Chapter 127 Zombies Attack
Lu Zhuo was stunned all of a sudden, and Lu Zhuo stood there quietly, holding Da Siqi in his arms, motionless, until Da Siqi recovered and pushed Lu Zhuo away with a scream, Lu Zhuo smiled and lifted Brook up.

Da Siqi on the side looked at Lu Zhuo, her heart was beating very fast, which was something she had never felt before.Countless times of teasing, true and false, plus this real comfort, she didn't know that Lu Zhuo's shadow had been deeply buried in her heart.

At this time, all her attention was on Lu Zhuo, her thoughts were extremely chaotic, and she forgot about the skeleton.

Lu Zhuo shook Brook's skeleton body to wake him up.

"Don't shake, the bones are about to fall apart!" Brook woke up, Lu Zhuo let go and pushed away, Brook looked at Lu Zhuo with a trace of fear in his eyes.

"You... who are you?"

"I'm Lu Zhuo." Lu Zhuo replied flatly.

Although it is within the sea area of ​​the Devil's Triangle, it still encounters foreign ships, so Brook is not ignorant of the outside world. Hearing the name Lu Zhuo, his skeleton eyes shrank slightly, and he looked at Lu Zhuo's face. The muscles twitched and almost spewed out. It was so weird.Fortunately, Da Siqi was in a mess, otherwise he would have fainted from fright.

"Sword God Lu Zhuo, one of the seven martial arts under the king, and the world's number one swordsman alongside Hawkeye?" Brook couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The story of Lu Zhuo defeating Whitebeard was not reported here, otherwise Brook would be so shocked that his jaw would drop, but it is normal for a bone jaw to drop.

"How about making a deal with you, I know your shadow was taken by Moria, I will get it back for you, but you will help me complete a research in the future."

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Brook immediately showed surprise. He knew that it would not be difficult for Lu Zhuo to get his shadow back from Moria, but he hesitated when he heard about the so-called research.

"What research?"

Lu Zhuo didn't answer, and said flatly: "It's just a research, it won't do you any harm, and I can also teach you a little swordsmanship as compensation."

"That's it, then I agree." Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Brooke hesitated a little, and then agreed. When he thought that his shadow would come back soon, he was excited and almost sang a song.

Da Siqi on the side just raised her head and looked at him. She had been frightened a few times, and finally got better this time, but her eyes were still very vigilant.

"Hey, girl, he is the person who ate the fruit of the underworld, he is a person with abilities, and he is not a ghost who turned into this appearance." Lu Zhuo turned to look at Da Siqi, and said with a smile.

Da Siqi nodded and leaned against Lu Zhuo by herself.He looked at Lu Zhuo with extremely complicated eyes, as if he was struggling in his heart.

Lu Zhuo could see what she was thinking at a glance, smiled slightly, and said, "Girl, feel it, this is the sword power."

The next moment, an aura belonging to the sword spread out, and Da Siqi's body sank slightly. As soon as the sword was mentioned, she immediately became interested, and her eyes shone brightly.

Brook on the side felt the sword force, and his heart moved, thoughtful.

At this moment, there was a sudden clattering sound from a distance, and a sinister aura suddenly enveloped it, but it was pushed out by Lu Zhuo's sword force.

Lu Zhuo smiled, retracted his sword momentum, and said, "Under the sword momentum is the sword field, and a group of enemies just came. Let me show you."

While talking, I saw all kinds of grotesque and almost rotten corpses in the distance staggering towards this side, Da Siqi suddenly screamed again, but thinking of Lu Zhuo's swordsmanship, he immediately overcame his heart of fear.

Seeing those zombies getting closer, Lu Zhuo's expression turned cold, and he pulled out Zhankong suddenly, holding the sword with both hands, and waved it lightly.

The next moment, a huge sword glow several hundred meters erupted, and the light dispersed the gloomy mist.

That sword beam instantly shattered in the air, turning into tens of thousands of small sword beams, cutting hundreds of zombies in the distance into countless pieces in an instant!
However, the fragments of arms and legs did not die, they were zombies after all, and continued to squirm towards Lu Zhuo. Da Siqi and Brooke were immersed in the perception of the sword just now and didn't care, but Lu Zhuo was disgusted.

Looking at those wriggling, almost rotting corpses of various types, Lu Zhuo felt nauseated, his eyes flashed coldly, and the Zhankong Sword in his hand danced, and he cut dozens of swords in an instant.

These dozens of swords also erupted with dozens of sword lights, and after one flickered, they merged together and turned into a scarlet red sword light, which swept away.

A crimson flame swept away, and the zombie fragments were instantly burnt to nothing.

"Is this the power of the sword and the domain of the sword?" Da Siqi murmured, a weak aura seemed to emerge from his body.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo nodded with some satisfaction, and put Zhan Kong back into the scabbard.After all, not everyone is as monstrous as him, and it would be pretty good if he could understand something.

However, to Lu Zhuo's slight surprise, Brook on the other side suddenly drew his sword, and a burst of sword light erupted, cutting the ground in front of him into a trench of more than ten meters.

Is this sword pressure?Sure enough, Luffy's partners and the protagonist team are all powerful existences.Can't help admiring, Lu Zhuo's expression suddenly changed slightly.

The next moment, I saw dozens of ghosts visible to the naked eye floating in the distance, making negative, negative voices.

This Perona's negative ghost.Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo couldn't help feeling a little chilly.

In the original book, Luffy and the others, after eating this, they are in a negative state of dying or living. He doesn't want to eat it, just like Hancock's petrification, it is definitely something that Lu Zhuo hates.

But this negative ghost doesn't seem to be an entity, how to stop it?
Lu Zhuo's expression sank, and the sword field erupted instantly, and Da Siqi and Brooke who were beside him felt that everything around them seemed to have a murderous aura.

The air, the land, and the trees all revealed the breath of the sword.

This is the real sword domain, and Da Siqi can't even understand the mystery of it. This is the perfect sword domain where Lu Zhuo puts all his efforts and condenses the sword intent and heart.

Brooke also showed a look of surprise. It is such a sword domain. Even if there are hundreds of him, he will be killed in an instant. Standing here, he can feel his own insignificance. How powerful is that man, the sword god Lu Zhuo? !

However, it is so powerful that the Sword Domain, which can instantly kill Brook hundreds of times, can't stop such insubstantial things as the Negative Specter!
Although the negative ghost slowed down to the speed of a turtle as if it had entered a swamp, it was still flying in the direction of Lu Zhuo.

His own sword field can only block it once?No wonder whoever eats this thing kneels down!Surprise appeared in Lu Zhuo's eyes, but he didn't retreat. Besides Jianyu, he had other means.

(End of this chapter)

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