Chapter 136 The Eagle Eye of Kendo Realm
As for the damage caused by Lu Zhuo and others just now, Zhan Guo directly omitted it. He knew Lu Zhuo's domineering character, so he would take it if he suffered a loss. As long as Lu Zhuo could help the navy a little when the war started, it would be fine. Empress Hancock also the same.

Moreover, after knowing that Hancock has also become Lu Zhuo's woman, Zhan Guo felt extremely depressed.The first is that they didn't even know the news, and the second is that Lu Zhuo's power has strengthened again, and it is completely impossible to contain it!
Lu Zhuo looked at Hancock, smiled slightly, and said, "Let's go."

"Yeah." Hancock, who was full of happiness in his heart, followed Lu Zhuo obediently, looking at Lu Zhuo with tenderness in his eyes, and she directly despised others.

At this time, no one noticed that the Zhankong sword around Lu Zhuo's waist trembled by itself, as if it was pointing something. Only Lu Zhuo knew that Zhankong had sensed the position of the eighth ghost, but he couldn't rush it for a while. , Lu Zhuo comforted it with his thoughts.

At the same time, he took Hancock's little hand and walked into the conference room under the envious eyes of the navy. If eyes could kill, Lu Zhuo would have died countless times.

At this time, there were four people in the conference room, Lieutenant General Crane the Yellow Ape and Qingzhi, and Bartholomi Bear who arrived early.

"The noise outside just now seems to be the arrival of a lawless pirate." Crane sat on the chair slightly with a helpless expression on his wrinkled face.

"Yes, he is the person I don't want to see the most." Huang Yuan took a sip of tea and smiled wryly, but his words were still in that obscene tone.

A light flashed in Xiong's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "They've already arrived."

As soon as the words fell, Zhan Guo walked in first, gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.Karp followed in. As soon as he entered the meeting room, Karp's face gradually darkened.

Discussing how to execute his grandson in the conference room may make him feel more uncomfortable than killing Garp.

Afterwards, under the surprised eyes of everyone, Lu Zhuo and Hancock walked in hand in hand, like a young couple.

"It's really surprising. Empress Hancock is also famous." Huang Yuan drank the tea in one gulp, suppressing his surprise, but was glared at by Lu Zhuo and Hancock at the same time, and couldn't help laughing bitterly, He turned his head away from the two of them.

Qingzhi patted his forehead violently, with a dejected look, and said: "You even got Hancock, the legendary most beautiful woman in the world, Lu Zhuo, how can you let us live."

"That's enough, shut up!" Sengoku couldn't bear it anymore. Seeing that the generals under him each had their own characteristics, I just felt so ashamed. Except for Akainu, these generals were all concerned with etiquette. and the like don't care.

Sitting on the sofa, Sengoku rubbed his swollen temples and said bitterly that the meeting should not be held directly at the Navy headquarters.

Lu Zhuo and Hancock walked aside as if no one was there, and sat on the loveseat sofa. They didn't speak, but just looked at each other, their eyes kept conveying love, and they didn't feel tired.

After waiting for a while, a huge body broke in directly, slammed the table hard, and said, "The execution of Ace is opposed by the old man!"

That figure is clearly Shichibukai Jinpei, who shoulders the important task of easing the relationship between murlocs and humans, but for Ace, he also directly turned against the navy.

Sengoku glared at him angrily, and said in a deep voice: "Don't forget your identity! You are Shichibukai, the king of the world government, and you are here to discuss with us how to fight against the Whitebeard Pirates, not to cause trouble!"

"Warring States, no matter what, I'm on the side of brother Ace today!" Jinbei did not show any weakness, and looked at the people present coldly. When his eyes swept over Lu Zhuo, his eyes lit up slightly.

Lu Zhuo also noticed him, just smiled and continued to enter the task of kissing me with Hancock.

Seeing Lu Zhuo like this, Jinping frowned, a little confused about Lu Zhuo's intentions. In his mind, with the relationship between Lu Zhuo and Ace, even if he didn't help Ace, he shouldn't be on the side of the navy.

"Hmph! If that's the case, then you don't need to attend this meeting. In order to prevent the secrets from being leaked, Jinping, you should go and reflect on it first." Warring States looked at Jinping with a bit of hatred, and sighed , waved his hand.

"Catch it! Send it to the city of Advancement for custody!"

Jinbe didn't resist, but kept staring at Sengoku. At the same time, he glanced at Lu Zhuo from the corner of his eye, hoping that Lu Zhuo would stand by his side, but to his disappointment, Lu Zhuo seemed to have no interest in this meeting.

And Hancock didn't even look at Jinpei at all, although Jinpei also participated in that battle and saved Hancock, but now Hancock's heart is all tied to Lu Zhuo, and he doesn't care about everything else .

"As the king of Qiwuhai, who is side by side with the navy, he is so corrupt." Warring States has some headaches. Since Lu Zhuo was born, Lu Zhuo has abolished and killed three Qiwuhais one after another.

Now Jinbei is also on the opposite side.

With the attitudes of Lu Zhuo and the empress, the two of them obviously didn't care about this battle, and they probably didn't work hard. Hawkeye, a capricious guy, didn't even come to this meeting.The only one who can firmly stand on his side is Tyrant Xiong.

Thinking of this, Zhan Guo couldn't help sighing, and said, "Okay, the others don't seem to be coming, so let's start the meeting."

At this moment, a figure slowly appeared in the corridor, Lu Zhuo frowned and smiled.

There is only one person who can avoid his domineering, eagle-eyed Mihawk!
At this time, Zhan Guo and others also noticed the appearance of Hawkeye, and their complexions changed slightly.Because in their feelings, Hawkeye seems to have become extremely ordinary, completely different from the previous one who showed his sharpness and looked like a sharp sword.

Those eyes were no longer as sharp as an eagle's, just like an old man who looked down on the world, which made them unbelievable. Is this really the eagle's eye?

Lu Zhuo kissed Hancock's tender lips lightly, then stood up, looked at Hawkeye, burst out with a fierce aura, the sword field opened directly, and pressed towards Hawkeye.

For a while, the entire conference room was full of sword energy, but under Lu Zhuo's perfect control, none of the objects were hurt, but all of them were pressed towards Hawkeye.

Hawkeye stood there quietly, looking at Lu Zhuo indifferently. The dress on his body was windless and automatic, without sword domain, sword intent, and strong momentum. He just took a few steps forward lightly, and all the swords The breath was directly suppressed!

(End of this chapter)

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