Chapter 725 Gathering
Ye Tian walked into the restaurant of Starlight Entertainment, and Xing Ranran was already sitting inside.

Starlight Entertainment, because all of them are celebrities, the restaurant is also very comfortable, and you can eat whatever you want in it.

Of course, there may not be many high-calorie foods, but there are some if you want to eat them.

"This way!" Xing Ranran waved to Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian happily walked over and sat opposite to Xing Ranran.

"What delicious food did you order?"

"Sweet and sour pork ribs, Coca-Cola chicken wings!" Ye Tian likes to eat sweet things, these things are her love, and of course Xing Ranran's love.

Xing Ranran likes to eat these things.

"There is also cold chicken that is more suitable for rice. It should be enough for the two of us."

After Xing Ranran finished speaking, Ye Tian became looking forward to it.

"Didn't I go to shoot the MV this month? I stayed there for a while, and it was really terrible. I don't care if I want to eat." Ye Tian sat down and said to Xing Ranran.

The place chosen by the company has a great environment, but the fly in the ointment is that the food there is really simple.

There was absolutely nothing to eat.

After returning, Ye Tian rested for a while, and then ate all kinds of food.

"During this period of time, I ate a lot of food, and I finally recovered."

After Ye Tian finished speaking, Xing Ranran smiled: "I just watched that MV, and it was beautifully shot."


Now it's time for lunch, and there are quite a lot of trainees coming to the company cafeteria to eat.

Starlight Entertainment is not the kind of company that treats its own family harshly. This group of trainees can eat food that is not inferior to the taste of the hotel at a relatively cheap price.

When someone saw Xing Ranran and Ye Tian sitting together, they were particularly surprised.

After all, there are many rumors about the two on the Internet.

Some people are saying that Xing Ranran must be dissatisfied with Ye Tian.

After all, the two entered the company first and second, but in terms of resources, Xing Ranran is much worse than Ye Tian.

"Do you want to tell your fans about your preparation for the exam?" The two of them knew that there would be a lot of people coming here for lunch, so they chose a relatively corner seat to sit down.

No one will go around them.

After the food was served, the two chatted while eating.

"Let's talk about it after I pass the exam. I don't pass the exam by then, and I don't know what to say on the Internet." Some netizens are like this now. They obviously don't have a high degree, but they still want to diss others as a scumbag .

When scolding others, I don't look at how many scores I got in the college entrance examination.

"That's fine now."

"That's right, have you decided to take the exam next year? Will you be in a hurry?" From the second half of this year to June, July and August next year, the group will have more activities.

"The period of your exam next year is just before the group's disbandment tour. At that time, if there are no accidents, there should still be a training camp."

"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be fine in the exam, and isn't there you in the team? With your strength, it's okay to help me with tutoring, right?"

Xing Ranran is a science student. After all, he is going to study mathematics later on. Of course, it is no problem for Ye Tian to help.

"No problem!" Ye Tian also nodded, "It's just that I will be too tired."

Xing Ranran smiled indifferently: "After all, there is not much time, and I am already 20 years old this year."

(End of this chapter)

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