Chapter 144 Have you been cut by the speed of light?
"It seems that you are not a young man." Aunt Shao rolled her eyes and asked, "Have you seen the old man? When will he come back?"

"I'll be there soon!" Lu Zhuo stepped aside, lay down on the sofa, and closed his eyes to rest.

After a while, Raleigh came back, apparently hiding himself and running out, leaving Luffy and Kidd in the navy pile.

Lu Zhuo opened his eyes, smiled and said, "I'm back, I've been waiting for so long."

"I'm old, how can it compare to the speed of you young people!" Lei Li chuckled, took the two glasses of wine that Aunt Shao handed over, and handed Lu Zhuo a glass.

Lu Zhuo took it, took a sip, and said, "This time I'm here to meet old friends, take a break, watch a play, nothing else."

"Well, you actually have such leisurely thoughts to relax!" Lei Li took a sip of wine, pointing at Lu Zhuo, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and said, "It seems that you are the one who stirred up the turbulence in this world."

"I just pushed a few casually." Lu Zhuo smiled and drank the wine in the glass directly, saying: "No need to pour any more, Luffy and the others are coming, you have a good chat, I still want to Go on to the play."

After saying that, Lu Zhuo dodged and disappeared again.

After Lu Zhuo left, Lei Li's expression was no longer as relaxed as before, but a little dignified, and he said to Aunt Shao: "This kid is really here to relax, I don't think he is going to make some big moves here, The old man still wants to retire in this place.”

"Tch, what are you worried about? Since this kid said so, he would definitely not lie to you. Does he still need to hide it from you?" Aunt Shao walked up to Lei Li and smiled.

Lei Li looked relieved, nodded and said: "That's right, if he dares to do anything here, the old man will slap him!"

"You bad old man, can you beat that kid?"

"Should, probably, maybe...can't!"

During the conversation, Luffy and the others rushed out from the encirclement of the navy, and finally followed the path led by Rayleigh to find this place. Although the details of what happened later were slightly different, they were still very close to the original book. Secret, Luffy still chose to find it by himself and take risks by himself.

On the other side, the troubled Sengoku was busy rebuilding the naval headquarters, and Huang Yuan Mao introduced himself, stepped on a cannonball, and asked a few little pirates in a wretched tone: "Have you seen the man named Zhan Taowan? "

Those little pirates were frightened to death by him, bullying the rookies, even the little characters who are not even considered rookies in the new world, Huang Yuan would play around a bit, Lu Zhuo felt uncomfortable for a while looking at the wretched look.

Now the gap between Lu Zhuo's strength and that of Huang Yuan has widened greatly, so Lu Zhuo hid aside, and Huang Yuan didn't know it at all. Fuck the crap.

Hawkins sat by the edge of the fountain, with a pile of curved swords in front of him, holding a stack of cards in his hand, and placed them one by one on the tips of the swords.

"The probability of evasion is zero." After saying this, Hawkins sighed in his heart. Sure enough, he still had to meet the yellow ape, which was really bad news.

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of Huang Yuan appeared in front of him, bent his waist, and asked with a smile: "Have you seen a man named Zhan Taowan?"

Hawkins glanced at him. Although he had expected it, he was still flustered, but he remained calm on the surface. He picked up another card, glanced at it, and said to himself: "The probability of avoidance is zero. " After finishing speaking, he looked at Huang Yuan coldly, and said in a deep voice, "I don't know."

Huang Yuan smiled wretchedly, and said: "Since that's the case, then the old man is not in a hurry to look for it, but since I saw you, I can't let you, Basil Hawkins, who has offered a reward of 900 million yuan."

As soon as the words fell, Hawkins looked at the yellow ape with a strange look in his eyes, pulled out a card, and said, "You have a chance of being cut off, and the probability of avoiding it is zero!"

"Hey, do you want to cut me? Is your speed enough? Speed ​​is strength!" A strong light flashed from the leg of the yellow monkey, which was as dazzling as a torch. It should have been a holy light, and with that wretched expression, It really made Lu Zhuo feel weird.

I saw Huang Yuan slowly said: "Have you been kicked by the speed of light?" As soon as the words fell, the kick flashed past, and Hawkins had no ability to react at all, so he was kicked and flew away, driving There was a violent explosion in the side room.

In fact, the yellow ape still had the idea of ​​playing cat and mouse, otherwise Hawkins would not even have time to roll his eyes.

When Huang Yuan looked ahead, a faint voice suddenly came from behind him, saying: "This guy has a little fate with me, since he was kicked by you, I will help him return the sword...... However, speed is power, Huang Yuan, have you ever... been cut by the speed of light!"

This sentence was not uttered, but directly sent to Huang Yuan's mind. It was almost an instant thing. Huang Yuan yelled in his heart that it was not good. Go, but that little bit of time was only enough for him to notice a golden sword flash past.

"His grandma''s... Lu Zhuo again!" Huang Yuan smiled wryly, his wretched face instantly shattered into pieces, and his whole body shattered into countless light spots, scattered on the ground.

"How is that possible! That's General Huang Yuan, he was killed just like that!"

"Nonsense, how could the yellow ape die like this, look at those lights, it must be some kind of ability!"

A group of rookie pirates sitting on the ground looked at the situation in horror, discussing in trembling voices.

Looking at the scattered light spots, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly and said, "Although I hate you very much, you are quite interesting, and you don't deserve to die here, so be it!"

At this time, the sounds of fighting and explosions could be heard from all around. It was obvious that the pacifists had already fought with the supernovas. After Lu Zhuo smiled, he left in a flash.

And Haiming, who was hiding in the dark, wiped his sweat and said, "Is that the yellow ape? It's really terrifying. It won't die if you cut it like that!"

In fact, if Lu Zhuo swept across with his sword with all his strength, he would have killed the ten orangutans with natural elements, but Lu Zhuo didn't use domineering, or even use the sword technique of beheading the flesh, but used a little bit of the holy sword The ability to cut the sky, that is to cut the soul directly.

So when Huang Yuan recovered, he didn't have any injuries on his body, but the severe pain had penetrated into his bones. Huang Yuan dared to swear that it was definitely more painful than the cruelest punishment in Jinjin City Prison!
At this time, looking at the yellow ape, who had no image of a general at all, rolling on the ground with his head in his arms, Hawkins walked out from the side unharmed. Although his face was still calm, sweat was already appearing on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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