Chapter 732 She Can't Not Go

"No, no need, I can take care of it, how can I borrow your money to spend it?" Shi Fei said so.

In my heart, I wish I could go up and strangle Xing Ranran to death.

Xing Ranran nodded: "That's good. Money is a small matter, but our group's reputation is a big thing. Think about it, if our group's reputation suffers any damage because of you, it will be a huge sum of money." Liquidated damages!"

When the contract was first signed, it was clear that if the reputation of Hexagram was damaged due to personal reasons, then Starlight Entertainment would have to pay a liquidated damages.

The price of liquidated damages is of course not fixed, but is set according to the losses suffered.

This is not clear.

At that time, Starlight Entertainment would say that the damage to the reputation of the six-pointed star affected the commercial value of the other five people, and the money to accompany them would probably be an astronomical figure.

After all, Ye Tian's current commercial value is already very high. Some people came to her to speak for tens of millions before, but Starlight Entertainment refused.

If Xingguang Entertainment really wanted to use this kind of thing to talk about things, Shi Feike really didn't have that much money to compensate.

"I know, don't worry everyone." Shi Fei's face turned pale again.

She really didn't have any money in her hands. During the past six months, she looked beautiful on the surface, but in fact, it was very bitter behind her back.

All the money was spent on marketing.

For her at this stage, popularity is the most important thing. Only after she has popularity can she have more love.

After you have the love value, you can do more things, and you will become rich in the end.

And become richer than you are now.

Shi Fei felt that this was an investment, and it was very worthwhile. She did get a lot of resources, because of the rise in popularity and marketing, she fell in love with a rich man with a particularly rich family, and that person was younger than before. Those golden ones are much smaller.

Through some things in the system, she made the other party completely devoted to her now, and gave her a lot of resources.

The travel variety show this time is one of the resources, and it is also the reason Shi Fei has to go.

After all, although the other party is now devoted to her, he has not yet been completely controlled by her.

This variety show was only obtained by her hard work before.

If you don't go at this time...

The car arrived at the entrance of the supermarket, and the shooting was about to start.

Even if Shi Fei was in a bad mood, she still had to show a smiling face.

At this point, there are not too many people in the supermarket.

And here is the villa area, people who can come here to buy things have seen the world, and they will not see celebrities or yell when they see a filming.

Of course, some eggs still emerged.

Ye Tian has too many fans.

Encountered a lot here.

"Tiantian, Tiantian, can you sign for me?" The fans took out Ye Tian's accessories and approached Ye Tian.

There is a small hanging sign around it, which is used to hang keys, and it doesn't look big.

"But I didn't bring a pen!" There were not too many people around, and Ye Tian didn't refuse.

After all, he is someone who likes himself.

"It's okay, it's okay, I have it here!" Then, she took out a pen, which was a very cute carrot pen.

After Ye Tian took the pen, she looked at the other party and took out the small piece of paper inside the small pendant for Ye Tian to sign.

After Ye Tian finished signing, the other party asked a question: "Tiantian, do we have fan benefits? Other stars have tens of millions of fan benefits. We all have 500 million, can we have it?"

(End of this chapter)

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