Chapter 126 Brooke

"Ah, what a beautiful lady, I don't know if I can take your panties..." Before he could finish speaking, he saw that the sword in Da Siqi's hand had erupted with a sharp sword light and swept over. He raised his crutch sword and went up to meet him.

Ding Dong!

With a bang, Brook's body was pushed back a few steps. Although it was only a skeleton, he could still feel his surprise.

"What a powerful swordsmanship, hehehehe!"

Seeing that the skeleton could still talk, Da Siqi was even more terrified, but the sword in his hand instinctively continued to chop.

Seeing that the sword was extremely fierce, Brook didn't dare to be careless. He knew that Da Siqi's strength was definitely not inferior to his own in the first fight just now.

The crutch sword in his hand came out of its sheath instantly, and fought with Da Siqi.

Ding Ding Dong Dong!

After a noise, Da Siqi finally regained his senses, slashed down with his sword fiercely, and after being blocked, he used his strength to leap back.

Brook, who blocked the sword, couldn't bear it either. He staggered back a few steps before stopping, looked at Da Siqi, and said depressedly: "I thought you were in danger, beautiful lady, so come and save me." You, in the end you came up to fight."

Da Siqi let out a foul breath, and said in a deep voice, "What kind of monster are you?"

"Hehehehe, I'm not a monster, although I only have bones left." Brook smiled, and then caught a glimpse of Lu Zhuo standing with his hands behind his back.

"Ah, I didn't notice that there is another person here. Did you bully this beautiful lady just now?"

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo looked at Da Siqi, and laughed, which made Da Siqi feel ashamed for a while, and immediately hated Brook in front of him, without even saying hello, he rushed forward again with his sword.

This guy, a skeleton, doesn't look like much fun, he's a bastard like Lu Zhuo, so let's cut it off.

Thinking this way in her heart, Brooke was going to die for being wronged. Seeing that sharp sword again, he had no choice but to jump hard, turning his body a few times in mid-air, avoiding the sword.

Da Siqi slashed through the air with a sword, but the sword light drew a gully of tens of meters on the ground. Lu Zhuo also nodded slightly. Da Siqi's strength is almost at the limit of sword pressure, and you can understand it below. The sword is moving.

Brook looked at Da Siqi, who had a skeleton face, but still showed a dignified expression, and said in a deep voice: "Although I am a gentleman, if I am attacked for no reason, I will be angry, angry My eyebrows are all raised!...Although I don't have eyebrows that can be raised, yo hehehe."

Lu Zhuo was amused by the same funny words as before, but Da Siqi became more and more angry, as if he had transferred all his anger towards Lu Zhuo to Brooke, and when he missed the sword, he rushed over and made another move .

When Brook saw this, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the skeleton.

"Beautiful lady, I'm about to make a move, please pay attention."

As soon as the words fell, he jumped high, dodged Da Siqi's sword move again, came behind Da Siqi, and said in a deep voice: "Nihu three steps...Arrow feather cut!"

The next moment, a sharp sword light suddenly erupted in the air, almost one foot in front of Da Siqi, but Da Siqi was not at all confused, with the sword in his hand crossed, he went up to meet him.


With a soft sound and a flash of light, Da Siqi took the sword, turned around, and continued to rush towards Brook.

Brook was taken aback immediately, and said, "You actually blocked my arrow feather chop?"

"If I can't even stop this kind of move, how can I challenge that bastard?" Da Siqi said coldly, but when he said the bastard, he couldn't help but tremble, revealing a flaw, but Brooke Holding a gentlemanly demeanor, he did not take the opportunity to attack.

But Da Siqi didn't appreciate it, and continued to pounce on him.

Ding Ding Dong Dong!

Brook's strength is infinitely close to that of a swordsman. Although he can use the power of arrow feathers to break out a force similar to that of a swordsman's sword, it is still far behind the real swordsman.

Looking at Brooke, who was gradually failing, Lu Zhuo felt a little nostalgic.It was the same with me back then, I didn't step into the rank of a swordsman, but I was able to possess the power of a swordsman by drawing a sword and slashing.Because of this, I have always been able to maintain a level higher than swordsmen of the same level.

With a perfect sword heart, even if he meets Hawkeye who has stepped into the way of the sword, he can still fight, and he is also confident in defeating Hawkeye, and then find his own way of the sword.

While his thoughts were fluttering, Da Siqi picked up his sword, caught Brook's increasingly messy sword skills, knocked his crutches away, and then chopped off his skull with one blow.

"Wow, my neck is broken! I'm going to die!" Brook's flying head exclaimed exaggeratedly, and then his body fell to the ground and remained motionless.

Da Siqi put the sword back into the scabbard, took a few breaths, looked at Brook whose head and body were separated, and felt relieved.

Finally killed the monster.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo clapped his hands, and said with a smile: "Very good, let me realize it, the sword power should be fine." Saying this, Lu Zhuo suddenly took two steps, came to Brook's bone, and kicked his arm. Bones, said with a smile: "Don't crash to death, get up!"

"I'm already dead, please don't insult my corpse..." The head in the distance suddenly turned, looked at Lu Zhuo and said in a deep voice.

Seeing this scene, Da Siqi was horrified again, it really is a ghost, such a thing really exists?
Seeing Da Siqi's frightened appearance, Lu Zhuo glanced at the skull angrily, and snorted, "Damn you, hurry up and get up!"

"Ah! I really don't seem to be dead, hehehe!" Brook's skeleton body suddenly twisted a few times, stood up, picked up the head from a distance, and put it on his neck.

Looking at this scene, Da Siqi was stunned, but Lu Zhuo showed a hint of fascination. This kind of soul is not restricted by the body, and the ability to die and resurrect once is exactly what he wants.

Thinking of this in his heart, he stretched out his hand, pulled Da Siqi into his arms and hugged him gently, and said softly: "It's all right, it's just a skeleton, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Although Da Siqi is very strong as a swordsman, she is a girl after all, and she was indeed frightened by Brook, a skeleton ghost, and even without any resistance, she was hugged obediently by Lu Zhuo.

Seeing this scene, Brooke came over, showing a regretful expression, and said, "It turns out that this beautiful lady is already married."

Lu Zhuo glanced at him angrily, patted Dashiqi on the back lightly, sniffed the unique scent of Dashiqi, and then glanced at Brook again.

This glance was different from the previous one, because it had an imperial look and arrogance. Brook only felt his consciousness blurred for a moment, his eyes were blank, and he fell down with his head up.This is still the result of Lu Zhuo restraining himself a little bit, after all, the gap between the two is too big.

(End of this chapter)

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