Chapter 137 Conspiracy
"Hey! Is this the way of the sword?" Lu Zhuo raised the corners of his mouth, but without a trace of fear, he walked forward and put his hand on the hilt of the sword at the same time.

"That's enough for you two! This is not a place to compete with swords!" Although shocked by Hawkeye's unfathomable strength, Zhan Guo still directly shouted out, no matter what, Hawkeye and Sword God cannot fight here. One fight, otherwise Whitebeard would not need to come, and the Navy Headquarters would collapse early.

Hawkeye stared at Lu Zhuo without squinting, then chuckled suddenly, and said, "This is not a good place to fight, wait a minute."

"Okay!" Lu Zhuo was not in a hurry, and after a slight smile, he returned to Hancock and sat down.

With a look of surprise in Hancock's beautiful eyes, he whispered in Lu Zhuo's ear: "Hawkeye seems to have become stronger."

"Of course, even I am not sure of victory. But a battle between us is inevitable." Lu Zhuo gently hugged Hancock, blew warm air in her ear, and said with a smile.There was no trace of nervousness or worry on his face.

"That bastard Hawkeye, if he dares to hurt you, I will petrify him for 1 years!" Hancock's eyes were cold, but he didn't think whether he could beat Hawkeye.

Lu Zhuo smiled, he just liked Hancock's attitude, he hugged Hancock lightly, hummed a little song, ignoring the endless talk of the Warring States Period over there.

The boring meeting ended soon, and the navy arranged a residence for them Qiwuhai, but Lu Zhuo lived directly with Hancock on Hancock's boat, and Sengoku had nothing to do with him and let him go.

After lingering with Hancock for several hours, it was pitch black in the middle of the night, but the lights in the Navy Headquarters were still shining brightly like day, and the guards were heavily guarded.

Lu Zhuo's figure slipped ashore quietly. With his means, few people could notice him. It is impossible for Zhan Guo and Garp to cover the Navy headquarters with domineering aura all the time. They always want to sleep .

After the figure flickered a few times, the Zhan Kong around Lu Zhuo's waist trembled more and more violently, and Lu Zhuo knew that the distance was getting closer.

Finally, Lu Zhuo sneaked into an empty room. Here, there was only a black sword in the center of the room, which was locked there tightly by the sword frame, trembling constantly.

Lu Zhuo frowned. Looking at the situation here, there must be some problems.But they are a little stupid, why should I go to get it myself?
With a wave of one hand, the Zhankong at his waist flew out by itself, and impatiently flashed to Guiche's side, with a light slash, he chopped the frame into pieces.

At the moment when the shelf was cut into pieces, Lu Zhuo felt a sudden burst of power that made his heart skip a beat, covering the entire room. Standing at the door, Lu Zhuo looked at the strange power that was as black as ink, and his heart skipped a beat. Shen.

This power is somewhat similar to his Fudo King Formation, it is a power of complete nirvana, even if Lu Zhuo is in it, he may be seriously injured or near death if he is not dead.

"Hey, are you trying to deal with me? You have so many cards." Lu Zhuo sneered, and with a light move, Zhan Kong flew out of it, and that force couldn't hurt Zhan Kongjian at all.

However, the moment he received Zhankong, Lu Zhuo frowned. At this moment, the Zhankong sword had already merged with the eighth ghost, reaching the point where he was on the verge of breaking through.

The eighth Guiche is a third-generation Guiche. If it is the second-generation Guiche, I am afraid that Zhan Kong has already advanced directly.

At the same time, a drastic change took place in the entire sky, surrounded by layers of black clouds, and the terrifying power of thunder brewing in them made the Four Emperors Sengoku and Garp tremble with fear.

"Hey, I knew a long time ago, that kid is not a fool, how could this kind of plan succeed." Zhan Guo, who originally planned to make up for Lu Zhuo before he died, sighed dejectedly.

Garp kept thinking about Ace, and never heard the words of Warring States.

On the other side, Lu Zhuo dodged a few times and came to the sky. Although it was in the dark night, the black clouds were still visible to the naked eye, and there were even lightning jumps among them, bringing out bursts of light.

However, this power seems to be hesitating, and it has not come for a long time. It is obvious that Zhan Kong is still a little bit short. If he really advances to the holy sword, this thunder will definitely fall.

But Lu Zhuo, who was holding Zhankong, looked at the navy headquarters below, sneered, and said: "Use this kind of strategy to deal with me, then there is no need to be the so-called Qiwuhai!"

After all, a powerful sword intent rose from his body, holding Zhan Kong with both hands, instead of swinging the sword downward, he swung fiercely at the black cloud above.

Sky-breaking sword!
In an instant, the sword energy reached the sky!The wind and thunder surged, and the entire black cloud was swept away by this sword, and it exploded directly. For a moment, the sky was filled with thunder, and the sky and the earth turned pale!
"My God, what is that?"

"How can there be such a terrible thundercloud?"

Some marines looked at the sky in awe. Those thunderbolts wandered around and shone, even forming the shape of dragons and roaring.

Lu Zhuo's sword was provoking the sky!I'm still not satisfied if you don't bring down the thunder tribulation, I must let you down!

Zhan Guo understood this in an instant, and was extremely shocked and angry.Originally, he thought that even if the World Government's plan failed, Lu Zhuo alone would not be able to fight against the Navy Headquarters, and Lu Zhuo and Whitebeard also had conflicts, so it was impossible for the two to join forces.

Although it would offend a terrible enemy if they failed, their navy had already offended Lu Zhuo to death, and if they could plan to kill Lu Zhuo, they would naturally have to take action.

But now it's all right, Lu Zhuo didn't confront the Navy Headquarters head-on at all, but directly triggered Tianlei, what happened now!

Frightened and angry, looking at the sky as if the thunderclouds seemed to be irritated, they condensed again in an instant, and formed a vortex. The power in it made Lu Zhuo a little frightened. Did he become a little reckless?
But this thought just flashed by, and then it was concealed by self-confidence, and a fearless sword intent rose from his body, no matter how strong the thunder robbery was, I wiped everything away with a sword in my hand!

Hancock was awakened by the chaotic breath, ran out, and saw Lu Zhuo in the sky, who looked down upon the sky at a glance, and was immediately taken aback.

"This is... Lu Zhuo, you must be safe and well."

Although he didn't know what happened, Hancock could feel the crisis. Lu Zhuo floated in the air and waved at her.

She nodded worriedly, knowing that she could only cause trouble for Lu Zhuo here, so she ordered the guards to sail away from the navy headquarters.

At the same time, Hawkeye and the others were all alarmed and walked out. Most of the people didn't understand why, only Hawkeye's eyes shone with a gleam of light.

(End of this chapter)

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