures in the company." Xing Ranran is very satisfied with such a fulfilling life.

If the company arranged too many activities for her, Xing Ranran would really collapse.

"That's pretty good. I'm also going to the company to attend lectures before the training camp, and take a break." There is still one month to start the group training camp.

The group's album was released after the training camp, and the second group show was also played after the album was released.

Ye Tian still has a month to rest.

From her debut last year to now, Ye Tian feels differently busy.

When I was in school before, I was basically going between classes and laboratories every day, and of course there was a cafeteria, dormitory and library.

Now that I have made my debut, every day in the theater, I experience quite different things.

They are all fulfilling lives, but the content is different, and Ye Tian is very satisfied.

The days now, also want to be the annual winter and summer vacation.

"However, I may also go out to play. After all, if I stay in the company for a month, I guess someone will beep in my ear."

"Hey, after I pass the exam and our group disbands, let's go traveling together?" Xing Ranran also yearns for it, but at present she has more important things to do.

She felt that she had always been a very self-disciplined person, and naturally knew the priorities of things.

"Okay, when the time comes, the five of us will go out to play together. The place Xuexue went to this year is very good. Have you seen the news about Xuexue's hair? It's so beautiful!" Ye Tian knew where it was.

It was a forest project that the Ye family was developing, and it hadn't been officially announced yet, but Shu Ruxue went there.

Ye Tian was secretly delighted when she saw the picture, thinking that her elder brother might be enlightened.

(End of this chapter)

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