Chapter 109 Ending the Rebellion
Princess Weiwei saw Lu Zhuo show his strength for the first time, although she already knew that Lu Zhuo was very strong, very strong.But when she returned to the palace in an instant, she was still speechless in shock.

If Lu Zhuo hadn't considered going too fast, Weiwei's body couldn't adapt, and the speed could have been faster.

She quickly ran into the palace, and the guards had already been summoned urgently.Lu Zhuo followed her, and soon saw the king of Alabasta, her father, Naferutali, Cobra.

Legend has it that the Naferutali family was one of the twenty royal families that established the world government 800 years ago.Lu Zhuo also wanted to get some clues from Cobra.

Although the current Lu Zhuo can completely control Zhankong and fly directly to the last island, Rafdru.But in that case, even if he knows the secret, without the corresponding strength, it may be very dangerous.

He did not believe that for such an important island, the world government would not monitor it.

Therefore, becoming the One Piece does not mean sailing to Ralph Drew.It is to have the power to shock the entire sea and make all the pirates on the sea surrender!

To have such power, at least the top four emperors.In other words, only the strength of the top four emperors can bear that secret.

However, if he can secretly get some clues from other ways without letting the world government know, Lu Zhuo will naturally be better prepared.

When Cobra saw Vivi coming back, surprise appeared on his face.

"Weiwei, it's great that you're back safely!"

Weiwei and Cobra hugged each other, then looked at Lu Zhuo behind him, and said, "Dad, he sent me back."

"Oh? You are..." Cobra noticed Lu Zhuo at this moment, but took a few steps back in shock the next moment.

"One of the seven seas of martial arts under the king, the sword god Lu Zhuo? Why are you here! What conspiracy do you have with Crocodile!"

Cobra looked at Lu Zhuo warily, and his body trembled.One Qiwuhai has already subverted the whole country. If there is another Qiwuhai, their country may really perish!

Weiwei quickly explained: "He is here to help us, he and Crocodile are not in the same group."

"How is it possible, we have no friendship with him at all!" Cobra looked at Lu Zhuo coldly, with vigilance in his eyes.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly and said: "Of course there is a little friendship, your daughter is now my maid, um, that's it, so I decided to intervene."

"What?!" Cobra was furious, Weiwei was his daughter, Her Royal Highness the Princess of Alabasta.What would Lu Zhuo call her... a maid?
Damn, even Qiwuhai is too much!
Seeing Cobra who was furious in an instant and was about to come up to fight Lu Zhuo desperately, Weiwei looked helpless and hurriedly stopped Cobra, while giving Lu Zhuo an annoyed look.

It's okay to joke around between the two, how can I say it directly, or tell her father.

On the other hand, Lu Zhuo laughed. It was indeed a bit boring during this period, making some jokes is a good way to relieve tension and fatigue.

At this moment, the soldiers outside suddenly ran in and said in panic, "It's not good! The rebel army has already arrived at the city! They are about to attack!"

When Cobra heard this, he was immediately surprised, and he didn't care about Lu Zhuo anymore, and shouted: "All the guards obey the order and must guard!"

Although he knew that everything was a conspiracy by Crocodile, but now that the two armies are at war, it seems too late to say anything.

Weiwei showed panic in her eyes, and said: "No, we can't fight, let me stop this war!"

"The war has already begun, and it cannot be stopped." Cobra sighed, grabbing the weapons beside him.

"No, there is still hope. Lu Zhuo, didn't you promise to help me?" Weiwei looked at Lu Zhuo in a panic, begging.

Lu Zhuo smiled slightly and said, "I can only help my little maid, but your father doesn't seem to admit it, so I can't help it."

"You! Weiwei is my princess, you are too much!" Cobra looked at Lu Zhuo angrily, but hesitation suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this, Weiwei said without hesitation: "As long as you can stop this war and save my country, I am willing to be your maid!"

"No! Weiwei, how can you..."

"Father, in order to save this country, anything can be sacrificed!" Weiwei looked at Cobra firmly, and then looked at Lu Zhuo.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhuo sighed helplessly, then smiled, and said: "It's really a touching scene, I like your character, what you said before was just a joke, after this war is over, it's okay for the Ming media to get married, from today Since you are my woman, no one in this world can bully you anymore and make you cry!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Zhuo paused, a few afterimages of his body flashed in the air, and he came outside.

Looking at the capital Albana, which was already in complete chaos, Lu Zhuo looked calm, and the emperor's arrogance burst out in an instant!

In an instant, in the entire country, except for Cobra and Weiwei who were deliberately taken care of by Lu Zhuo, everyone else lost consciousness and passed out instantly!
Like dominoes, with Lu Zhuo at the center, both the rebel army and the king's army fell to the ground!

How powerful is Lu Zhuo's emperor-like arrogance? In the original book, Luffy's overlord-like arrogance can kill 5 people in a single thought, not to mention that most of these rebels and kings are ordinary people?

Walking out of the palace, both Cobra and Vivi were overwhelmed by the scene in front of them.

Lu Zhuo floated down from the sky, came to them, and said with a smile: "It's over, when they all wake up, they can naturally explain it slowly."

"Is this your power? It's... so powerful!" Cobra said with horror in his eyes, "That Crocodile..."

Lu Zhuo waved his hand and said, "Don't compare me with that trash. After a while, maybe the title of the world's strongest man will be mine. How about it, is it worthy of your daughter?"

Hearing Lu Zhuo mention this, Weiwei's pretty face instantly blushed.In order to save the country before, she didn't think about her own affairs at all. Now that the rebellion is over, when she thinks that she is going to marry, that kind of girl's reserve is displayed on her body.

Cobra opened his mouth, as if to say something, and finally swallowed.After looking at Lu Zhuo helplessly, he took the few remaining people who were not unconscious and began to tidy up the battlefield.

But Lu Zhuo smiled, then suddenly turned around, hugged Weiwei, and said, "Let's go to a good show."

(End of this chapter)

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