Chapter 121 Defeated and Injured

The next moment, after the light dissipated, Lu Zhuo withdrew Zhan Kong and was panting slightly. Obviously, the previous battle had exhausted him a lot of energy, and he had suffered some injuries to his internal organs. It's amazing.

In another change, Whitebeard's condition is much worse, his entire chest and arms are covered with blood, and he uses his arm to catch Lu Zhuo's sword light. Although he has the power of shock, he looks down on Lu Zhuo too much. .

However, White Beard's body wasn't covered either. Although it looked extremely embarrassing, it was actually mostly traumatic.

There is only one sword light that can cut into his body.And the cut wasn't deep enough to even hurt his ribs.

However, these injuries are not important. What is important is that the hidden injuries accumulated in Baibeard's body were triggered by Lu Zhuo's attack. Baibeard only felt a tightness in his chest, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and half knelt on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Marco and the others suddenly had their eyes tearing apart, and the plot just like in the original book appeared immediately. They panicked and wanted to come to support Whitebeard, but they were completely defeated by Nami and the others in just a few seconds. Within a short period of time, seven captains were directly defeated and captured alive.

Seeing this, the others also lost their will to fight.Coincidentally, the power of Conis's music fruit also ends here, just about 5 minutes.

Looking at the white beard who was half kneeling on the ground but still taller than himself, Lu Zhuo sighed in his heart and walked over slowly.

"Don't hurt daddy!"

"Bastard Lu Zhuo, I will fight with you!"

The few remaining captains suddenly went crazy and showed countless flaws. This time they finally collapsed completely, and everyone was completely defeated by Nami and others!
Lu Zhuo walked up to White Beard, but his expression didn't change much. After Nami and others temporarily captured the captains, they all paid attention to Lu Zhuo, but no one spoke.

The life of Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors, is in Lu Zhuo's hands!
Looking at the white beard in front of him, Lu Zhuo sighed again in his heart.

In fact, even the old white beards are at the peak of the elite four emperors, definitely much stronger than the red-haired ones.

But because of the hidden injuries accumulated in his body, it was like a time bomb. Once it exploded, White Beard would fall from the altar.

"Little devil, you are really good. The pirates of the new era finally have someone who can lead the way, but it is not so easy to get my head! I have a white beard!"

A ferocious look flashed across Baibeard's face, and he stood up forcefully, looking at Lu Zhuo.

Lu Zhuo didn't intend to fight any more, but looking up at White Beard, he was really upset.So Lu Zhuo stepped on Zhankong, came to the same height as Baibeard, and looked into Baibeard's eyes.

"Let's end this battle. I have no intention of competing for the position of the Four Emperors. If you die, there will be an earthquake in the world."

Looking at White Beard, Lu Zhuo smiled suddenly, and the tense atmosphere dissipated a lot, and White Beard also looked surprised. He didn't feel the slightest killing intent from Lu Zhuo.

"Little ghost... No, Sword God Lu Zhuo, what is your purpose? You are the only person I can't see through. What exactly do you want to do?"

Lu Zhuo shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter what I want to do, the important thing is that you can't die here. Are you really willing to let go of your sons and leave?"

After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, White Beard fell silent.

At this time, Lu Zhuo's heart suddenly moved, and he felt that someone from afar had stepped onto the ice and was rushing towards here.

Those people were the three generals of the navy headquarters leading the elite navy, and on the other side, the red-haired Shanks and his brothers also arrived at the same time!
The old white beard should not die on the hospital bed, his best destination is to die on the battlefield.But Lu Zhuo would not let him die humiliatingly like in the original book, but wanted to help him.

Waving at Luo, Luo's expression tightened.Lu Zhuo had asked him before about whether he could cure Whitebeard's dark wound. At that time, he was still very surprised. Although it could be cured, but asking this made him puzzled. Aren't they and Whitebeard enemies?

At this time, seeing Lu Zhuo's hand gesture, Luo Wei hesitated, but walked quickly.

Seeing Luo approaching, White Beard said in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?"

"Help you heal your hidden wounds, I'm not here to win the throne of the Four Emperors, and I don't want those bastards in the navy to take advantage of you." Lu Zhuo chuckled and watched Luo Zhang open the room.

Whitebeard immediately understood Lu Zhuo's meaning, and also noticed the arrival of the navy and red hair.

"Cool la la, you should be a real pirate, but why do you want to be Qibuhai?" Baibeard suddenly smiled when he understood, and saw that although his sons were injured, they were all minor injuries. He was just captured alive, obviously Lu Zhuo and the others were merciful.

"It's just an excess." Lu Zhuo didn't want to say anything more.

The next moment, Luo let out a soft drink, and waved the sword in his hand lightly, and many black impurities and blood stasis in White Beard's body were removed out of thin air.

This time, although it can't be said that Whitebeard's dark wound was completely healed, at least half of it was healed.

Whitebeard only felt his chest loosen, as if he had caught a cold, and his throat was full of phlegm, and then he suddenly coughed up all the phlegm, breathing very comfortably, even temporarily forgetting the pain of those wounds on his chest.

"Thank you, brat." White Beard laughed loudly, and glanced at Luo, Luo Wenyan snorted coldly, and walked aside.

Lu Zhuo looked at the white beard, nodded, and said, "One size counts for one size. Although I helped you treat your dark wounds, it doesn't mean we are friends anymore. I am still the king of the world government, Shichibukai."

"It's cool, I want to fight with you to the end, I haven't felt so comfortable in a long time!" Whitebeard laughed wildly, not caring about the blood on his chest, just wanted to pick up a weapon and find someone to fight.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo rubbed his chin, and suddenly smiled and said, "I'm exhausted, so I won't fight you anymore, but you can fight the few who are coming over soon."

In the distance, you can already see the arrival of the three young yellow monkeys and red dogs leading the elite navy.

White Beard cast a glance, and said with a sneer, "Is it just because of those three brats?"

"Hey, if the three of them were brats, then I would be a brat. Don't get me involved in what the old man says!" Lu Zhuo said with a smile, crossing his hands on his chest.

"I forgot that you are much younger than them, hahaha!" Whitebeard smiled again.

However, at the next moment, Lu Zhuo suddenly turned cold, and shouted: "White Beard, you have been seriously injured, why don't you give up?"

(End of this chapter)

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