Chapter 141 Holy Sword Zhankong
With a thought, a golden light emanated from Lu Zhuo's arm, and the next moment, a pale golden three-foot sword emerged from his arm, circled around his neck, and stuck to his body affectionately , that feeling of joy rippling directly in Lu Zhuo's mind.

This sword is obviously Zhan Kong who has become a holy weapon.At this moment, Lu Zhuo felt like his own arms and fingers, commanding them freely and changing them as he wished.

It can be as thin as a cicada's wing, it can be thick and strong, it can be three feet green, and it can be a hundred meters long.

Lu Zhuo touched Zhan Kong lightly, and after a slight smile, Lu Zhuo sighed again.

"Is it really because of incompleteness? Even if it becomes a holy weapon, the spirituality in it cannot become real spiritual wisdom after all."

In Lu Zhuo's mind, Zhan Kong, who has become a holy sword, should be able to evolve into a real life, but now it seems that although he has some wisdom and spirituality, it is obviously not comparable to humans.

But, it can also be called a flying sword, a fairy sword.

Seeing the three-foot golden sword swinging back and forth by his side, and directly entering into his body from time to time, Lu Zhuo was also very happy in his heart.Although the essence of the sword in the Zhankong sword was completely exhausted, Zhankong, which has become a holy sword at this moment, is undoubtedly much better than that kind of disposable product.

Although it can't have the terrifying power to kill the top four emperors like the origin of the sword, but holding it, Lu Zhuo has stepped into the world's most pinnacle level.

Undoubtedly, after exercising his body in the thunder, coupled with the holy sword Zhankong born from the thunder, Lu Zhuo stepped into the top four emperors level. After entering this level, Lu Zhuo discovered that the road ahead is far from over.

The so-called ordinary four emperors, elite four emperors, and top four emperors are just a fictional level in Lu Zhuo's mind.In fact, there is no such hierarchy in this world.

According to his own deduction, after feeling that he has stepped into the top, what Lu Zhuo can feel is the essence of this world.

As if he shot with all his strength, he could tear the space in front of him and leave this world!

But this is just a feeling. Lu Zhuo knows that only by continuing to accumulate and improve his strength can he change from quantitative to qualitative, surpass the so-called four emperors, and step into the level of a true god.

And Lu Zhuo also had a premonition that that level could bring him true eternal life.

After a smile, Lu Zhuo grabbed Zhan Kong, and Zhan Kong was trembling in his hands, like a slippery catfish, entwined and slippery.

Lu Zhuo let it struggle, but he felt the way of the sword in his heart.

He has already reached the consummation of the sword heart, and there are countless avenues of swords in front of him. First of all, he has to decide the path he wants to take.

Sword of love?Cut off the seven emotions and six desires, and achieve the Dao?Lu Zhuo directly shook his head and gave up.

A kendo that respects the sword, a kendo that respects the body, and a kendo that respects the mind?Which one is the correct path?

Lu Zhuo frowned and sighed in his heart, but it was still difficult to make a choice.Once you choose a path, if you can't lead to the source, you can't turn back, you can only achieve the sword state, but you can't spy on the sword source state above it.

There seems to be something wrong with the path Hawkeye chose, and the end of the sword seems to be unable to touch the source.But even so, Hawkeye, who has achieved swordsmanship, is not afraid of anything. If there were no people like Wulaoxing, Hawkeye would be the top of the world.

Thinking in his heart, the sword intent became agitated, inadvertently, a trace of sword energy was revealed from the body, and the clothes were directly smashed, and Hancock beside him was also shattered, and the clothes all over his body were broken into pieces, revealing his soft and delicate body.

Lu Zhuo smiled wryly and shook his head, looking at Hancock who was fast asleep, he couldn't bear to disturb him, so he stood up, grabbed a nightgown and wrapped himself up.

Although he hasn't fully recovered yet, he's fine.

Pushing open the door and going out, a guard at the door turned his head, saw Lu Zhuo, hurriedly knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, what do you want?"

Lu Zhuo has never received this kind of treatment from an emperor. Although it is easy for him to become an emperor in this world, Lu Zhuo's goal is to hold the whole world in his hands.

With a slight smile, Lu Zhuo said lightly: "Is there any news from the navy recently?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, it is said that nearly half of the Navy Headquarters was destroyed due to the eruption of a submarine volcano, and it is now under urgent construction."

"Oh?!" Lu Zhuo was a little surprised, originally thought that the navy would directly fall out with him and abolish the name of Qiwuhai, but who knew that the navy chose to hide.

In fact, Zhan Guo knew in his heart that he had a falling out with Lu Zhuo this time, but after all, Lu Zhuo didn't directly attack the navy, so he managed to maintain his face.

So the Warring States period decided to hide the matter, even if Lu Zhuo does not help the navy, as long as Lu Zhuo can not help the white beard and the navy, the most important thing for them is not to face Lu Zhuo, but to face the inevitable future. The top of the war.

How many times has the majesty of the navy been destroyed recently? If there is no more upright victory, those pirates who are about to move will no longer be able to suppress them. You must know that this wave of people who are about to flood into the new world, but ten A supernova with a reward of over [-] million!

After roughly speculating about the thoughts of the Warring States Period, Lu Zhuo raised the corner of his mouth, saying that this is the best.But after thinking about it, he frowned again. It's okay to deceive the people about this kind of thing, but the world government must know it well.

Even this matter is probably the method of the five old stars. The attack in that room is definitely not something that the Warring States Period can do.

With Wu Laoxing's means, it shouldn't be ignored.

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure it out. It seemed that all the inferences, all the clues, finally faced a seemingly insurmountable mountain... Wu Lao Xing!

Lu Zhuo smiled coldly, revealing a murderous intent, since Wu Laoxing wants his life, then this matter will never end!

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, have mercy." The guard couldn't bear Lu Zhuo's sudden leak of murderous intent, his delicate body trembled, and he knelt down on the ground, trembling.

The aura on Lu Zhuo's body suddenly subsided, he coughed twice, and said, "Sorry, I scared you, and it has nothing to do with you."

Feeling the dissipation of the terrifying killing intent, the guard slowly got up, and when he heard Lu Zhuo's words, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, the aloof Lu Zhuo would apologize to such a small guard like her.

Lu Zhuo didn't care, after all, he wasn't made to be an emperor, although he was domineering, he also had compassion, and of course, compassion also depended on the object.

If it is an enemy, even if it is a peerless beauty, Lu Zhuo can destroy flowers without hesitation!

After nodding his head, Lu Zhuo said, "Go prepare a big meal and bring it over."

"Yes!" The guard stepped back respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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