Chapter 118 Shake the World
Taking Ai Nilu through half of the great route again, and returning to the Fishman Island, Lu Zhuo was finally tired from running. If he wanted to continue, Luffy and the others should have no more problems.

Seeing Lu Zhuo's crew, Enilu didn't have a good face, and looked at Nami and the others with contempt.

"Although I'm Lu Zhuo's subordinate now, I'm still a god, you all should respect me."

Enilo looked at Nami and the others coldly, which immediately aroused public outrage.

Crocodile, who was standing at the back, sneered, walked over, and shouted: "What are you, you dare to call me around!"

Looking at this scene, Lu Zhuo didn't bother to pay attention to it. After a glance, he found that Rebecca and Da Siqi were still practicing swordsmanship, so he walked over to train their swordsmanship.

But here, seeing that Lu Zhuo didn't stop him, Crocodile let out a smirk, waved his right arm, and a sandstorm erupted in an instant.

Seeing this, Nami and the others curled their lips and did not stay away.Just standing there and watching, the sand couldn't get within a foot of them at all. From this, it can be seen that they are not soft persimmons in vases.

However, Enilu has no time to pay attention to these, and he also frowns a little in the face of the sharp blade condensed from the overwhelming sand.

After shouting angrily, the thunder blazed loudly, countless thunder and lightning flashed recklessly, and the thunder roared continuously in the sand.

Obviously Crocodile is fighting fiercely with Enil. After some guidance from Lu Zhuo and who has practiced for a week, Crocodile's strength has greatly increased, which is completely comparable to that of Enil.

However, at the end of this battle, it was still Enilo who narrowly beat Crocodile with his own speed.

This time, Anilu no longer has the intention of belittling Nami and the others, but it is still very difficult for him to bow his head.

Ever since, it was almost a battle every day, and Enilo competed with everyone.

It was roughly lost to Luo, Robin, and Nami, and then lost to the trio of Conis, Bebo, and Dan, and even suffocated Caesar, who was suffocated and unconscious.

Since then, Enilo has had to let go of the airs of God. Although he still looks arrogant on the surface, the dignity of God in his heart has gradually shattered.

A few days later, Nami and Robin finally stepped into the level of top generals.

After possessing the fighting power of a top general, the effect of Conis's music on them has weakened a lot, and can only push their strength to the peak of the top general.

However, in terms of time, it has been increased to 5 minutes, which shows that Conis has also devoted herself to the development of music.

Luo reached the pinnacle of an elite general, and Bei Bo miraculously reached the strength of a general.

As for Caesar, even a scientist who doesn't like to fight, but with the natural gas fruit, he still has the strength of an ordinary general.

Dan's strength can be said to be great or small.In one-on-one battles, he is still inferior to ordinary generals.

But in group battles, the role is comparable to that of top generals, and the same is true for Konis.

As for Bai Xing, Lu Zhuo has always guarded her like a younger sister. Even so, Bai Xing is much stronger than before, at least she won't cry every now and then.

As for Rebecca and Da Siqi, they could barely be considered top lieutenant generals.

On this day, Lu Zhuo's boat finally sailed away from Murloc Island again, and reappeared in the new world, and the target was... the Whitebeard Pirates!
Because Lu Zhuo didn't hide the direction of his sailing, he went on a rampage all the way and directly broke into Whitebeard's territory, no one could stop him, and no one dared to stop him.

After the news came out, the world that had calmed down a little bit suddenly fell into shock again.

In the Navy headquarters, Admiral Sengoku beat the table. After breaking the table countless times, the table in the conference room was finally replaced with the strongest metal products. rot.

Looking at the report in front of him, Sengoku gritted his teeth and said: "Call three generals and pay close attention to the contact between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Holy Sword Pirates. It is very likely that they will start a war. Now Sword God is a member of Qiwuhai. Time can help him defeat Whitebeard!"

After giving this order, Zhan Guo himself felt extremely painful.Lu Zhuo, who has always been a pain in the ass for him, suddenly became his own power one day, and he has to wipe his ass, which is really his grandma's anger.

Because of this, the newly established Judicial Island was once again temporarily out of the attention of the Navy, and all eyes have been gathered on the New World.

Ever since, the incident of Luffy and his gang on Judiciary Island also kicked off at the same time.But compared to Lu Zhuo's side, he is nothing compared to the big witch.

After getting the exact news, a gleam of coldness appeared in Baibeard's eyes, and he suddenly laughed a few times.

"Finally can I get in touch with that brat that I can't understand at all..."

Having said that, his voice gradually became dignified, and he shouted: "Sons, take up your arms and welcome the guests!"

"Is it going to war? Damn it, why did you pick this time?" Marko looked annoyed. At this time, the Whitebeard Pirates, because of Blackbeard's defection, the death of Sage, the captain of the fourth division, and the chasing Ace, it can be said that his strength has been hit hard.

If this is not the case, the ending of the top war will probably be rewritten later.

Of course, the war on the top can be described as the most chaotic battle. The frontal battlefield is the Whitebeard Pirates vs. the Navy Headquarters. Without any effort, the battle was extremely chaotic.

And with the black beard who disrupted the situation, and the later appearance of the red hair, etc., it cannot be regarded as a fair battle between the two forces.It was even more chaotic than the Battle of Dressrosa created by Lu Zhuo.

After receiving the news that Lu Zhuo had suddenly invaded Whitebeard's territory, the red-haired Shanks suddenly looked depressed, why Lu Zhuo likes to fight against him.He even had a premonition that even if Lu Zhuo didn't provoke trouble, there would be a big chaos, and he was even ready to persuade White Beard.

After sighing, Shanks immediately led his pirate group towards the domain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But the other two aunts of the Four Emperors and Kaido didn't know what they were thinking and didn't move at all.But the navy and the world government are still monitoring their forces and dare not act rashly.

But what attracted the most attention was the very center of this world-class shock.

Lu Zhuo's Holy Sword Pirates finally made contact with the Whitebeard Pirates!
At the same time, the navy, red hair, and the two sides also rushed there desperately, but it was obvious that the battle would break out before they arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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