Chapter 139 The blood brake of the devil's prison!
Earth-shattering roars continued to be heard in the sky, and the marines only felt that the end of the world seemed to be coming. Compared with today's experience, the subsequent war on top of the top seemed not as terrible as Lu Zhuo's thunder disaster.

Huang Yuan and other generals also ran out to help Garp and Zhan Guo fight against the scattered thunderbolts. Looking at the sky, their eyes were also full of horror.

After a burst of explosions, the thunder in the sky finally disappeared slowly. Lu Zhuo blocked the third thunder with a sword, but he didn't look relaxed at all, and his body trembled slightly.

Fortunately, the physical exertion was too much, but the thunder and lightning stimulated the potential of the body the most, allowing Lu Zhuo's body to recover quickly.

The fourth thunderbolt has not fallen for a long time. Could it be said that there are only three thunderstorms this time?impossible!
Lu Zhuo's expression became more and more serious. The black cloud vortex in the sky was obviously brewing a more powerful thunder disaster.

The next moment, as expected by Lu Zhuo, the vortex of the black cloud suddenly expanded, and a thunderbolt piercing the sky crashed down, turning into thousands of small brontosaurus in mid-air!

Although it is said to be small, compared with the previous third thunder tribulation, these tens of millions of thunder dragons are only a little bit worse than the first thunder tribulation.

Just when Lu Zhuo frowned, there was another roar in the sky, and the thunder condensed together, and it was no longer silvery white, but light red!

The fifth thunder tribulation crashed down, turning into a pink lotus flower in mid-air, beautiful and enchanting, but the terrifying and destructive power contained in it made Lu Zhuo's face darken.

To be able to play two Thunderbolts into one, your grandma is trying to play me to death!

How can we keep calm here? Lu Zhuo couldn't help but cursed loudly, but his voice was completely covered by the roar of thunder, and no one could hear him.

Seeing this scene, the people below had different expressions.

Huang Yuan smiled wretchedly and said, "Sword God Lu Zhuo, I wonder if you can survive such a terrifying thunder and lightning?"

Warring States couldn't see any joy on his face. He knew that if Lu Zhuo died, the navy headquarters would probably be destroyed by lightning, so for him, Lu Zhuo's success or failure was not a good thing. Of course, he hoped that Lu Zhuo would be killed. Thunder and lightning blasted into slag.After all, the navy headquarters can be rebuilt if it is destroyed, but if Lu Zhuoruo is alive, the navy headquarters may be destroyed so that it can never be rebuilt.

Judging from Lu Zhuo's methods of fighting against Thunder today, the Warring States knows that Lu Zhuo has this ability, if he comes to the Navy headquarters every day and secretly throws a move of extreme swordsmanship, who can stop it?

Not to mention that they each had their own thoughts, Lu Zhuo looked gloomy, the originally prepared move obviously couldn't stop the combination of these two thunderbolts, so without hesitation, Lu Zhuo directly used a move that was still in his mind and had never been used before. .

The sword energy reaches the sky, ten thousand swords return to the sect!
With a yell, Lu Zhuo directly dissipated his sword field. Although the sword field was strong in control, it made the sword lose its original flexibility.

The sword field dissipated, and the sword intent spread instantly. Under the call of this strongest sword intent, every flower, plant, and tree in the entire Navy headquarters was eroded and brought with it.

With Lu Zhuo waving his hand lightly, under the horrified eyes of Huang Yuan and others, countless sand, earth and stones, guns, guns and swords all flew up, and with Lu Zhuo as the center, they met the lotus and thunder dragon!
This... This is already out of the scope of swordsmanship, this is the power of some kind of fruit, just kidding!
Huang Yuan watched the Tiancongyun sword in his hand fly out, and his eyes almost popped out.

Thinking of Lu Zhuo's horror, he swallowed his saliva and cursed: "Sword God Lu Zhuo, you'd better go to death, it's too scary, I'm going to scare you to death."

At this moment, part of the thousands of thunder dragons seemed to be attracted by their aura, and they broke away from the main force, and followed those tiny thunder and lightning, and blasted towards Qi Wuhai and the generals.

Seeing this, even Qingzhi was dumbfounded, and cursed Lu Zhuo in his heart.

This kind of thunder dragon, it really takes a lot of effort for them to deal with one. If there are two or three, they may be injured, and ten will probably be bombarded and killed.

From this we can see the gap between them and Lu Zhuo, the Four Emperors above the top generals are indeed much stronger, not to mention the elite Four Emperors, or Lu Zhuo who has half a foot at the top Four Emperors level.

The roaring continued, and those guns and rocks almost collapsed at the touch of a touch, only breaking a few thunder dragons.

But those swords all exuded fierce sword light, and each sword carried Lu Zhuo's supreme sword intent, forming a solid sword formation, which was much stronger than the previous sword shadow formation.

This move, even Hawkeye, dare not say that it can be followed casually.But after all, it was a tentative move, and Lu Zhuo was still not proficient in using it. Although he barely resisted the thunder dragon and lotus, occasionally thunder and lightning broke through the blockade and hit him.

Dispersing the Sword Domain has advantages and disadvantages!
Lu Zhuo, who was struck by the thunder and lightning, just felt his body go numb, and then calmly endured it. The eyes of Huang Yuan and others jumped when he saw it, and he cursed the monster in his heart.

Although it may not be as strong as Karp in terms of physical strength, Lu Zhuo is much stronger than Garp in resisting lightning. After all, he often deals with thunder and lightning. The power is so strong that it is abnormal.

However, although those swords blocked the group of thunder dragons, the lotus flower was pressed down slowly and firmly.

It seems that because of the condensed thunder, the quantity changes and the quality changes, making this lotus flower lose the speed of light of thunder and lightning, and instead become calm and unstoppable.

But this kind of lightning came after Lu Zhuo, even if he hid in the sky, he would chase after him, so Lu Zhuo had no intention of hiding, lightly shook Zhan Kong in his hand, and smiled strangely at the Warring States below.

Zhan Guo yelled in his heart that it was not good, but he was dragged by more than a dozen thunder dragons, and he couldn't stop it for a while. Lu Zhuo fell from the sky to the ground, floating in the bay of the navy headquarters.

The next moment, the Zhankong Sword in Lu Zhuo's hand became extremely hot, and the crimson sword seemed to turn into magma.

Lu Zhuo chuckled and said, "Whether the Navy Headquarters can stay or not depends on God's will."

After all, the Zhankong sword in his hand flew up and down, Lu Zhuo grabbed the hilt of the sword with his right hand, and smashed it hard towards the sea!
Devil Prison Blood Brake!
The next moment, in the underground magma layer tens of thousands of meters away, the magma was instantly aroused, broke through the surface directly, and surged up.

The terrible pressure of tens of thousands of meters makes these magma rise into the sky with extremely terrifying power. This kind of terrifying power cannot be achieved even by Akainu, unless Akainu can go one step further and reach the elite four emperors. Cause underground magma to erupt.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Guo's teeth were about to be gritted, and he said bitterly: "If Lu Zhuo doesn't get rid of, it's really a serious problem, damn it, because Chiquan didn't want to meet him, he hid, and I don't know if it's too late! "

(End of this chapter)

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