Chapter 726 I Have a Project for You
"Going to university at this age is considered relatively old." Of course, it is considered relatively normal.

After all, in order to get into a good school, it is common for some people to repeat their studies for two or three years.

"It doesn't matter too much. You can choose to graduate early. After completing all the credits in the sophomore year, you can apply for early graduation in the junior year!" Ye Tian was able to apply at the beginning, but she didn't have any time constraints. Feeling, one year later, one year later, it definitely doesn't matter much.

Therefore, there is no choice in advance.

Now Xing Ranran, the career in the entertainment industry should not give up, so as long as the opportunity is good enough, it is not impossible to choose to graduate early.

"I know, that's what I planned. If I'm completely cold after three years, I'll continue to take the postgraduate entrance examination. If I don't, I can come back and continue to perform or sing." After Xing Ranran finished speaking, she ate a piece of ribs and her face Full of excitement.

Ye Tian also nodded and said, "The TV series we filmed before will be aired soon."

It's been two months and it's almost August.

You Don't Know The World of Xueba, which was originally planned to start broadcasting during the summer vacation, has also been officially put on the agenda.

"Which one is yours and Qingqing's? Is the male protagonist Mr. Qi?" Xing Ranran asked in a low voice.

In fact, Ai Jia also showed her the script at the time, but some of the characters in it didn't quite fit her, and she didn't have any acting foundation, so she didn't go for it.

"Yes." The smile on Ye Tian's face was rippling.

"How do you talk about Teacher Qi, are you so happy in your heart?" Xing Ranran looked at Ye Tian with a smirk, and said jokingly.

Ye Tian curled her lips: "No way."

That is, there is only a little bit of happiness~
After the two of them finished their meal, they went to the acting class together in the afternoon.

Ye Tian was in the crew during this period, especially because Qi Ye was acting opposite her, so during this period, her acting skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

When the teacher asked them to form a team to perform, he saw Ye Tian's progress.

"That's right, I haven't wasted the time in the past six months. I have studied hard in the crew." The crew is actually a place to hone an actor.

If the actor really learns with his heart.

After all, no matter how much you learn in the classroom, it's all on paper.

Practice-recognition-re-practice-re-recognition is the process of exploring the absolute truth, and it is the same for acting.

After studying, go to the crew to practice, and then come back to study and improve. In this way, your acting skills will become better and better.

"It's not bad that you two are very busy. After going to the set once, you're all different when you come back." The teacher said with a smile on his face.

After class, the teacher left the two of them behind: "I have a project here, I wonder if you are interested?"

This teacher, as I said before, is a highly respected professor who came to Starlight Entertainment just to return favors.

After all, his son is still working at Starlight Entertainment.

Usually, if I like the newcomer, I will give some resources.

But Ye Tian and Xing Ranran are not the same after all.

These two are popular idols.

"To be honest, it's rare to see someone who can work as hard as Ran Ran after debuting. Most of the people who come to me to study here are people who haven't debuted yet." The old man was also very transparent.

After all, after debuting, celebrities really don't have much time.

Xing Ranran scratched her head in embarrassment: "It's because I don't want to make progress."

"My project here is very suitable for you, just to endure hardship."

 Practice-knowledge-re-practice-re-knowledge (from the principle of Marxism, everyone knows where this familiar word comes from)
  I thought that everyone should know the quotes. With my level, I can’t usually write those words, and the ones that are used are relatively common, and everyone knows who wrote them.

  But recently I was a little scared when I saw some things about anti-plagiarism, so I marked all the things that were not written by me.

(End of this chapter)

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