Chapter 753

"What's the matter?"

"It's not a coincidence. The regiment under us is also here. We're done for the night, why don't we have dinner together?"

Li Min envied Xu Ying for having countless resources in his hands. The other party only had Ye Tian in his hands, but he was very powerful. Xu Ying could have access to any resources in the company.

She has several other artists under her command, and Xu Ying has only one. If the two of them can establish a good relationship, they might be able to get more resources in the future.

"No, Ye Tian is still training tomorrow, so I have to go back to rest early after today's end." Xu Ying didn't like the person in front of him.

Her method of robbing resources was too lowly, Xu Ying thought that she was an upright gentleman and couldn't do those nasty things.

When he was not in Starlight Entertainment before, he heard a lot of rumors.

Now that I am in Starlight Entertainment, I hear more things.

If possible, he is willing to say that the other party will never get in touch with each other.

"Is it so urgent? It's just a training camp, and there is no announcement." In her opinion, such a training camp is just a formality, and it is enough to tell fans that we are doing everything carefully for this album.

Are Ye Tian and the others really serious about the training camp?

And in such a short period of time, can the strength be increased by one layer?

"We attach great importance to the training camp. After all, after the album, we have to face the fans. There will be a disbandment tour next year, so we can't be careless."

"If you have nothing else to do, then I'll go first." Xu Ying didn't want to ask the other party to stay longer.

"It's all from the same company. I'll ask Ye Tian to take care of the others as a senior later on stage!" Li Min said behind Xu Ying.

Xu Ying didn't answer, just walked away.

Li Min snorted from behind: "What's the air, isn't it because there is Ye Tian in your hand?"

"I haven't seen you bring other artists." Xu Ying now has two other artists under his command.

However, both of them are following the route of actors.

Starlight Entertainment is slowly wanting to transform, and wants to transform from the largest idol incubation base before into a huge warship called a trinity of film, television and song.

Only in this way can we guarantee that our company will not be threatened by any forces in this circle.

If you want singers, I have singers, if you want actors, I have actors, if you want idols, I also have idols, and I can invest in movies, and I have the support of theaters.

Basically, a closed pipeline can be formed.

If the links of our own company are complete, we will not receive too many constraints from other companies.

In terms of directors, Starlight Entertainment has been constantly looking for new talented people.

The recording officially started, the fans below sat down, and the stage went dark.

This is the opening part of this variety show. The artist and host sing together to open the show.

Ye Tian and Qi Ye were naturally singing the song by Wang Qing and An Yunle.

After the two separated, it caused a burst of screaming from below.

The two were wearing school uniforms, looking at each other and singing love songs.

[Ahhh, I'm dead, Ye Tian is so beautiful! 】

Ye Tian's fans knew that today was the time for Ye Tian to record a variety show, and they were staring at Chaohua.

According to the rules, I can't say the specifics, but other things don't matter.

[Sang a love song, sang duet, I love that look! 】

【! ! ! 】

[Sweet cub, mom doesn't allow it! 】

(End of this chapter)

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