Chapter 142 Tianlong people are a fart!

"You... who are you?" Capone and Becky looked at Lu Zhuo in horror, sitting slumped on the stool, even without the strength to stand up.

Lu Zhuo didn't bother to pay attention to him, but looked at Hawkins in front of him. At this moment, his heart was a little messy and it was difficult to maintain his composure, so he said directly: "Sorry, I scared you, thank you for the news."

After speaking, Lu Zhuo's figure flashed, and he seemed to disappear out of thin air, and left here.

Hawkins sat down on the ground, watched Lu Zhuo disappear out of thin air in horror, and said, "Is there such a big gap? Even his eyes can't keep up with his speed... Besides, his job is a swordsman!"

Sitting there by the quiet coast, Lu Zhuo felt a little messy in his mind.

I am a time traveler, there is no fate to explain, how to explain the blank fate of the dragon people that day?Are they all time travelers?It's too nonsense, they are the characters in Oda's writing, but I am the one who really messed in!

Frowning, thinking for a long time, Lu Zhuo finally did not find the answer. At the end of all the mysteries, there is another five old stars!

No matter what you do, one day you will be trampled under my feet. At the pinnacle of the world, I only need to stand alone!
Lu Zhuo stood up, patted his clothes, and after calming down, he was ready to meet Lei Li.

He doesn't like to drink normally, so he bought the best wine this time, of course, for the alcoholic Pluto Leili. At this time in the original plot, Leili should have spent all his money and wanted to sell himself.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Zhuo's knowledgeable domineering aura was released directly, spreading over the island in a powerful and domineering manner, and soon found where Luffy and the others were.

Originally, the auction was held by Brother Doflamingo. After Brother Doflaming died, the power collapsed, but there was another auction here, which made Lu Zhuo shake his head with a smile.

Dora Falgaro became his subordinate, causing the eleven supernovae to become ten directly, but it seemed to have no effect on the main storyline.

In fact, if he wants to completely change the plot, he can still do it, kill a few important people casually, or simply kill Luffy, there will be no so-called plot.

But Lu Fei can be regarded as Lu Zhuo's half friend. It is impossible for Lu Zhuo to kill Lu Fei directly without killing the protagonist. It seems that no matter how Lu Zhuo interferes with the plot, he will eventually return to the original track.

After thinking about it, Lu Zhuo stepped forward.

At this moment, there was chaos in the auction.

Countless people ran out screaming, looking extremely flustered.

"Tianlong people... Tianlong people have been beaten!"

There was chaos in the venue, with broken pieces of wood, tables and chairs everywhere.

Lu Fei looked coldly at the several guards rushing up in front of him, and shouted: "Quick, go and rescue Kaimi!"

"Hmph, are you trying to save him?" Xia Lulia Gong, a Draconian dressed as an astronaut, held a pistol in his hand, pointed at the mermaid Cammy in the huge goldfish bowl, and sneered, "I'll kill her now!"

"No! Assistant!"

"Under Xia Lulia's palace, don't shoot!"

"Shut up, you low-class pariah!" Shalulia Gong turned around and yelled angrily, and shot at the panicked host, then turned around and shot Kemi in the fish tank.

Huh!So far, the plot is roughly the same, but here...

In a corner that no one noticed, Lu Zhuo was sitting there, watching the live broadcast with great interest, but his expression changed slightly the next moment.

In his perception, it would take at least a few more steps for Raleigh to break through the backstage and come here.But the gun of this female Celestial Dragon has already been fired. If there are no other accidents, Kemi will die under this gun!
In Lu Zhuo's sight, everyone's movements were slowed down infinitely, and the bullet in the air flew towards Kaimi extremely slowly, and everyone's expressions were frozen.

A panicked Usopp, a terrified Luffy...

Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Zhuo stood up. Kaimi, the mermaid, has a certain relationship with him. It seems that the damn plot here is changed to him coming to the rescue!

Although he didn't mind being a hero to save the beauty, the feeling of having to do it made Lu Zhuo feel uncomfortable.

With a flash, Lu Zhuo's figure appeared directly on the auction stage, and with two fingers pinching lightly, under the horrified eyes of everyone, he crushed the bullet directly!

For Lu Zhuo, who released his domineering aura to replace his five senses, all this was very slow, but for Lu Fei and others, it was a matter of an instant.

In their eyes, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Kaimi, as if blocking the bullet?
"You... you are?" There was a drop of cold sweat on the forehead of the red-haired Kidd who was sitting in the back row. He didn't see it clearly at all, and even the phantom didn't appear. In his eyes, Lu Zhuo just appeared out of thin air like a teleportation on stage.

"Ah! It's you, thank you so much!" Lu Fei recognized Lu Zhuo at the same time when he saw that Kaimi was fine. He pressed the straw hat and smiled, and then an ax came from the side, and he hurriedly lowered his head to avoid it.

Kemi stared blankly at the figure in front of her, as if she hadn't recovered from her panic.

But Lu Zhuo looked at the female Tianlongren in front of him coldly, and said lightly: "The character of the Tianlongren is indeed so disgusting!"

"You... who are you!" Xia Lulia Gong looked at Lu Zhuo in horror, thinking of something in his mind, the gun in his hand was a little unsteady, and in a panic, he fired a few more shots.

With a wave of Lu Zhuo's sleeve, a gust of wind even condensed into a wind blade, and there was a ding ding dong dong, and the bullets shattered directly.

Seeing this scene, Xia Lulia Palace panicked and said: "I... I am a Tianlong person, how dare you touch me, a lowly pariah!"

"Tianlong people, what a fart, those bastards of the five old stars will eat my sword sooner or later!" Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, but the smile was a little cold. This expression was also the last look of this Tianlongren's life.

At this moment, there was a violent explosion, and the smoke and broken bricks were smashed within a foot of Lu Zhuo, making Kidd and the others behind, as well as the Tianlong guards extremely astonished.

Lu Fei and the others have already gotten used to Lu Zhuo's incredible powers, so they are no strangers to it.

"Ha, I saw you here, I'm so rude!" Lei Li followed a giant behind him and appeared on the stage. When he saw Lu Zhuo, he scratched his hair and laughed.

Lu Zhuo smiled and said, "I miss you so much. We also met for the first time at the auction back then. I didn't expect you to do this kind of thing again."

"You boy, I originally wanted to sell myself and rob my buyer by the way, but now you have ruined everything." Lei Li laughed loudly and said, "Did you bring me some good wine!"

(End of this chapter)

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