Chapter 106 Meeting Luffy Again
In a dry desert, Luffy and his party were all wrapped up tightly, sweating profusely.Of course, Ace with the fur hat is a fire in itself, but he is very comfortable.

At this moment, a tail-shaped thing suddenly appeared on the sand dune ahead.

Lu Fei's eyes lit up, and he walked over, seeing the thing as thick as an arm wobbling, he tugged it a few times with a puzzled look on his face.

The next moment, a giant lizard more than ten meters long suddenly emerged from the sand and stared fiercely at Luffy.

"Wow! It's a monster again!" Usopp and the others screamed in fright, and Ace smiled.

Just when Sauron and the others pulled out their swords and were about to step forward to help Luffy, an even bigger dragon, tens of meters long, suddenly fell from the sky, and its claws immediately held down the lizard firmly. .

"Wow, here comes another monster!" Chopper was startled, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

This time not only Usopp, but even Sanji and the others had cold sweat on their foreheads, only Ace frowned and stared at the dragon's back.

A lazy voice suddenly came from the dragon's back.

"Sorry, my dragon is a little hungry, so let me give this lizard to me."

Luffy let go of his hand, blinked his eyes a few times, and said, "This voice is so familiar." After that, in Luffy's sight, a person lazily got up from the back of the dragon and waved at him. .

"Oh! It's uncle! Long time no see, haha!" Seeing Lu Zhuo's appearance, Lu Fei immediately remembered and laughed.

However, Sauron and the others were all taken aback, looking at the figure vigilantly, especially Ace, with his brows furrowed and his expression puzzled.

Qiaoba didn't know Lu Zhuo, but he looked at Lu Zhuo very scared. In his opinion, a person who can use a dragon as a mount must be terrible.

Princess Weiwei looked at Luffy and his party beside her suspiciously, wondering why their reactions were different.

"Who is he, do you know him?"

"Oh, yes, he is my friend, he treated me to a meal!" Luffy replied with a smile.

Sauron and Lucy on the side suddenly showed a demonic expression, and shouted: "This is how we become friends!"

"Lu Fei is right, they are friends, right, Ace." Lu Zhuo smiled and greeted Ace.

Ace looked at Lu Zhuo with a frown, and asked in a deep voice, "Didn't you already declare a challenge to Dad, why did you appear here?"

"You talk about that, don't worry, I'm Qiwuhai now, I can't find Whitebeard to fight alone for no reason." Lu Zhuo rubbed his chin and said with a smile: "Have you found Blackbeard?"

As soon as Blackbeard was mentioned, Ace showed a cold expression on his face.


At this time, Lu Zhuo's giant dragon had swallowed the lizard with a few mouthfuls.

Princess Weiwei at the side already knew Lu Zhuo's identity from Lucy.

In fact, Lu Zhuo, the sword god of Qiwuhai, has long been famous in the world, but because he is too young, he doesn't have any iconic attire, and he is too popular, so it is difficult for people to recognize him at once.

"Your Excellency Sword God, what are you doing here?" Weiwei looked at Lu Zhuo nervously and asked in a low voice.

Because the Crocodile they were going to deal with was also one of the Qiwuhai, she thought Lu Zhuo was here to help Crocodile.

Lu Zhuo looked at her and smiled, and said, "I just came to see Luffy and the others, and I happened to meet Ace again. But that guy Crocodile probably hates me now and gnashes his teeth."

"Huh?" After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Weiwei looked at Lu Zhuo suspiciously, and a few different lights flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Lu Zhuo noticed this, and made Lu Zhuo secretly laugh.Sure enough, Princess Weiwei is not a vase, she is a very strategic girl, but she is still worse than Robin.

"Do you still remember the riot a few years ago? It was a fight between me and Crocodile." Lu Zhuo said the details of this unsolved case indifferently.

After listening to Lu Zhuo's words, Princess Weiwei's pretty face was full of surprise. It turned out that the incident a few years ago was like this!
"If you want to know the details, I can tell you, anyway, I'm bored now." Lu Zhuo smiled, and said to Princess Weiwei: "Come on, my dragon is quite powerful. "

Weiwei was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Luffy and the others beside him. Although Sauron and the others were still very vigilant, the captain Luffy seemed rather happy, and even started playing with the dragon.

After thinking for a while, Weiwei accepted Lu Zhuo's invitation.

"Hey, Uncle, our destination is Alabasta, the country of Princess Weiwei, are you going there too?" Luffy asked, looking at Lu Zhuo on the dragon's back.

Lu Zhuo chuckled, and said, "I'll take it as a tourist, and I'll meet that guy Crocodile by the way. Of course, I won't interfere with your actions. By the way, don't call me uncle, okay, you can directly Call me by my name, my name is Lu Zhuo."

"Then let's go! Lu Zhuo." Lu Fei laughed.

Ace was silent at the side, and Lucy looked at Luffy helplessly, but Lu Zhuo did not show any hostility, which also made Lucy and Sanji relax a little.

Sauron was the only one who kept staring at Lu Zhuo, but that was mostly because of the swordsman's instinct. He wanted to challenge Lu Zhuo, but he knew he was still weak, so he endured it.

A blanket was spread on the back of the giant dragon. Under the influence of Lu Zhuo's deliberate power, the surrounding area of ​​the dragon's body was covered with a cool and moist feeling, completely different from the climate of the desert, which made Weiwei even more surprised .

After listening to the story told by Lu Zhuo, Weiwei understood a lot, and was also surprised that her country hides the clues of the historical text and the ancient weapon Pluto.

"Your Excellency Sword God..."

"Don't call me Your Excellency Sword God, you can just call me Lu Zhuo." Lu Zhuo interrupted Princess Weiwei with a smile.

Princess Weiwei looked at Lu Zhuo with more respect in her heart.

Those high-ranking big shots, who doesn't look at the people below like ants, this is the first time she has seen such an approachable big shot like Lu Zhuo.

"Lu...Zhuo. Since you have some issues with Crocodile, I would like you to deal with him, okay?" Weiwei looked at Lu Zhuo with expectant eyes.

Lu Zhuo replied indifferently: "I will not directly attack Crocodile."

After saying this, seeing Weiwei's eyes dimmed, Lu Zhuo continued, "Isn't there someone below who wants to help you? Why do you ask me for help?"

The dragon is flying in the sky, and there are naturally Luffy and others on the ground.

Weiwei shook her head, bit her lip and said, "Although they are also very strong, they will not be Crocodile's opponents."

(End of this chapter)

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