Chapter 138 Thunder Tribulation
Far away on the Red Earth Continent, at the core of the holy land of Mariejoya, the Five Old Stars woke up at the same time, and shouted angrily, "This is the thunder tribulation of an advanced sacred weapon! How is it possible?"

The old man in white with a long beard frowned, looked at the sword in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "The last fragment of Guiche is still in my hand, and it is fused with the light of the millennium. The sword in the hand of the sword god should be incomplete. Yes, why can you advance to the holy artifact?"

The short and fat third elder said calmly: "It seems that this sword god, Lu Zhuo, is our confidant's serious trouble. I am afraid that he is also the owner of the most powerful sword."

"From this point of view, it should be more or less the same." The old man opened his eyes and nodded, but his expression was unremarkable.

The four elders smiled and said, "There is nothing to be afraid of a mere holy artifact. As long as no one of the holy rank appears, we will not be afraid at all. Besides, the will of God has been weakened to the limit, and within three years at most, it will be completely destroyed by us." Smash!"

The old man in white murmured: "In the first battle, Guiche, who was infinitely close to the sacred artifact, was shattered by the sacred artifact we brought, but because of the suppression of the world's will, the thousand-year light was also shattered, and even the sacred artifact itself His spirituality has been obliterated, and he fell directly from the top-grade holy artifact to the low-grade, if he hadn't swallowed a piece of Guiche, he might have fallen directly to the holy rank!"

"Second brother, what is there to worry about? As long as the will of the world is completely shattered, all five of us can recover our holy power. At that time, no matter what happens, we can suppress it at will. I have had enough of this state of being suppressed by the world. Already." Wu Lao said lazily while lying on the sofa.

"Even so, these three years are the most critical three years. The five of us must not leave here. Let them make trouble for that revolutionary army, and let Lu Zhuo make trouble for him too. Let them be fine. The only thing that worries me is the power of the fruit of reincarnation, have you checked it out?" The boss sat cross-legged on the ground and said in a deep voice.

"I don't know, the three elders have already gone to investigate. If that person is really not dead, I'm afraid there will be some trouble." The three elders said lightly.

"Then continue to wait for the result." After the elder finished speaking, he closed his eyes. He was no longer ready to pay attention to the mighty thunder calamity in the distance.

Several other people looked at each other and went to do their own things, but they never left the room.

In the distance, the thunder dragon in the sky was tumbling up and down, and suddenly roared, rushing down towards Lu Zhuo.

At the same time, countless thunder and lightning rained down. Although the navy quickly hid under the command of the Warring States, most of the buildings could not withstand the power of the thunder, and they cracked and shattered instantly.

The eyes of the Warring States period were about to split, and they instantly turned into the form of a giant Buddha.

With a soft shout, he waved his golden palm upwards, and a shock wave blasted upwards, colliding with the thunder all over the sky, but after only blocking it for a moment, he felt sore all over his body and returned to his human form.

"Garp, come here and help me too!" Zhan Guo yelled at Garp beside him, and Garp woke up suddenly, and nodded in a dazed way: "Okay."

Seeing Garp's state, Sengoku sighed again and again, but there was nothing he could do.

Just when they were worrying about fighting Thunder, Lu Zhuo had already fought with that Thunder Dragon. The Thunder Dragon was a full foot wide, and Enilo's Thunder Dragon couldn't compare with this guy at all.

Even Lu Zhuo was caught in a bitter struggle.

Thunder's speed is also the speed of light, so it is impossible to dodge at all. It can only be weakened by the sword field and resisted with the body!
Fortunately, Lu Zhuo's body was already as strong as a prehistoric monster, and with the weakening of Zhankong Sword's body, his body could barely bear it.

At this moment, those sword moves to control the thunder and lightning were completely ineffective, and these lightning and lightning were completely out of Lu Zhuo's control. Lu Zhuo's eyes sank, and after smashing the thunder dragon, his body flickered a few times.

The next moment, within the range covered by Lu Zhuo's sword domain, a circle emerged.

The array of sword shadows!

Originally, he was going to use this trick when he was going to confront Hawkeye, but now it seems that he has to use it in advance, because this is the first thunderbolt, and Lu Zhuo has already used all his strength, he can't guarantee that he can be stable. Spend the next Thunder.

According to Lu Zhuo's estimate, this time there were either six thunderbolts or nine thunderbolts!
Below, Hawkeye, who drew out the black knife, avoided the thunder and occasionally fought, looked at the purple formation in the sky, his eyes lit up slightly, and exclaimed: "Wonderful! Even my sword domain can't do it!" That's it. However, I have already understood the way of the sword, and these things are vulnerable in my eyes."

These words were not heard by Lu Zhuo, and all of Lu Zhuo's attention had been focused on the black clouds in the sky.

The next moment, the black clouds in the sky rolled quickly, and in the center, the light shone brightly, with a thickness of several feet, which made Zhan Guo and others feel terrified and thunderbolt down.

That thunderbolt split itself in mid-air, and instantly turned into two thunder dragons. They rushed towards Lu Zhuo with all their teeth and claws. Any thunder dragon is stronger than the previous one, let alone two?

Lu Zhuo floated there quietly, and waved Zhan Kong casually in his hand.

The next moment, the world seemed to be quiet for a moment, and the two thunder dragons entered the purple sword array, and were hit by countless sword lights in an instant, disintegrating out of thin air!
After doing all this, the purple sword formation also dimmed, obviously unable to withstand the next wave of attacks, but all of this is still under Lu Zhuo's control, his face is calm, and all emotional fluctuations have been put away.

The black clouds swirled, and before Lu Zhuo had the slightest chance to breathe, the third thunder came down suddenly, turning into three thunder dragons in mid-air, and rushed towards Lu Zhuo.

Each of these three thunder dragons is stronger than the previous two thunder dragons!
Lu Zhuo's expression sank slightly. The power of the third wave had grown somewhat beyond his expectations. Originally, he expected to grow to this level only for the fourth time.

The formation of purple sword shadows collapsed at the first touch, but the three thunder dragons also weakened a lot. Lu Zhuo's expression turned cold, and he waved the sword in his hand lightly.

Extremely, Excalibur!Heart Sword!
When confronting Whitebeard, Lu Zhuo used the last move, and now he used it again. This move is fully mature, and its power is much greater than before.

I saw a silver-white sword glow piercing the sky, dazzling like a shooting star.

The eagle eye below has been paying attention, and exclaimed: "This sword light is composed of countless tiny sword lights. The understanding of sword pressure and the control of the sword domain have reached the extreme. In this respect, I am not as good as you."

The sword glow collided with the three thunder dragons, and exploded incessantly amidst the roar, like nuclear fission, exploding and shattering back and forth.

(End of this chapter)

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