Chapter 140 End
The magma was directly ejected from the bay of the entire Navy Headquarters, and the magma fire column with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters rushed up. The thunder dragon and the sword in the sky had already been wiped out, leaving only the lotus flower.

The pillar of magma and the lotus collided violently. The headquarters of the navy was almost wiped out by the magma. The collision between the magma and the lotus was earth-shattering and spectacular.

Even the magma volcano of Akainu is far inferior to this scene. After the lotus is blown up, the magma is blown in all directions, like a big firework, even the nearby islands are clearly visible.

Many people saw this scene and thought it was the Navy Headquarters setting off fireworks.

Fortunately, the navy had already hid in the underground defensive buildings, and the buildings on the ground were largely destroyed without causing too many casualties.

After guiding the magma to shatter the lotus, Lu Zhuo smiled and shot up into the sky. He didn't bother to help Zhan Guo block the magma opening and let it spray slowly.

Just as he was thinking this way, a figure flew over on moon steps in the distance, and plunged directly into the magma. You didn't need to look to know that it was a red dog rushing over. Seeing this, Lu Zhuo curled his lips and left a sentence: If you are lucky, you will fly into the sky again.

In the sky, black clouds surged and curled up, filling the sky with dark clouds, and finally condensed into thunderclouds only a few feet in size. At this time, the thunderstorms in the sky also disappeared, but Huang Yuan and others still couldn't rest , but also to help Chigou suppress the underground magma, I hated Lu Zhuo to death in my heart.

"Hey, it's not over yet. This time you're dead, you're really dead." Huang Yuan cursed Lu Zhuo wretchedly while using the ball of light to extinguish the scattered magma.

"I'm afraid this kid won't be able to stop this terrifying power." Garp noticed Lu Zhuo in the air, and sighed slightly, as if he heard that the sword god Lu Zhuo and Ace Lufei were friends?
Sengoku jumped up high, slapped the surging magma, and with the help of Akainu, he slapped the magma column into the ground, stared, and said, "This kind of kid should die soon! The world is clean!"

Although he said so, the Warring States period did not believe that the terrible Lu Zhuo would die under the thunder. You must know that countless times before, Lu Zhuo had survived and reached the level he is today. .

However, thinking that even Roger, the Pirate King, was killed by the navy when he became the Pirate King, he was a little more confident that Lu Zhuo would die under the thunder.

At this moment, Lu Zhuo looked at the black cloud, felt the terrifying and destructive aura within it, sighed, and said, "Originally, I planned to keep a hole card, but it seems that I can only hand it in here."

Although this thunderbolt has not yet been sent out, Lu Zhuo already knows that he is definitely not able to resist it. Perhaps only when he reaches the level of the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, can he be able to block it.

Thinking of this in his heart, Lu Zhuo lightly stroked Zhan Kong in his hand, and waved towards the sky with an indifferent expression.

In the next moment, there was no splendor, no earth-shattering, and the black cloud that was condensed to the extreme was cut open by one piece and disappeared!
"How is it possible?!" Warring States Garp and others who were watching this scene all shouted in surprise, unable to believe their eyes at all. Could it be that the condensed thunder at the end had nothing to do with it?
However, there is one person whose expression is completely different, and he is Hawkeye!

Hawkeye's expression is excited!
"This is... this is... the pinnacle of the Dao of the sword, the path of the sword, leading to the ultimate... the origin! The origin of the sword! Dao is only halfway through, and I can't touch...that kind of power. Very good, I have underestimated you, Sword God Lu Zhuo, look forward to our battle!"

Hawkeye showed a strong fighting spirit, and the indifferent aura of the world before disappeared.

However, Lu Zhuo flashed in the air and disappeared into the sky.

In the distance, Lu Zhuo's figure flashed over and landed on Hancock's boat. Hancock was looking forward to it, and finally saw Lu Zhuo's figure, with surprise in his eyes.

"Great sir, you're fine!"

"'s okay!" Lu Zhuo paused, and after a wry smile, he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell into Hancock's arms.

He didn't expect that although he could use the original power, the control was only an illusion, because he could control it under Zhan Kong's suppression, and once it exploded, it was completely out of his control!
Injuring the enemy a thousand, self-destructing eight hundred!

Hancock's exclamation was heard beside his ears, but Lu Zhuo had already passed out.His body was bleeding from the internal organs and his meridians were broken by the original backlash. If it weren't for Lu Zhuo's inhuman strength, he might have been directly crushed and killed by the backlash.

A few days later, Lu Zhuo gradually regained consciousness.Under the stimulation of lightning, his body had an incomparably strong regenerative ability, coupled with Hancock's meticulous care, he woke up in just a few days, and most of his injuries healed.

Opening his somewhat confused eyes, Lu Zhuo saw Hancock by his side pounced forward, and said with joy, "Husband... that's great, you finally woke up!"

Lu Zhuo looked at her tired look, reached out and touched her face, his heart was full of love and affection.

He knew that Hancock must be worried about him these days. He might not have slept for several days. tired.

"I'm go to sleep." Lu Zhuo looked at Hancock who was lying beside him, and said softly.

Hancock shook his head, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm not sleepy, my husband just woke up, he must be hungry, I'm going to prepare lunch for you."

As she said that, she wanted to get up, for Lu Zhuo, almost all the meals Lu Zhuo ate were cooked by her alone, she was originally an empress, and she had hundreds of cooks under her hand, but she just wanted to do it herself.

Lu Zhuo only felt that his heart was full of emotion. In his eyes, Hancock was no longer that cold empress, but would always be the docile little girl in his arms.

Hugging Hancock in his arms directly and arrogantly, Lu Zhuo kissed her on the cheek, and said: "Let your subordinates take care of this kind of thing, why bother to do it yourself, go to sleep obediently, this is my order !"

Originally, Hancock still struggled, but when he heard Lu Zhuo's last sentence, he immediately lay obediently in Lu Zhuo's arms, smiled sweetly, and said, "Yes, I obey my husband's orders..."

After finishing speaking, she lay gently in Lu Zhuo's arms, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

These few days have indeed exhausted her physically and mentally. Although she is also a powerful empress, she is also a pampered empress.

Lu Zhuo hugged her lightly, without any distracting thoughts in his mind, just thinking about things quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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