Chapter 734

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the other party nodded desperately.

No, the female goose is really too cute, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

But you can't scream in front of your face, otherwise you will scare the female goose.

The fans broke the old mother's heart, and after running out of the supermarket, they started yelling.

Ye Tian and the others didn't have too many things to buy.

After shopping in the supermarket in less than an hour, I was ready to go home.

"I just met two fans." Wang Qing said to Ye Tian while holding something.

"I also met a few and signed them."

"We have to leave quickly!" Wang Qing said beside him.

The camera has been turned off.

Ye Tian and the others got into the car quickly.

On the Internet, fans have already posted about the encounter.

[Ah, ah, ah, let me show you the female goose up close. 】

【Ahhhhhhh, isn't it so pretty? 】

[My sweet is still so delicious (delicious). 】

[The picture quality of the landlord is really too blurry, but even if it is blurry, it can't hide my daughter's beauty! 】

[Ye Tian is really amazing! 】

[I also ran into her in the supermarket, she is so beautiful, so beautiful, the photos can't capture her beauty at all!I declare that Ye Tian is the least photogenic female artist! 】

[Meet by chance, meet by chance, hehe, this is Tiantian's autograph, and I also helped everyone get 5000 million fan benefits [picture.jpg], praise me! 】

As soon as the news of this friend came out, Ye Tian's fans immediately exploded.

[Sister, what kind of angel are you, fan benefits! ! ! ! 】

[My God, sister, you are the benefactor of our milk, how can you be so patient! 】

[Fan benefits?Has Ye Tian finally thought of her fans by Daming Lake? 】

Ye Tian's fans are cheering here, and the other fans are similar.

The few friends in the group really haven't shown their faces for too long.

【Snow, my snow is still so rustling! 】

[Shu Ruxue, can you come out for business! 】

[Shu Ruxue is a heartless woman, she forgot that she has fans! 】

Shu Ruxue's fans are the most excited, after all, Shu Ruxue often forgets to post red eyes.

The fans of several other people are also very excited, of course, Shi Fei's fans have a different style of painting.

[My sister went to help the poor again. 】

[Those bastards really have the face to walk with the top sister, if it were me, I would find a crack in the ground and sneak in. 】

[Hexagram except for Shi Fei, other people want works but no works, want popularity but not popularity. 】

[No, it's your sister who sucks blood! 】

[vomit, vomit, it's really disgusting, this group is already so muddled, why don't you let each other go? 】

[To be honest, the other people are really confused, only because Ye Tian has been with Qi Ye in the drama recently, it's a bit hot, but that's just because of Qi Ye! 】

[Feifei is still beautiful alone, Feifei has been too busy recently, and she has to go back to the small paste to help the poor, it's really hard work! 】

Shi Fei's fans here are basically brainwashed because there are big fans who lead the rhythm.

Countless people think that Shi Fei is really popular, others are really confused, Shi Fei is the hottest in the world, and other people don't know where they are confused.

[I heard that Feifei has a good variety show recently, but Starlight Entertainment doesn't allow it.Also threatened with a contract, is it true? 】

After being rejected by Ai Jia, Shi Fei had a countermeasure.

(End of this chapter)

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