752 - Find it

"Brother Luo, I just saw that Ye Tian's agent went to the program team."

"Qi Ye's manager also went, I don't know why."

"Perhaps there is some dissatisfaction with the process. People are now able to put forward conditions. We are different. We still have to do what others say."

Several boys were putting on makeup, talking while doing makeup.

"On our side, Luo Min is qualified to raise the conditions. Luo Min has almost 3000 million fans now, right?"

When Ye Tian made his debut before, he only had around 2000 million fans. Luo Min's number soared to 3000 million after he debuted not long ago, which is comparable to the average traffic.

Moreover, the most frightening thing is, he has only been out for a few months?

"We are in this TV station, what qualifications do we have to ask for conditions? To this TV station, 3000 million fans are nothing more than mediocrity."

A boy next to him said that there was not particularly harmony in their team.

We all come from fighting, boys and girls are naturally different.

Those of them who can make their debut now, which one is not calculating and calculating?
The success of the previous Starlight Girls led to the frightening quality of their young boys participating in the draft this time.

After [-] to [-], everyone left behind is very good. Except for Luo Min, the rest of the people only confirmed their debut position at the last moment. Before that, everyone's position was vacillating.

The gap between No.2 and No.20 is not particularly large.

Moreover, this time, this is just Starlight Entertainment's investment, and the director team is not as good as the previous rules.

For the sake of ratings and various discussions, the program group maliciously edited, and various accidents emerged one after another.

Even Xingguang Entertainment was scolded countless times, saying that Xingguang Entertainment's son and daughter were treated differently.

The previous six-pointed stars had group dramas after their debut, but they didn't have them here.

There are not many songs by the team.

It's been a few months since I debuted, and I haven't held a concert tour. It looks like it's been released.

In fact, if it weren't for the presence of Ye Tian, ​​Starlight Girl would not have arranged all kinds of activities so thoughtfully.

After all, in this team, there is only one person from Starlight Entertainment, and the rest are artists from other people's families.

It's two companies that jointly own the team for two years, so there's always going to be problems.

"Sister Min sent a message in the group just now, saying that the time for our tour has been set." After several months of debut and such a long blank period, the tour was arranged for them.

However, everyone's fans are not particularly large, at least they don't have the confidence to oppose the company.

If the company is good, they have their own individual resources in the past few months, but if the company is not good, they are waiting for the resources of the team.

"That's not bad."

"Sister Min asked us to behave well tonight."

"This recording will be aired next week."

After finishing speaking, the people in the whole lounge started talking again.

At this time, their manager Li Min found Xu Ying.

"Brother Xu, Brother Xu." Li Min smiled.

Xu Ying looked at each other and frowned. They belonged to the same company, and in the circle of brokers, it can be said that they looked down and saw each other.

(End of this chapter)

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