Chapter 107 Help
To be honest, Lu Zhuo was also somewhat puzzled.Nicole Robin, who seems to be the only one who can decipher the historical text, is now on Luzhuo's ship.

Then why did Crocodile go to great lengths to destroy Alabasta? Through the original book, Lu Zhuo knew that Crocodile's purpose was only for Hades.

All these doubts flashed in Lu Zhuo's mind, and Lu Zhuo didn't take them to heart.

For the current Lu Zhuo, this kind of thing is at best a little fun after tea and dinner.As one of the weakest two in Qiwuhai, Crocodile is a one-shot kill in Lu Zhuo's hands.

Even if the plot is changed because of Lu Zhuo, making Crocodile much stronger than in the original book, it is still impossible to reach the top general.

What's more, even a top general, for the current Lu Zhuo, he is still an instant kill!This is a swordsman who has reached the terrifying strength of the elite Four Emperors.

Looking at Princess Weiwei beside him, Lu Zhuo said lightly: "Don't worry, Luffy and the others will definitely defeat Crocodile. Even if they can't, I promise you, I will take action when necessary."

After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Weiwei's gloomy eyes sparkled again.She looked at Lu Zhuo and said gratefully, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, it's just to pass the time." Lu Zhuo smiled, then lay down, closed his eyes and rested.

The giant dragon flies in the sky, because of its large size, it is also very stable, without any bumps at all.

But seeing Lu Zhuo lying down beside her to rest, Wei Wei was stunned.It seems... I can't go down?

Forget it, it's more comfortable here anyway.After curling her lips, Weiwei also rested aside.The blanket is so big that it won't squeeze even five people lying on it.

A few days passed in a flash, and after experiencing several branch plots, when Lu Zhuo was already a little bored, Ace finally had to part with Luffy.

After saying goodbye to Lu Fei and the others, Ace came to Lu Zhuo with an apology on his face, and said, "I know there will definitely be a battle between you and Dad, and we will be enemies. However, I still want to ask you one thing."

"Finish." Lu Zhuo sighed, looked at Ace, and roughly guessed his request.

"If... if I fail, please help me take care of Luffy, okay?"

It's unbelievable that these words came out of Ace's mouth.You know, even in the face of Whitebeard, Ace was not discouraged, and fought countless times, until he was moved by Whitebeard's courage, and he became Whitebeard's son.

Such a person, like Lu Fei, who is not afraid of facing even the strongest people, actually said such words, which shows how deep the relationship between him and Lu Fei is!

Lu Zhuo nodded silently.

At this time, Ace is actually already on the verge of riding a tiger.Perhaps he already knew that he was no match for Blackbeard.But bearing the name of Whitebeard, he must fight Blackbeard!This is the dignity of Whitebeard, the dignity of being a member of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Seeing Lu Zhuo nodding, Ace suddenly laughed, stepped forward, patted Lu Zhuo on the shoulder, and said, "This is just an insurance policy, I will not lose, I am Fire Fist Ace!"

This sentence is just like Ace!Lu Zhuo looked at Ace, smiled slightly, and said, "Blackbeard will die sooner or later, and it can be regarded as an end to the weak friendship between us."

In this way, Ace finally embarked on the road to fight against Blackbeard.It's not that the burning fruit is necessarily weaker than the dark fruit, or because Ace is too immature to develop the burning fruit.

Ace's flame will also be restrained by Akainu's magma, which has always made Lu Zhuo sigh.

No matter how high the temperature of the magma is, it can be several thousand degrees at most.However, the power of the flame has unlimited potential. What if it reaches tens of thousands of degrees, or hundreds of thousands of degrees?
I'm afraid Akainu's magma will be burned to ashes in an instant!

After parting with Ace, Lu Zhuo started part of his own plan.

What he can help Luffy and others is to tell them the direction of development in advance.Although Lu Zhuo really wanted to teach them domineering directly, but it was too late in terms of time.

You know, even Lu Zhuo took more than a year to complete the training of domineering.

Under Lu Zhuo's guidance, Lu Fei quickly learned the second and third gears, and his strength skyrocketed instantly. Although he was still very weak in Lu Zhuo's view, but with the protagonist's aura, it should be no problem to beat Crocodile. big.

As for Sauron, Lu Zhuo found that he seemed unable to be friends with him.It is difficult to be friends among swordsmen, especially when there is such a huge gap in strength between the two of them.

Helpless, Lu Zhuo could only swing his sword twice in front of Sauron.

A sword represents the breath of all things, cutting off the power of steel.A sword is a pure sword pressing the sword glow, the key to advancing into a swordsman.

There was no instruction in any language, just a demonstration, which greatly improved Sauron's strength. Even Lu Zhuo had to admire Sauron's talent in the way of swordsmanship.

By the time he arrived in Alabasta, Sauron's swordsmanship was very close to that of a swordsman, and the pressure of the sword even seemed to be cohesive.

From Lu Zhuo's point of view, the setting of the plot in this world is also just right, just for Sauron to improve his strength in the battle with the owner of the Zhan Zhan fruit and become a swordsman.

As for Sanji's leg skills, Lu Zhuo also gave some pointers. Although Lu Zhuo is not proficient in this, the shaving and moon steps in the sixth navy style are still of great help to Sanji.

Although Sanji at this time, his physical strength is not yet able to use the moon steps.But there is no problem with shaving.

As for Usopp, Lu Zhuo tentatively taught him a little knowledgeable arrogance, and let him understand it by himself.

Chopper really has nothing to teach, but Lucy surprised Lu Zhuo.

Almost exactly the same as Nami, the ability to perceive and predict the weather far exceeds those of meteorology experts, and at the same time, the weapon is also weather-friendly.

If Nami didn't have such a fruit, I'm afraid she would always use the weather stick as a weapon.

That being the case, Lu Zhuo has nothing to teach.

Only Princess Weiwei wanted to make friends with Lu Zhuo almost backwards during this period of time.Because she knew that the most important thing was Lu Zhuo. As long as Lu Zhuo was willing, he might be able to solve Alabasta's crisis with a wave of his hand.

Originally, for Princess Weiwei, Lu Zhuo thought that the harem was relatively large, but Lu Zhuo still had no resistance to the beauties who were upside down.

Although Weiwei is very good at playing tricks until the end, how can she control a character like Lu Zhuo who is reckless in the love scene.

(End of this chapter)

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