Chapter 764 Related Accounts

Shi Fei's accident has indeed affected the value of the Hexagram brand.

But no matter what, Ye Tian is the most important thing, it doesn't matter if the brand of Hexagram is gone.

What's more, according to the provisions of the contract, the artist will bear all the losses caused by the artist.

Shi Fei's actions reflected that Ye Tian was hacked this time, which affected Hexagram. After Starlight Entertainment clarified, people would think that Shi Fei was bad, which would affect Hexagram.

After these two trips, Shi Fei will definitely lose [-]% of what he lost.

Ye Ming was staring blankly at the red-eyed ring face enlarged on the screen in front of the office.

Now it's nighttime, when everyone is having fun.

[Starlight Entertainment is not usually positive about everything?Can't come out to talk now?Feel guilty? 】

[I have to give Shi Fei an explanation for this matter, right? 】

[Starlight Entertainment is too much, right? 】

[This is too unfair, but the workplace is like this, and the benefits of related households are much more than your hard work. 】

Someone deliberately guided Ye Tian towards the relationship side.

Things changed from the entertainment industry to the workplace.

After all, who hasn't met so few related households?
I have encountered it before, obviously I have made much more efforts than others, but in the end I get nothing.

Some people idle around every day, but they can get more things than themselves.

Let me ask, who wants to?
This incident gave many people a chance to vent their anger. Countless people insulted Ye Tian on the Internet, wanting to let Xingguang Entertainment come out and give everyone an explanation.

Even under the two brands that Ye Tian endorsed, there were people talking about it.

But the two brands are not something to mess with, so I didn't say it directly.

[Y&T: Don't know the whole picture, please don't comment, believe and always believe what you believe. 】

[Mainline V: The spokesperson is so beautiful [picture]]

After the two brands ended, everyone's emotions reached their peak directly.

[Standing on the streets for this kind of thing?Is this the so-called top luxury?Learned, learned! 】

[vomit, I will never buy anything from your house again! 】

[This is the so-called luxury?Are you openly on the side of the related household?It really is the world of capital? 】

[Who is behind Ye Tian? 】

Ye Tian's fans were also very anxious when they saw the situation on the Internet.

[The shooting that day was only for one afternoon, and it was a weekend. It was a time for rest. What's wrong with going out and doing your own things? 】

[The recording of Shi Fei's show will take a week, right?A week of recording time compared to our day?Are we wrong? 】

Everyone knows that the traveling variety show needs to go out for a week. After all, it is going abroad to shoot, and sometimes it will go to far away places.

But on this issue, it seems that many people have ignored it, and agreed to call a variety show that does not require a day's recording time and a variety show that needs to be recorded for a week.

Can this be the same?

[Ye Tian Support Club V: Please be rational, everyone. We all know that Ye Tian has made no mistakes in this matter. He went out to work during the rest time. He made no mistakes at all. Please keep quiet and wait for the company to deal with it. 】

The support club has already contacted the company, and the company tells everyone not to worry, everything will be taken care of.

Just after the news from the support club was sent out, the company sent a message.

(End of this chapter)

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