Chapter 763 What to do?
The PR department of Starlight Entertainment quickly took action.

Ye Ming was already dealing with some matters in the company, and he was really furious when he saw the comments on the Internet.

"Look, is there any sign of the navy's push?"

"Call Shi Fei's manager and ask what's going on?"

"Find out the contract signed with Shi Fei and ruin the relationship within the team. I just lost a sum of money, right? I want her to pay another sum!" Ye Ming walked around in the office angrily.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore and walked directly to the office of the PR department.

The public relations department at the moment is also brightly lit.

"Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Ye."

"It's already on the hot searches!" Ye Tian's popularity is high, but Shi Fei's side is not too high. Every time Shi Fei's popularity has not reached the level that needs to be controlled by the official side.

Therefore, Shi Fei's fans expressed dissatisfaction with these words, which quickly became popular searches.

People clicked into the hot search, and it seemed that something was wrong.

Many of Shi Fei's fans are directly using Ye Tian's name to scold, and the top few trending articles are all about this incident.

[Before Ye Tian went out to record a variety show, Starlight Entertainment did not stop it. We thought that the training camp should not delay the artist's development time. Under the circumstances that the artist can guarantee his professional ability, why should the artist be forced to conduct the training camp? This is not a waste The time and life of an entertainer?

Filipino fans had only three demands for this incident:
1. Starlight Entertainment shall bear all the losses of Shi Fei

2. Give Shi Feihe the same treatment as other artists

3. Starlight Entertainment should compensate Shi Fei for the resources and reputation lost this time, and compensate Shi Fei.

Fans' demands are reasonable, Starlight Entertainment don't pretend to be dead@星光娱乐】

Such a article, if people who don't know the truth of the matter read it, they will really be more confused.

[This... Starlight Entertainment is too much, right? 】

[Although I didn't like Shi Fei's before, but Starlight Entertainment really went too far this time. They are all six-pointed star people, and they are all in training camp. You can't just open the back door just because Ye Tian is your Starlight Entertainment employee, right? 】

[emmm... Shi Fei was really wronged in this group. I felt that the other people were a little bit interested in reporting to the group. Shi Fei was isolated, right? 】

[Shi Fei's fans are also really funny. Just because you insult Ye Tian, ​​you can tell that it's not a good thing. If you just went to Starlight Entertainment, what does it have to do with Ye Tian? 】

[Ye Tian's fans should stop pretending to be passers-by, okay?Do you want to be shameless? 】

【Ye Tian's fans don't come here!This is the super talk of our rights protection! 】

[Ye Tian's fans are creeping up on you, if you say one more word, your boss will die a day early! 】

After Ye Tian's fans saw the news sent by Shi Fei's fans, they felt very uncomfortable.

Starlight Entertainment saw the form of fallacy and had to take measures.

But at present, what should be done to make Ye Tian suffer the least damage.

And also to protect the interests of the entire team.

After all, the new album will be released soon, if there is a problem with Shi Fei, it will affect the sales of this album.

But, if you don't deal with Shi Fei...

Everyone thought this way and looked at the expression of their boss.

If you don't deal with Shi Fei, I'm afraid it won't work, and the boss won't agree.

"Ignore her for now, let's clarify, has the navy investigated and understood?"

"The investigation revealed that someone hired the navy."

"Okay, send a message and clarify directly!"

 Sorry, I'm sorry that this time will be relatively busy, so the update is relatively less, everyone forgive me~
(End of this chapter)

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