Chapter 733 Fans
In the beginning, before Ye Tian debuted, she already had a large number of fans, and during that period of closed training, everyone had no chance to get a mobile phone.

So of course there is no such thing as fan benefits.

After that, it was the training camp and the filming of the TV series. Ye Tian forgot about fan benefits.

Now that the fans mentioned it in front of her, Ye Tian remembered it.

5000 million fan benefits?
There should be 5000 million fans now, right?She hasn't looked at it for a long time.

Usually when I get red eyes, I just read CP articles, and then I read gossip.

"Okay, I'll make a note of it, and we'll arrange it later." After Ye Tian said this, the fans were very pleasantly surprised.

"Okay, okay, hard work!" She ran to the side with the front, and looked at Ye Tian and Ye Tian's refill while walking.

Ye Tian smiled at her, and continued to buy things after laughing.

Chicken wings for dinner, do you want to buy more?
"Sweet! Can I sign it?"

After Shu Ruxue and Wang Qing came in, they separated from Ye Tian to buy other materials, and the three of them met after making an appointment.

Ye Tian had just sent away a fan, and immediately another one came.

She still nodded.

"Okay." The other party handed over her photo.

After Ye Tian finished signing, she asked softly, "Well, do you know where the chicken wings are?"

"I know, I know, I often go to this supermarket to buy things, do you want chicken wings tonight?"

"Yes, Qingqing has learned how to cook at home during this time, so if she insists on showing us off, we'll have chicken wings tonight!"

"I'll take you!"

"Okay, is it okay to have a camera in the back?" Ye Tian looked at her fans and blushed with joy, and pointed to the camera behind her.

Ordinary people are reluctant to show their faces in front of the camera.

"Ah, I have a mask." After finishing speaking, she put the mask on.

"Okay, I'll tell the company's production team later that the clips you showed before will give you a big size, don't worry." Ye Tiandian nodded.

Fans were even happier when they heard that this was a group show: "Have you started recording the group show today? When will the new song be released?"

"The new song has to be kept secret, but it's only during this time." Ye Tian said with a smile.

The fans were very excited and talked about many things beside Ye Tian: "The TV series is very good, Tiantian, your acting skills are really good. At first, everyone was a little worried, but I didn't expect your acting skills to be so good!"

Seeing Ye Tian's kind attitude towards her, the fans also opened up the chatterbox.

When Ye Tian heard the TV series, the smile on her face became even wider: "Ms. Qi took care of her well. Mr. Qi is very good."

"Teacher Qi's acting skills are indeed very good." The other party also replied, as if he didn't like Qi Ye.

"By the way, is there any arrangement after Tiantian?"

"I can't say that, but don't worry, the company is very good." Ye Tian also knew some fans' concerns from the Internet.

These fans may not be as old as myself, but they are all worried about their mothers, fearing that their children will be wronged in the company.

"That's good, that's good, you still have us, I love you forever!" The fan brought Ye Tian to the side of the chicken wings, and left after saying this.

"Then, sweet goodbye, see you at the next concert!"

"Goodbye!" Ye Tian waved to the fans, the fans couldn't hold back, took out their mobile phone and took a photo of Ye Tian.

"Can I send it to my Red Eye?"

"Yes, but we have to wait, otherwise we won't be able to leave." Ye Tiandian nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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