Chapter 146 Luffy's Decision

Soon, the pacifists were mobilized. Kizaki alone and two pacifists suppressed Luffy's group whose potential had exploded. Just when Kizaki was about to win, he was also secretly paying attention. Rayleigh stepped in and instantly changed the situation of the battle.

Although his strength has declined sharply, Lei Li is still on par with Huang Yuan. Although his physical strength is a little weak due to his old age, Lei Li can definitely use his serious injuries to pay for Huang Yuan's death if he desperately tries to score the victory. .

Therefore, Huang Yuan didn't dare to force him too much, so he had no choice but to practice the friendship sword with Lei Li.

On the other side, the two pacifists were not opponents of Luffy's group at all. When they were about to be blown up, the prototype of the tyrant bear appeared.

This time, the scene was finally on par. Yellow Ape vs. Rayleigh, and Tyrant Bear led two pacifists against the Straw Hats. Lu Zhuo, who was watching the show, enjoyed the scene, although the scene he swung his sword over was absolutely better than it is now. It is much more gorgeous, but Lu Zhuo is already watching an actor acting in the audience, and he has already been deeply involved in the play.

Originally Tyrant Xiong heard that Luffy had beaten the Celestial Dragon, and the yellow monkey was going to capture Luffy, so he came to rescue him, but who knew after probing, he was surprised to find that the strength of Luffy's group exceeded his expectations, and they had already With the capital to go to the new world, the originally prepared means were decided not to be used.

In the end, Huang Yuan saw that he couldn't take advantage of any advantage, not to mention that there was a damn Lu Zhuo in the dark, making him feel hairy, and finally decided to retreat temporarily.

He retreated, and the tyrant Xiong also left, and did not tell Lei Li the secret that he was a revolutionary soldier. Lu Zhuo watched the whole process in secret and walked out with a smile.

"Luffy, you guys are growing up fast."

"Of course, you just wait for us to challenge you in the new world!" Luffy grinned, the scars all over his body didn't make him frown a bit, and let Lu Fei appreciate Luffy. He used to appreciate it when he was on Earth, but now he appreciates it even more. Appreciate, even want to pull Luffy into his boat, anyway, this guy has no idea about beauty.

However, Lu Zhuo also knew that this was impossible. After a smile, his expression suddenly became solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Lu Fei, do you know that your brother Ace was captured by Blackbeard Tiki and sent to the Navy headquarters. Execution will be carried out in January!"

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Lei Li was not surprised at all, and stood aside panting to recover his strength, while Lu Fei directly blew his hair, looked at Lu Zhuo in a panic, and said, "Is it true? No, I Go save him!"

"Do you know where Ace is being imprisoned? After it was built, only one golden lion escaped from the undersea prison, Advance City. Although you are all very strong now, it is still very dangerous to attack there rashly. And, once you attack from the outside, it is very likely that Ace will be transferred directly from the inside, and it is even possible to execute him on the spot!"

What Lu Zhuo said is correct. Although Lu Fei and his group can even fight against the yellow ape together, Magellan, the warden of the city of advancement, is not inferior to the yellow ape. If he is a little more serious, the road in the original book I don't know how many times Fei died.

And now if Luffy takes Zoro and others to attack and advance the city together, he will first have to face the navy's arrangement against Whitebeard, even Whitebeard can block it, let alone Luffy?

In the original book, Luffy sneaked in secretly, and finally came out by chance.

Lu Fei looked at Lu Zhuo, gritted his teeth, knew that Lu Zhuo hadn't lied to him, with a strong heart, finally bowed his head slightly because of Ace, and begged Lu Zhuo, "Can you help me?"

Zoro and the others looked at Lu Zhuo in surprise. You must know that such weak words did not seem to come from Lu Fei's mouth at all.For the brother, he bowed his head and begged!Although Lu Zhuo also helped Lu Fei before, it was Lu Zhuo's initiative. Lu Fei never asked Lu Zhuo for help.

Lei Li's eyes lit up, and there was a flash of appreciation. It is a good thing to have the heart of a strong man, but it is even more rare to have the heart to sacrifice dignity for the sake of his brothers. If there is no perverted kid like Lu Zhuo, I am afraid that Luffy would be very dazzling Nova bar.

Looking at Lu Fei with a pleading face, Lu Zhuo sighed, thought for a while, and said, "Actually, if I help you, I can even raise my hand to rescue Ace, but this is your task, you can't Let others do it, then, what I can help you with is to improve your strength, reduce some obstacles for you, and send you into the city."

These remarks are half true and half false. In fact, Lu Zhuo is definitely not going to rescue Ace. He will save Ace during the war, not now.The other half of improving Luffy's strength is Lu Zhuo's real idea. He admires and likes Luffy very much.

"But...but Ace is only a month away..."

"So you have to cherish your time, give me a hellish special training in one month, and the content you want to learn is the power that is popular in the new world, domineering." Lu Zhuo waved his hand and patted Lu Fei's shoulder, said: "Do your best, wait until after January, before Ace's execution, I will send you into the city."

"But..." Lu Zhuo rubbed his chin, looked at Sauron and the others, and said in a deep voice, "What do you mean, are you willing to be with Luffy? This is not the road to the One Piece, but the road to escape death. Do you want to go with Luffy?"

"Hey, advance to the city, it seems that there is a battle waiting for me." Zoro smiled and walked behind Luffy, and then Sanji and others also smiled and walked behind Luffy.

"That's good!" Lu Zhuo nodded in satisfaction. Although Luffy's partners did not choose people with strength and brains like Lu Zhuo did, the biggest advantage is absolute loyalty. can't use loyalty. But the friendship between partners!
In comparison, Lu Zhuo's side was much worse. Lu Zhuo knew that if his strength was low and his subordinates surpassed him, Caesar, Enilo, and Crocodile would all rebel directly.

But since Lu Zhuo dared to take the ship, he was confident to suppress them. His strength will always be above them, and the day of rebellion will never come.

Looking at Lei Li, Lu Zhuo smiled and said, "We still need to let the old guy move again, don't try to live up to his old age, Lei Li."

"Hey, you kid, but even if you don't say it, I will help Luffy." Rayleigh raised the corner of his mouth, smiled slightly, and came in front of Luffy and the others.

Not surprisingly, on the same island where Lu Zhuo's Holy Sword Pirates learned domineering, Luffy and his group started training in hell. The intensity of the training was several times stronger than that of Nami and the others!
Lu Zhuo, on the other hand, sat on the shore every day, looking at the sea, with a calm expression, as if he was doing nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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