Chapter 147 Departure
There is no right or wrong in the way of the sword, only the distance.

The far way is the avenue, leading to the source, while the near way is the trail. Because it is a trail, although it cannot lead to the source, the difficulty of control is also simple.

Thinking about the way of Hawkeye, it should be a trail, so he came to the end, unable to lead to the original road.

In fact, it's not that Hawkeye's swordsmanship is not good. Since he can become the world's number one swordsman, his achievements in swordsmanship are far beyond other swordsmen.

And Lu Zhuo can be said to be standing on the shoulders of giants!
Lu Zhuo has verified all kinds of magical swordsmanship that he often heard in his previous life. He has an incomparably pioneering thinking, coupled with the strongest sword heart and strongest sword intent, so he wants to find a way to reach the sky!

Lu Zhuo sat there, looking at the rolling waves, although his expression was calm, his heart was surging up and down just like the waves.

At this time, Lei Li walked slowly to his side, sat aside, took a sip of wine, and said, "What's the matter, boy, what's the problem?"

These days, although Lei Li has been taking care of and training Lu Fei and others, eighty percent of his attention is on Lu Zhuo, but Lu Zhuo just sits here and looks at the sea indifferently. Let him have some doubts in his heart.

"Senior Lei Li, I want to ask you, what is a sword?" Lu Zhuo asked softly without turning his head.

"A sword? Hehe, a sword is a weapon!" Lei Li replied after thinking for a while.

"Is it a weapon?" Lu Zhuo turned his head, looked at Lei Li with a thoughtful look, and said, "A sword is not only a weapon, it also represents our heart. Our heart is a sword that cuts everything. Enemy, protect loved ones."

"That's right. In my opinion, although the sword is a weapon, it is also my partner and relative." Lei Li had a nostalgic look in his eyes. He touched the sword hidden in his waist and smiled slightly.

As soon as Lu Zhuo flipped his hand, a pale golden three-foot sword emerged from his palm, flying up and down around his arm, like a fish swimming in the water. Lei Li's eyes lit up when he saw it, and he couldn't help asking: "Who is this?" Your sword?"

"Yes, for me, it is indeed not a weapon, but my relatives." Lu Zhuo smiled, grabbed Zhan Kong and waved it casually a few times, without using any strength, the sea in front of him Then several abysses appeared silently!
"Senior Lei Li, I still have a question, what is the way of the sword?" Seeing Zhan Kong flying around him, Lu Zhuo asked Lei Li with a smile. In fact, Lei Li is just a great swordsman with a sword heart. But they don't know that the way of swordsmanship is actually a realm, a realm above the heart of the sword.

Lei Li thought for a while and said, "Your way of using the sword can be called the way of the sword. I think your sword intent is to surpass all things, so your way of the sword is this way."

"That's true... that's the way to break all spells with one sword, but I still have expectations for the devil fruit in my heart." Lu Zhuo laughed at himself. There is hope for these various magical devil fruits.

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Lei Li laughed loudly and said, "Your sword heart, your sword intent, as long as the sword is the main thing, you can do whatever you want. If you can't do what you want, what is it that you are above all things?" ?”

After finishing speaking, Lei Li took a sip of wine, patted Lu Zhuo on the shoulder, and returned to the jungle.

Lu Zhuo's eyes gradually lit up.

Yes, even if I want the power of a devil fruit, so what, even if I want all the devil fruits, so what, it has nothing to do with my swordsmanship!

Your own sword is above everything!

"Haha, if that's the case." Lu Zhuo laughed loudly, jumped up and jumped directly into the sea. In an instant, the sea surface surged, bringing up monstrous waves.

Choose this kendo, step into this kendo, and walk firmly to the end.

Lu Zhuo... Standing at the peak of the perfect sword heart, he took half a step and stepped on the road of swordsmanship.Although the strength is not skyrocketing, but since there is a road, Lu Zhuo's strength will become stronger and stronger. When he reaches the end of the road of swordsmanship, I am afraid that the so-called top four emperors will not be able to withstand a single blow!
"Senior Rayleigh, I'm exhausted." Luffy punched an attacking monster away, looked at Rayleigh walking towards him, and said with his tongue out.

His forehead was covered with sweat, and there were faint discoloration marks on his arm from the punch just now.

During the hell-style training in January, Luffy actually mastered the domineering level of the first level, and even marched towards the second level!If Luffy is given another half a year, Luffy may be able to surpass the strength of the original two years later.

It seems that under the pressure of the task of saving Ace, he kept squeezing his potential, worked harder than in the original book, and achieved greater results!

"Luffy, call them all over, the time is almost here." Lei Li smiled, but there was a trace of pity in his eyes. If Luffy had a few more months, it would not be impossible to reach the peak of the second level of armed color.

But now Luffy's strength is already vastly different. His knowledge is small, his armed color is at the peak of the first layer, half a foot has stepped into the second layer, and his domineering color is roughly mastered.

This kind of strength has already reached the level of an elite general. If you look at it according to the aura of the protagonist, maybe you can win a fight with the admiral.

After listening to Rayleigh's words, Luffy relaxed slightly, then clenched his fists again, and said in a deep voice, "I will definitely rescue Ace!"

After all, he ran into the depths of the jungle and summoned his companions.

Soon, the Straw Hat gang gathered on the shore. Lu Zhuo looked at their figures and nodded, showing a satisfied expression.

When Lei Li saw Lu Zhuo, his eyes lit up slightly. He could see that Lu Zhuo was different from before. Although he couldn't put it into words, it felt like the difference between a fairy and a mortal.

Similarly, Sauron and Luffy also discovered this. Sauron, who was about to challenge Lu Zhuo, raised his eyebrows and continued to endure.

On Sauron's body, a sword intent was erratic, scattered and uncontrollable. Although he had reached the peak swordsman, it obviously needed more training.

After Lu Zhuo glanced at him, he said to everyone: "Tomorrow morning is the time when Ace will be taken away. It is now two o'clock in the afternoon. You should rest a little, replenish your strength, sleep for a few hours, and wait until six o'clock in the afternoon." Come on, I'll take you there."

"But... I want to go now." Luffy frowned, turned his head and said.

Lu Zhuo chuckled, and said: "You are already exhausted, how to save Ace, even if you are not tired, you have to think about your friends, don't worry, in one night, if you really rescue Ace Si's strength, then the time must be enough."

After listening to Lu Zhuo's words, Lu Fei sat down on the grass helplessly after thinking about it, and fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

A few hours passed quickly, and when Luffy and his group recovered to their peak, after eating and drinking enough, Lu Zhuo smiled and flicked his fingers, and the Zhankong Sword was flicked out from his fingers.

Seeing the three-foot golden sword instantly transform into a huge sword several feet in size, Luffy and others were amazed, but at the moment they put all their hearts on Ace, and no one asked much.

(End of this chapter)

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