Chapter 145 The Fate of Hawkins
"It's not that this sword can't be killed, it's that the sword god didn't kill it on purpose, and tortured Huang Yuan! The majestic admiral of the navy turned into this appearance after being cut off by a sword. The sword too scary!"

There was a loud noise, and a Sky Islander with wings on his back fell out. He was one of the supernovas. He looked at Hawkins in surprise and said, "What are you talking about, is the sword god here? Damn, a seven Wu Hai is already so powerful..."

"No... that's not the Qibukai!" Hawkins glanced at the pacifist who was coming, and said, "It's just a humanoid weapon of the world government. The Qiwuhai is far more terrifying than we imagined."

The strange monk Urgi looked at the pacifist in front of him, and said with lingering fear: "You are Hawkins of the North Sea. Since it is you, you should be right. Unexpectedly, we are just watching the sky from a well, and we don't know how big the world is." big."

"Besides the pacifists, there are even more powerful enemies here." Suddenly, a man with two swords jumped out from the side, staring at the yellow ape rolling on the ground, with a look of surprise in his eyes, who made the yellow ape become so painful? so?

"Oh? This is... the general yellow ape? What's wrong with him?" The strange monk Urji noticed the rolling yellow ape at the side. It was because the appearance of the yellow ape really didn't look like a general, just like a The little gangster who was beaten and bloody ran around begging for mercy.

"I'm hurting to death, Lu Zhuo, you bastard... I'm going to deprive you of Qiwuhai..." Huang Yuan, who gradually recovered, couldn't help cursing, Lu Zhuo's figure had long since disappeared, but his words became more and more serious Said the lower the volume, and finally sighed helplessly.

If Lu Zhuo didn't take the initiative to attack the navy headquarters and kill a few generals, I'm afraid the navy would definitely not want to take the initiative to fall out with Lu Zhuo, so Huang Yuan knew that his sword was in vain.

Turning his head and looking at the surrounding situation, the yellow ape looked cold, no longer thinking about playing cat and mouse, his face twitched, and said: "All of you, let the old man die!"

Although Huang Yuan didn't look like a general before, his reputation was resounding. Now that Huang Yuan returned to normal, he immediately calmed down the scene and made all the pirates vigilant.

At this moment, Haiming, who was hiding on the roof in the distance, laughed loudly and said, "Since the sword god can kill the yellow ape and leave calmly, then I can too."

After finishing speaking, he jumped out directly and started to play his songs. Unexpectedly, the yellow ape just glanced at him, and before he could play a few notes, a beam of light flew over in an instant, passing directly through his body, making the He lost consciousness instantly.

After the ray of light passed through his body, it hit the distant Alchiman mangrove tree.

There was an earth-shattering explosion, and the super giant tree that made up the island was broken and fell down.

Seeing this scene, the supernovas who were preparing to fight were all dumbfounded, only then did they realize how weak they are, and they are nothing but ants in front of the real strong!

This time, it was scattered like birds and beasts, and no one was willing to fight, but the yellow ape chased it casually a few times, and after a few flashes of light, all the people except Hawkins were subdued by the yellow ape.

In the end, he flashed up to Hawkins, gritted his teeth, Huang Yuan didn't make a move after all, he was afraid that Lu Zhuo would give him another sword, the feeling was too sad, and he didn't want to bear it again for the rest of his life .

Watching the yellow ape turn into a golden light and leave, Hawkins wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and saw a person gnawing a red fruit on the street in front of him, and said softly, "Well, this kind of fruit is good. "

That person was naturally Lu Zhuo who was watching from the side. Seeing the yellow ape leave, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly and said to himself: You are wise!
"Although we are all pirates and enemies, I still want to say thank you." Hawkins said to Lu Zhuo with a trace of gratitude on his face.

Lu Zhuo waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, it's a trivial matter, it's the reward you gave me for fortune-telling. Well, would you like to join my Holy Sword Pirates?"

After eating the fruit in his hand, Lu Zhuo clapped his hands and extended an invitation to Hawkins with a smile.

How difficult it is to join his Holy Sword Pirates!From Lu Zhuo's current perspective, even if he is a top general, he has to think about it, unless he has some special ability.

And Hawkins obviously has some kind of special ability, and the fruit power should be the most magical and strange branch of the fruit of destiny in the superhuman system.

The Fruit of Destiny, in the illustrated book, only has an outline. No one knows whether it really exists, and there are only legends about it. It is more illusory than the Fruit of Time.

One must know that although no one has obtained the time fruit, some people have seen it, and Lu Zhuo has seen it with his own eyes.

And this Fruit of Destiny has only its branches in the world, such as Divination Fruit, Luck Fruit, etc. The real Fruit of Destiny has never appeared in the world, so it is not one of the top ten strongest superhumans.

Because it is not sure whether there is such a fruit, and, even if there is, it is not sure what its power is, whether it is strong or not.

You know, there are some very magical fruit abilities, but the power is extremely poor, and some look bad, such as rubber fruits, which are abnormally strong under the development of Luffy, comparable to the top ten strongest superhumans.

After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Hawkins was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Sorry, I'm a captain and I don't want to stay on someone else's boat."

"Hey, is that so? Although there is only one chance under normal circumstances, I am in a good mood today. Then, if you find it difficult in the new world, the Holy Sword Pirates will give you another chance to join, but at that time It’s not that easy to go through a test.”

For Hawkins' attitude, Lu Zhuo had expected it. Although what happened today completely tore up the fantasies of these supernovas and let them know how weak they are, most of these captains who can get here are people with firm minds. Generally unwilling to be inferior to others.

After waving his hand, Lu Zhuo's figure disappeared before Hawkins' eyes.

Hawkins sighed, and said, "Is it a pity to refuse? Maybe! This is fate, and I can't get rid of it after all."

He did the math for himself, and found that since he met Lu Zhuo, his fate was closely related to the Holy Sword Pirates, and this time the refusal was because he was trying to resist fate, but he didn't expect that Lu Zhuo would give him a second chance .

In this case, under the guidance of fate, he will definitely encounter difficulties that he cannot overcome in the new world, which will eventually lead him to join the Holy Sword Pirates.

"I really envy... people with blank fate!" Hawkins muttered to himself, but no one noticed that Lu Zhuo's attention had been put on the other side at this time. Tyrant Bear is up.

However, contrary to Huang Yuan's expectations, the Straw Hats were not as weak as imagined. Among them, Luffy and Sauron, the strongest, have already reached the level of top lieutenant generals, and Sauron, who owns the sword domain, can also Slashing the yellow ape, the yellow ape is not as relaxed and casual as in the original book, but confronts the enemy solemnly.

Once the yellow ape is serious, it will be very scary, but what makes Lu Zhuo secretly call it wonderful is that Sauron breaks through again, completes the sword field, turns thousands of swords into one sword, and hits three swords for the first time. The yellow ape was injured.

At the same time, Luffy is also like a cosmic explosion. Although his body has suffered some injuries, he has become more and more courageous in the battle. Even ordinary generals and even elite generals are not as difficult as them.

As for Zhan Taowan, he had the upper hand in the original book, but even though he was a little domineering at the moment, he had no choice but to stand aside if he hadn't reached the second stage.

(End of this chapter)

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