Chapter 110 The battle is over
Being hugged by Lu Zhuo all of a sudden, Weiwei's face turned redder, and her heartbeat started to speed up.

Although it's not that she hasn't been hugged by Lu Zhuo before, but it was mostly because she took the initiative to befriend Lu Zhuo and played scheming.But now, when she thinks that the person holding her is her husband, she feels weak all over.

Lu Zhuo looked at her somewhat embarrassed look, but he didn't care, he directly kissed her on the pink lips, then paused, and led her to the sky.

At this moment, Crocodile and the Baroque studio fought and retreated, and finally entered the capital Albana.

Although the war in the city was directly ended by Lu Zhuo's emperor-like domineering, but because there were very few people who were not unconscious, Crocodile didn't care, but went straight to the funeral hall.

At the same time, Luffy and others also pursued all the way here.

Seeing how many people had fallen in the whole city, they gasped.

With sharp eyes, Usopp immediately saw Lu Zhuo who was holding Weiwei and floating in the air.

"Did you do this? Did you kill them all?" Usopp said in horror.

Lu Zhuo flew over with Wei Wei and said, "How is it possible, it just made them faint temporarily. But the culprit, Baroque Works, has also entered the city."

"You're so powerful, why don't you take care of them!" Usopp looked at Lu Zhuo tremblingly.

But Luffy stopped him all of a sudden, and said, "Because this is our task! Crocodile, I will defeat it!"

Looking at Lu Fei, Lu Zhuo nodded with a smile, turned and left.

"Thank you, Lu Zhuo!" Lu Fei thanked Lu Zhuo, and then rushed towards the Baroque Workers.

At the same time, they also have their own opponents, and for a while the battle in the city started again.

Lu Zhuo just hugged Weiwei, watching the battles everywhere from the air.

Although due to his own interference, Crocodile and Darth Nix who cut the fruit are much stronger than in the original book, but Luffy and Sauron are also much stronger than in the original book.

The battles everywhere will soon end.

There are only two battles that interest Lu Zhuo, one is Sauron's battle and the other is Luffy's battle.

Seeing Sauron desperately, with scars and blood splattered all over his body, Weiwei couldn't bear it, and said softly to Lu Zhuo, "Can't you help them?"

Lu Zhuo shook his head and said, "This is their path, they must walk it themselves. Just watch, they won't lose!"

As soon as Lu Zhuo finished speaking, an aura suddenly erupted from Sauron below, which surprised Lu Zhuo.

Sword potential!Absolutely right, this is the sword force!

As soon as Sauron broke through the sword master, he immediately gathered the sword power, this is like a cheating existence!
Down below, feeling the new power emerging from his body and the difference in the sword, Sauron gave Baonis a sneer smile and a ghost cut.

With a click, Baonis's steel body was instantly cut off!This time it was directly cut to death!
He killed Baonis with a single sword, but Sauron did not withdraw his sword, but looked at Lu Zhuo in the air with a fierce fighting intent in his eyes.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, stretched out his hand towards Sauron, put his index finger and middle finger together, and waved lightly.

The next moment, thousands of sword beams seemed to erupt in the air, crushing towards Sauron.

Those sword glows were so extreme that Sauron didn't even have time to react.

After countless bangs and explosions, a thick cloud of dust rose from the ground.

Weiwei looked at this scene in surprise. Although she knew that Lu Zhuo would not kill Sauron, she was shocked by the power. These were just Lu Zhuo's two fingers. If Lu Zhuo drew his sword, how strong would it be? ?

Even Lu Zhuo himself doesn't know how strong he is now.After a fight with Long, I can only feel that I am not strong enough.Perhaps only a fight with Whitebeard can really make Lu Zhuo hearty.

The dust dissipated below, and Sauron was squatting on the ground, supporting his body with the sword in his hand.

Except for the part under his feet, the surrounding area is like a mountain of knives rolling directly in a circle.The depth is tens of meters wide, and there are countless sword marks inside.

"Sure enough, is it still far behind? However, I will become stronger, and I will definitely surpass you!" Sauron raised his head, looked at Lu Zhuo, and then jumped out of the pit and left here.

With the end of the battle on Sauron's side, the battle on Luffy's side is also in full swing.

For the convenience of viewing, Lu Zhuo had already cut off the upper part of the funeral hall, which made Princess Weiwei complain about him for a long time.

Luffy, who has learned the second and third gears, is still not too easy to fight against Crocodile, who is stronger than in the original book.

In fact, if it weren't for Crocodile's weakness of being afraid of water, I am afraid that a person without domineering would be instantly killed in front of Crocodile.

However, with Luffy's angry roar, he finally blasted Crocodile away.

Looking at Crocodile who was knocked into the air, a trace of hatred flashed in Weiwei's eyes.Lu Zhuo sighed, it's a pity that this person died here.

Although the method is too cruel, it is indeed a talent.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhuo still caught the fallen Crocodile.

"Why did you save him?" Princess Weiwei couldn't help asking.

But Lu Zhuo said indifferently: "As the secrets of this world have been uncovered, I found that many people don't seem to deserve to die. To be precise, they shouldn't die at this time."

Weiwei's heart was shocked by these words, and she quickly asked, "Is there something important going to happen?"

Could it be something greater than the destruction of a kingdom?

Lu Zhuo sighed, he thought everything was under his control.But now I find that many things seem to be out of control.

Once the war on the top is over, he will reveal the real secret of the world, perhaps the final battle, the biggest event that he can't control will come.

But he didn't tell Weiwei about these things. After bringing Weiwei back to the palace, Lu Zhuo found Cobra again.

The two came to a secret room, and even Princess Weiwei did not come here.

Cobra looked at Lu Zhuo solemnly, and said, "I know only a little bit. I can tell you that it seems that our ancestors, the kings of the twenty royal families, were coerced!"

"Coerced?!" Lu Zhuo's eyes revealed a look of surprise, which overturned all his conjectures.

"I don't know the details at all, but the words passed down from the ancestors seem to be the same. And... the Tianlong people don't seem to be the descendants of the ancestors at all, and the blood shed on our bodies seems to be completely different!"

(End of this chapter)

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