Chapter 120
At the same time, Nami greets Marco, but Marco has a bitter face, avoids Nami, and goes straight to Luo.He was really fed up with Nami's sea cloud.

Chaos immediately ensued on the battlefield, and if one couldn't find an opponent he liked, it would affect the others to find their own opponents, so the battle between the crew members was not singled out, but turned into a melee.

Nami and the others have a strong ability to cooperate, but the captains of Whitebeard are all like brothers, and the cooperation is even better.

Although there are more people on Whitebeard's side, Lu Zhuo's side is stronger. Even Bebo was able to challenge Marco single-handedly after hearing Conis's music.

However, these battles, after all, revolve around the two people at the center.

Lu Zhuo stared at the white beard in front of him, not daring to be careless. The next moment, he stomped his feet, his body flashed, and he came to the front, swiping the Zhankong sword in his hand.

White Beard sneered without any fear, and the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand burst out with a wave of white light concussion, meeting Lu Zhuo's Zhankong.

Although the huge long knife was a little clumsy, its speed was not slow at all, and it collided with Lu Zhuo's Zhankong sword in the air.

There was an explosion, and that damned concussion force again, Lu Zhuo only felt that his body was being torn apart by some kind of force, and his internal organs were churning, which was extremely uncomfortable.

But Baibeard was also uncomfortable, he was repelled by Lu Zhuo's strength for a few steps, and the fierce sword intent even made his skin start to break.

His eyes fixed on Lu Zhuo, but suddenly there was a hint of admiration.

This kid is not bad.

You must know that among the three generals, Huang Yuan and Qingzhi are like old fritters, and they would harass and attack from a distance wherever they are willing to fight with White Beard.

However, Red Dog took advantage of Baibeard's hidden injury and gave Baibeard a punch. In the subsequent head-on collision, he didn't please much, and then he didn't dare to punch Baihu again.

There are only two people in the world who dare to fight Whitebeard, Garp and Sengoku, and they can do it together.

As for Roger, Roger's strength is not in fisting against Whitebeard.

Although Lu Zhuo didn't fight White Beard with fists, but with sword and sword, it was considered a head-on conflict.Being able to withstand the shocking force of Whitebeard also shows how strong Lu Zhuo is physically.

The next moment, Whitebeard slammed at Lu Zhuo who had retreated a few steps, and swiped the saber in his hand again, slashing at him.

Lu Zhuo gritted his teeth. Although he has other means to compete with Whitebeard and even gain the upper hand, Lu Zhuo's purpose this time is not to defeat Whitebeard, but to use Whitebeard to hone himself.

The next moment, the sword in his hand slashed violently.

Without any fancy sword light, Zhankong and the sword collided again.

Next, White Beard swung his saber, Lu Zhuo took the saber and retreated a few steps.As the number of times increased, Lu Zhuo gradually stabilized his body, stopped retreating, and was able to resist head-on!

At the beginning, seeing that Lu Zhuo seemed to be at a disadvantage, Nami and the others calmly let Lu Zhuo and Whitebeard fight, and the melee between their crews was not disturbed.

As for Marco and the others, although they saw that Lu Zhuo was at a disadvantage, they were still shocked. They didn't expect that their strongest father in the world would actually confront him head-on.

As Lu Zhuo gradually equalized the situation, their shock became even greater. One side was shocked, the other side was happy, and the balance of victory suddenly tilted.

Taking advantage of the power of Conis's music, Nami and others have been pressing down on the captains to fight.The captains were beaten by them without any power to fight back, but they all knew the power of the fruit of music, so they persisted, and wanted to persist until the power of the fruit of music disappeared, and then made a comeback.

As for Whitebeard, he realized that Lu Zhuo seemed to have become stronger, and was extremely surprised. Only then did he realize that Lu Zhuo seemed to be tempering himself, and immediately became a little angry.

"Damn kid, are you using me as a whetstone?"

Lu Zhuo chuckled and said, "Did you just find out?"

At this time, three to four minutes had passed since the battle. If it was a normal battle, it should have just finished warming up.

However, because of Lu Zhuo's imperial arrogance, he crushed it as soon as he came up, and with the power of Conis' music fruit, the victory or defeat will be announced in the next minute.

Within 1 minute, the white beard players held on and had a chance to counterattack.If it can't hold on, Lu Zhuo's Holy Sword Pirates will win.

Whitebeard also noticed this, but countless gaps and cracks had appeared on the sword that had been collided dozens of times. Under the sharpness of Zhan Kongjian, almost no weapon could resist it.

Seeing this, the white beard became even more angry, and he dropped the saber, and two groups of concussion forces erupted from both hands at the same time, crushing towards Lu Zhuo.

At this moment, Lu Zhuo's sword heart has been completely perfected, and the next step is the realm of swordsmanship.And the strength of the body has also increased, even if it is not as good as Garp, it is not far behind. If you can fight with Whitebeard a few more times, I am afraid that it is possible to surpass Garp. After all, Lu Zhuo is still very young. .

What pleased Lu Zhuo the most was that his armed domineering spirit, which had been stagnant at the peak of the second level, suddenly made a slight progress.

It's just this slight progress, like unlocking a locked door, opening a gap!
With this gap, breaking through the third level is not far away!

Seeing the two superimposed ones in front of him, Lu Zhuo suddenly grinned, holding Zhan Kong tightly with both hands, and suddenly inserted it into the scabbard.

At the same time, the sword field is booming, the sword intent is shaking, and the sword heart is condensed.

Extremely, Excalibur!Heart Sword!
This move was recreated by Lu Zhuoming after he realized Jianxin, and it can be said to be the strongest move at this stage.

I saw Zhankong in Lu Zhuo's hand, after pulling it out of the scabbard again, the light it brought out was as beautiful as a shooting star, but it contained murderous intent and powerful sword intent.

A huge sword-drawing light burst out, flickering in the air, and turned into thousands of sword-drawing lights, and exploded the moment it touched the power of the shock.

Amidst the roar, every sword light that explodes will turn into countless smaller sword lights, which will explode again, triggering a continuous chain reaction.

Seeing this scene, White Beard's eyes showed shock, and he was reckless!

The roar continued, and the power of the shock was completely unable to stop the sword glow that exploded wildly. The sword glow was like a sharp meteor, stabbing at Whitebeard fiercely.

However, Whitebeard has rich combat experience after all. At the very moment, his body jumped back suddenly, and at the same time, his two fists spread out suddenly, turning into two palms with white light, and he slapped in the middle.

A stronger concussion force exploded immediately, and countless roaring sounds gathered together, forming an earth-shattering explosion like a falling meteor.

(End of this chapter)

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