Chapter 108 Weiwei's Pleading

In the sky, a giant green dragon hovered and danced. On its back, Lu Zhuo was lying there lazily, letting Weiwei rub his shoulders for him.This kind of life is quite comfortable.

But Luffy and others below are suffering.Although Lu Zhuo can also wave his hands to make them relax, the exercise between them cannot be interrupted.

Especially Lu Fei, who hates practice the most and is extremely naughty, is often taught by Lu Zhuo, and named in the name of Ace, which makes Lu Fei very helpless. He has already gone to sea, and unexpectedly met another guy like his grandfather , what a pain.

However, after more than a week of traveling together, Lu Fei and his party also accepted Lu Zhuo's existence.

Seeing the black shadow gradually appearing in the distance, Lu Zhuo sat up and said to Wei Wei: "Your destination has arrived, do you want to go down?"

"En." Weiwei nodded, and Lu Zhuo sent her down.

In fact, Lu Zhuo already knew that the rebel army was not here, and had already started to attack the palace.However, he didn't want to interfere too much with the plot, so he still didn't disclose the news directly, and let Luffy and his party go to find Crocodile.

Besides, Weiwei is a bit scheming girl.Lu Zhuo doesn't dislike women's scheming, just like Robin, but he likes it.But Lu Zhuo doesn't like it very much if he uses this scheming on himself.

Therefore, Lu Zhuo decided to leave the final choice to Weiwei.For himself, although there are many beauties in the world of One Piece, he already has enough.

While watching Lu Fei and others rushing towards Crocodile's base, Lu Zhuo released the dragon and let it fly back by itself.Anyway, this dragon is now a sea, land and air amphibious animal, so it can also find Murloc Island.

After that, Lu Zhuo hid in the dark and watched the development of the matter.

Lu Zhuo wanted to laugh when he saw that Smoker was also locked in that iron cage.He also thought about Da Siqi, after being trained by him, the girl finally didn't dare to confront him head-on, and obediently learned swordsmanship with Rebecca.

The only thing that surprised Lu Zhuo was that after Robin was taken away by him, Crocodile found another person who knew ancient characters, also a woman.

But no matter how the world makes up for the plot, it can't make the plot that has been destroyed by Lu Zhuo perfect again.Although that woman could also decipher ancient characters, she was far inferior to Robin in terms of scheming and appearance.

Crocodile looked at Luffy and others who were locked in the cage with a sinister smile, and then invited Wei Wei up.

Weiwei looked at Crocodile with anger in her eyes.At the same time, she was looking forward to it. She knew that Lu Zhuo must be here, and she hoped that Lu Zhuo would directly attack Crocodile.

However, Lu Zhuo still chose to stand by and let the matter continue to develop.

Until Crocodile left here and walked into the water pipe channel, a voice floated over.

"I'm curious, why do you have to get Pluto? Are you so unconfident that you can't fight against the world government by yourself?"

Hearing this voice, Crocodile's expression froze, and he shouted, "Who? Come out!"

"You answer my question first, we should have a common enemy."

After hearing this sentence, Crocodile's face was gloomy, and he shouted angrily: "You are... Lu Zhuo? Bastard, what are you doing here?"

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo came out from the darkness, and said with a smile: "I heard my voice, I said, you and I should have a common enemy, the World Government, don't need to treat me as an enemy."

"Hmph!" Crocodile snorted coldly, his body instantly turned into a ball of sand, and rushed towards Lu Zhuo.

"So, how about that incident a few years ago? Do you want me to bear it?!"

Looking at Crocodile who rushed over, Lu Zhuo shook his head and stomped lightly.The emperor's domineering aura and sword domain erupted in an instant, and they pressed against the ball of sand.

With a bang, the sand suddenly exploded, barely condensing into the air again, but still unable to bear the pressure, it exploded again!

After it collapsed several times in a row, Lu Zhuo let out a cold snort and withdrew his strength.

Looking at Crocodile, who was condensing his body again, his face was a little pale, with a look of horror, Lu Zhuo said indifferently: "You are still so weak, I just want to beat you, you are weak, you have to obey!"

After hearing this sentence, Crocodile's face flashed with anger, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.Then, he suddenly calmed down and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Sure enough, as rumored, domineering and powerful. I am also very surprised, why didn't you just kill me?" Crocodile stared at Lu Zhuo and sneered.

A few years ago, Lu Zhuo had a chance to kill him.But Lu Zhuo kept his hand. Now, Lu Zhuo could also kill him with a sword, but he didn't feel the murderous intent from Lu Zhuo.

"Maybe it's just because your goal is the world government, maybe it's because I don't want to interfere with too many things, maybe..." Lu Zhuo said, but a trace of confusion suddenly appeared in his eyes, but the confusion flashed away.

Afterwards, Lu Zhuo's body slowly disappeared into the darkness, and only one sentence came.

"That girl Weiwei is now my maid. Although she is only a maid, she is not someone to be insulted casually. This is a lesson..."

Looking at Lu Zhuo's back, a trace of anger flashed across Crocodile's face, and he punched the wall beside him.

"Weiwei? Damn it, but what is your purpose, Lu Zhuo?"

Lu Zhuo who came out saw Princess Weiwei running outside, wanting to go to the capital before the rebel army arrived.But at this time, Weiwei looked very embarrassed.

Lu Zhuo sighed, he is still a soft-hearted person.

Thinking of this, with a movement of his body, he flashed in front of Weiwei and stopped her.

Weiwei was startled when she saw that there was suddenly another person in front of her.When she saw that it was Lu Zhuo, she suddenly stepped forward, hugged Lu Zhuo's waist, and said, "Help me, okay? It's just a little effort for you..."


After hearing these words, Princess Weiwei was shocked.

Lu Zhuo agreed?Lu Zhuo actually agreed?
After hearing Lu Zhuo's promised words, Weiwei knew that her country was saved.Heart a sore, tears welled up from the eyes.

Lu Zhuo gently wiped away her tears, and said with a smile: "You can be regarded as my maid now, I order you not to cry!"

"She's a princess!" Weiwei curled her lips and looked at Lu Zhuo helplessly.

Lu Zhuo smiled, and the Kong Zhanjian suddenly came out of its sheath, and then he picked up Weiwei at once, and flew towards the distance in an instant while controlling the Kong Zhanjian.

With Lu Zhuo's speed, he arrived at the capital almost instantly.Almost 10 minutes faster than the rebels.

(End of this chapter)

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