Chapter 119 Collision with Whitebeard

Standing on the bow of the Holy Sword, the sea breeze blows in, but it can't even blow Lu Zhuo's hair.

Looking ahead, the Moby Dick, which is slightly smaller than his Holy Sword, Lu Zhuo smiled, but he didn't dare to be careless, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, Lu Zhuo, the sword god of Qiwuhai, is here to visit Edward Whitebeard. Newgate, the legendary... the strongest man in the world."

"Little devil, since you are here to fight, you still say such polite nonsense." White Beard shouted loudly, and the domineering look burst out instantly.

Lu Zhuo sneered, and the emperor-like arrogance burst out, instantly defeating the overlord-like arrogance of White Beard, and directly crushed the captains of White Beard.

This time, except for a dozen or so captains, almost all the other rookies fainted instantly. Those who were not unconscious were all covered in cold sweat and crumbling, so there was no fighting power left.

The expressions of the people behind Lu Zhuo were different. They had more or less experienced Lu Zhuo's strength, so they were not too surprised.

Crocodile looked at White Beard with extremely strong murderous intent, but he also knew that White Beard was Lu Zhuo's opponent, so he could only look at White Beard bitterly.

However, Enilu has a serious face. He is very upset about this so-called number one powerhouse in the world, and he can't wait to rush to discharge directly.

Seeing that his domineering demeanor was defeated, White Beard was startled, but an angry expression appeared on his face.

This brat's domineering actually the same as Roger's, it can defeat Lao Tzu's domineering look.However, it is unforgivable to do such a thing to Lao Tzu's son!
Thinking of this, White Beard roared angrily, and a burst of white light suddenly burst out from his fist.

The light is not dazzling, but it is full of unstable vibration power.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo's face darkened, and the Kong Zhanjian unsheathed instantly, and swung it towards the sea.

Ice wave sword!
In an instant, the entire sea was frozen for nearly several thousand meters, and even compared to Qingzhi, it seemed not far behind. This was just one of the elements controlled by Lu Zhuo, and Baibeard was shocked again.

However, the fist in his hand was already clenched, and naturally there was no reason to retract it. With the swing of White Beard's fist, the space in front of him seemed to be shattered.

There was an explosive roar in the air, and most people's eardrums would be shattered by the shock in an instant.

However, Lu Zhuo and the others were not soft persimmons. After Lu Zhuo sneered, the Zhankong Sword in his hand swiped upwards again.

With a buzzing sound, a gigantic sword light with a diameter of several thousand meters suddenly erupted, turning into a circular arc in mid-air, and blasting towards the direction of the shock.

Moonlight Slash!
The collision of the two forces caused a shocking movement. The ice made by Lu Zhuo cracked countless bottomless holes in an instant, but they still did not shatter, which shows how deep the ice has been frozen.

Amidst the roar, Lu Zhuo's sword light was shattered by the shocking force, and then a powerful force rushed towards Lu Zhuo and others.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo sneered, and instead of retreating, he advanced, his body flashed into the air, and the Zhankong Sword in his hand suddenly caught up with the shattered sword light.

Full moon cut!
I saw another pale yellow sword light burst out again, and suddenly combined with those shattered sword lights to form a huge disc-shaped sword light, which collided with the shock force again.

There was another earth-shattering roar, and Lu Zhuo's body faced the aftermath of the shock force, and was immediately repelled tens of meters before he managed to stabilize his figure.

The extremely uncomfortable feeling of nausea made Lu Zhuo frowned and gave a wry smile.

This power of shock is really an unbearable force. No wonder even the three generals of the navy, who have developed the power of nature to the peak, will be injured in the aftermath of the power of shock.

If he received a punch from White Beard head-on, his internal organs would probably be shattered, and even the natural system would not be able to save his life.

But Lu Zhuo's life is not easy here, how can White Beard be comfortable.The Full Moon Slash carried the sword light from the previous move, broke through Whitebeard's shock head-on while spinning, and slammed into Whitebeard's head.

Seeing this, Whitebeard's pupils shrank slightly.

Careless, this kid's two swords are actually one move!
The moment the Full Moon Slash was about to hit Whitebeard, a figure flashed past, shouting angrily, took down the sword glow, and flicked it to the sky.

The sword light flew into the sky, and for a moment, the sky seemed to be pierced by a big hole.

Looking at the figure blocking his sword glow, Lu Zhuo chuckled, not caring about someone intervening.

That person was none other than Diamond Qiaoz, the captain of the third team. In fact, even if Lu Zhuo's sword light was weakened by the power of Whitebeard's concussion, Qiaoz could not block it head-on.

Just like blocking Hawkeye's slash in the original book, it just bounced the sword light into the air.

If he really faced the enemy head-on, if Lu Zhuo struck with his sword, any diamond ten times thicker would be chopped off!

The attack this time was a mutual test between the two parties. Whitebeard didn't despise Lu Zhuo in the first place, so naturally he became more serious at this time.

But Lu Zhuo didn't feel too good. After having endured that shocking force once, no one wanted to endure it a second time.

Think about it, it's similar to the feeling of an ordinary person falling from the second floor and lying on the ground, and his internal organs are shaken upside down, how uncomfortable it must be.

But apart from himself, no one else could stop White Beard. After a wry smile, Lu Zhuo's eyes showed a raging fighting spirit again!
The hypoxic exercise of [-] meters in the sky and the pressure exercise of [-] meters under the sea have made Lu Zhuo's physical strength surpass that of many people.

But compared to Karp smashing a mountain with one punch, it is still not as good.

Lu Zhuo finally found the answer as to why it was not as good. Karp often fought with Roger Whitebeard and the others.Garp must have eaten Whitebeard's shocking power countless times.

And that perverted non-human body was gradually tempered in this kind of shock.

Finally found a way to increase his physical strength again, Lu Zhuo seemed a little excited, and the tentative blow just now brought his sword heart closer to perfection.

White Beard, be my whetstone!

After this thought flashed through his mind, Lu Zhuo shouted loudly and said, "Let's go together and try the so-called Whitebeard Pirates, just how strong they are!"

"Okay!" In Luo's eyes, a fiery fighting spirit flashed.After experiencing the red hair and the Battle of Dressrosa, they finally grew up completely and completely, and became partners of the Four Emperors and even the One Piece level.

Following Lu Zhuo's order, Luo and the others finally all rushed out.Especially Da Siqi, Lu Zhuo couldn't stop her if she wanted to, so she had to let Luo and the others take care of her.

But if Dashiqi and Rebecca work together, they can fight against the weakest captain.

Of course, there are also a few who hate fighting. For example, Caesar complained that scientists should do research, how to fight with themselves.

Shirahoshi didn't like fighting either, so he stayed on the boat, and Conis also stayed on the boat.

At the same time, Dan shouted lightly, and with that move again, the Holy Sword protected Shirahoshi and Conis, turned into a huge Transformer, and met Ozzy, the trump card of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The collision of two super giant monsters was extremely impressive. Although Oz was stronger than the mechanical giant controlled by Dan, he was far less flexible than the Transformers controlled by Dan.Immediately entangled together, it was impossible to tell the outcome for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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