Chapter 111 Solicitation
After the secret talk with Cobra, Lu Zhuo has been silent.Countless clues were entangled in his mind.

Seeing his appearance, Weiwei walked over and said softly: "You are so powerful, do you still have troubles?"

Shaking his head, Lu Zhuo looked at Weiwei and said, "Do you think I'm powerful?"

"Is there anyone stronger? You made hundreds of thousands of people faint with just one wave of your hand!" Weiwei looked at Lu Zhuo in surprise and asked softly.

Lu Zhuo sighed and said, "If I'm really strong enough, I won't have any worries."

"I believe you will become the strongest." Weiwei looked at Lu Zhuo, and without knowing why, she said these words, which touched Lu Zhuo's heart.

Nami, Robin, Cornis, Shirahoshi, Rebecca, Hancock, almost all the women who belonged to him have said this sentence to him.In their eyes, he is an omnipotent god.Can predict everything, can fight against all enemies.

After being confused, Lu Zhuo stretched out his arms to hug Wei Wei, and gently stroked her long blue hair that day.

Weiwei didn't resist, and fell into his arms, her cheeks flushed.

"Yes, no matter what, the difficulties ahead of me will be overcome by me one by one. I will definitely become the strongest and stand at the pinnacle of the world!" Lu Zhuo suddenly laughed, then lowered his head and kissed Weiwei .


After the incident, the entire kingdom was thrown into a carnival.

The rebellion finally came to an end, and all the conspiracies were shattered, among which Lu Zhuo and Luffy contributed the most.

Having promised Lu Zhuo, Cobra originally planned to hold a wedding for Weiwei.In his eyes, Lu Zhuo is also an excellent man. Of course, it is impossible to agree to be a maid...

However, Lu Zhuo politely declined, there is no need to rush these matters.What's more, Weiwei, who has the blood of one of the twenty royal families, if the wedding is held like this, it may alarm the world government.What will happen at that time is probably out of Lu Zhuo's control.

Therefore, under Lu Zhuo's persuasion, Cobra also decided to postpone the matter.But he warned Lu Zhuo not to bully Weiwei, and of course Lu Zhuo agreed.

In a secret room in the palace, in a cage made of sea stones, Crocodile has woken up.

Lu Zhuo slowly walked into the room and came to him.

"Why are you dealing with the world government, and what inside information do you know?" Lu Zhuo looked at Crocodile and asked in a deep voice.

Crocodile sneered and said, "It's just that I have some grudges with the World Government, but why did you save me again. If it wasn't for you, I must have arrived at the city's prison by now."

Lu Zhuo nodded, and said: "Although you have suffered many losses at my hands, I also admire you as a person. It is a pity that you were suppressed and sent to prison."

"Isn't this a prison?" Crocodile laughed angrily, looking at the gabion in the sea building.

Lu Zhuo shook his head, and suddenly swung his sword.

With a click, the cage was instantly cut in half.Slowly withdrawing his sword, looking at Crocodile's constantly changing expression, Lu Zhuo said in a deep voice, "I can let you go now, but the world government is looking for you. You have dealt with a country controlled by twenty royal families, and I am afraid that you will not be released." In three days you were caught by the navy."

Crocodile's body froze when he walked to the door, and he also knew that Lu Zhuo's words were true.

"Then what do you want to do? If you cover me, you will also lose Qi Wuhai's position and be wanted."

Hearing Crocodile's words, Lu Zhuo sneered, and said, "Shichibukai, shit, you don't even care, do you think I care? Wanted by the navy and the world government? Come one and I'll kill one, come two and I'll kill a pair !"

This sentence made Crocodile's body shake, this is the domineering power of a strong man.Although Crocodile is a natural ability user, and his strength is at the level of an ordinary general, he is obviously inferior to Lu Zhuo by more than a notch.

He turned around slowly, looked at Lu Zhuo suspiciously, and said in a deep voice, "Then what exactly do you want?"

He couldn't understand why Lu Zhuo was so powerful that he could completely overthrow a Four Emperors, but instead he became a lackey of the World Government.

Lu Zhuo said solemnly: "I'm waiting for something to happen, but now I want to invite you to join my pirate team. But you have to hide your identity temporarily."

He glanced at Lu Zhuo in surprise, and Crocodile did not expect that Lu Zhuo wanted to recruit him.

"With your strength and the strength of your pirate group, do you still need me?"

Lu Zhuo smiled and said, "No one would think too much of a strong one. Besides, I'm going to fight Whitebeard next, are you sure you don't want to participate?"

"Huh?!" Crocodile, who was about to refuse, hesitated when he heard that Lu Zhuo was going to fight Whitebeard.

After a while, he said in a deep voice: "I thought you didn't dare to fight Whitebeard anymore. Since you really want to fight, then I can join!"

"That's good!" Lu Zhuo chuckled and said, "I'll take you back right away. Our base is in Murloc Island, and you'll be hiding there temporarily. I need to make another move before I can fight Whitebeard. .”

"Okay!" Crocodile nodded and followed Lu Zhuo to leave.

Lu Zhuo and Weiwei stood by the coast, watching Lu Fei and others gradually go away on the Golden Meili.

"Hey, Lu Zhuo, will you still follow?" Lu Fei looked at Lu Zhuo and shouted loudly.

Lu Zhuo smiled slightly and said, "Should be, if I don't come, I'll wait for you in the New World."

"Okay! I will definitely surpass you, I want to become the Pirate King!" Luffy laughed loudly, jumped onto the bow of the ship, looking into the distance, his heart was surging.

Sauron on the side also tightened his hand holding the sword, and there was a raging war in his eyes.

I will surpass you too, Lu Zhuo!

Watching them leave, Lu Zhuo smiled, and said softly, "Weiwei, I can't take you away yet, and your country still needs you."

"Well, I'll wait for you." Weiwei smiled lightly, her face was a little rosy, showing a happy expression.

After spending a few days with Vivi in ​​Alabasta, Crocodile's injury has almost healed.Lu Zhuo also said goodbye to Weiwei with some reluctance.

Controlling the flying sword, Lu Zhuo quickly brought Crocodile back to the Fishman Island.

Seeing the former leader, Robin greeted Crocodile with a smile.Crocodile was a little angry, but after being easily subdued by Robin, he became the lowest-ranking member of the Holy Sword Pirates.

Because he found that even the bear on the boat could fight him without losing the wind.

Others are either nature-type or the terrifying superhuman type like Mechanical Fruit, not to mention Lu Zhuo, the perverted pervert.

(End of this chapter)

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