Chapter 153 Extreme Sword Art Meteor Falling (Second)
Those domineering looks had little effect on Lu Zhuo.

Lu Zhuo didn't care about everything below, the golden giant sword that was several feet long flicked lightly, and suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, he had already arrived at the top of the city.

"Extreme swordsmanship, falling stars!"

An indifferent voice came, and the sky suddenly burst into dazzling light. Countless golden three-foot flying swords fell from the sky, and when they touched the buildings below, they cut them into pieces silently, and then the illusory swords body exploded.

There are thousands of those three-foot flying swords falling from the sky, and there are constant roars from below. The effect is much more beautiful than any kind of fireworks in the world.

The first to third floors of the promotion city were completely crushed in an instant, and the scorching hell on the fourth floor was a cauldron. Although it had leaked, it was still stronger than the upper floors. It shattered in a few breaths.

"Damn it, Lao Tzu's advancing city..." Magellan barely woke up after being defeated by Blackbeard, lying on the fifth floor of extremely cold hell, looking at the completely destroyed upper four floors and the golden flying sword that continued to fall , struggling to get up, but was pierced by several golden swords in an instant, and his body completely collapsed.

With a loud bang, the countless golden swords shattered the fifth floor and fell into the sixth floor. Without any screams, most of the people on the sixth floor died in an instant.

The few remaining people did not stand still, but fought hard, and shouted angrily: "Sword God Lu Zhuo? This is also called swordsmanship? It doesn't hurt or itch, come down for me, let me beat you all over the place!" "

However, there seemed to be a faint cold hum in the sky, and the golden giant sword suspended in the air finally fell down, and in the astonished eyes of those people, there was an earth-shattering loud noise.

The entire sixth floor was completely shattered, and the explosion was like an asteroid falling from the sky to the ground, directly blasting the ground below into a deep giant crater!

Other than that, there was nothing else, Lu Zhuo directly wiped the city of advance from the sea with a sword, and the undersea hell became history from then on.

The huge pit was quickly filled with sea water, and a huge vortex appeared here.

Because Lu Zhuo's swordsmanship has stepped into the realm of swordsmanship, the attack he sends out has the avenue of heaven and earth, and the vortex lasts for a long time. It was not until thousands of years later that the avenue of sword was wiped out by the endless sea.

The sword light dissipated, and a golden light flew out of the pit, came to the sky, and turned into Lu Zhuo's figure.

Lu Zhuo looked down, shook his head, then swept his gaze to the distance, and took out a Caesar's special phone bug from his arms.

"Hello, I'm Lu Zhuo, where are you?"

"Our position is 120 degrees three minutes and seven seconds east longitude and 32 degrees nine minutes and eight seconds north latitude."

Hearing Nami's voice from the phone bug, Lu Zhuo's expression collapsed, he opened his mouth, and said with a wry smile: "I don't understand what this is, forget it, you guys should come and find me, I'm in Jincheng Prison. "It's not that Lu Zhuo doesn't understand what those data mean, but that even if you are given some data in this kind of sea, Lu Zhuo didn't even bring a compass, what a fart.

"Prison? Have you been arrested by the navy and put in prison?" Nami was a little surprised on the other side. Originally, Lu Zhuo seemed to be going to the Navy headquarters, but he never came back after hearing that he was making a fuss at the Navy headquarters, but they still They all believed in Lu Zhuo's strength, and continued to carry out the order Lu Zhuo gave before leaving without any panic.

Hearing this, Lu Zhuo's hair was black, why did he feel like he looked down on him...

"Nonsense, what kind of prison can hold me, not to mention the mere navy wants to arrest me, so go ahead and dream about it. It's almost the same for the five old ghosts of the Five Old Stars to come out together. Come quickly, or it will be delayed." Take care of the big things, and my family can't take care of them!"

"Okay, okay, I know, I'll be there soon, don't fly around, it's hard to find us without a fixed place on the sea." Nami smiled sweetly, hung up the phone, and immediately gave instructions, Head towards the city of advancement.

Hearing the sound of a beep, Lu Zhuo curled his lips, threw the phone bug into his pocket, folded his hands behind his head, lay down in emptiness, and took a rest.

Nami and the others also just came out of Murloc Island, and they rushed directly to the direction of Jinjin City Prison. The unarmed Pluto is extremely fast, not to mention the guy with the mechanical fruit of Boatman Dan. A ship is also incomparable, and it came to the city of advancement in an instant.

Seeing that there was nothing in front of her, only a large whirlpool, Nami looked at Lu Zhuo who was flying in the air with a black thread on her hair, and said, "You must have wiped out the city."

"Hehe, the little man's temper must be like this. Since the city is gone, it must be the little man who did it." Robin chuckled, and now she calls Lu Zhuo a little man from a big captain. After the second time, I found that she couldn't change her mouth, so I let her call it that way.

Flying to the ship, Lu Zhuo lay down on the deck, pulled Nami into his arms, and said with a smile, "Okay, the target navy headquarters, hurry up, or you won't be able to catch up."

"Lu...Brother Lu Zhuo, are you going to fight? Bai Xing hates fighting..." Bai Xing looked at Lu Zhuo with his head down, looking pitiful.

Lu Zhuo jumped up all of a sudden, touched her pink hair, and said with a smile: "Hey, it's definitely not your part to fight, I will protect you, well, sea kings don't need you to summon them, I have them enough!"

Seeing Lu Zhuo and Bai Xing kissing me in broad daylight, Nami stood up, sighed, and walked into the room.

"Hehe, are you jealous?" Robin said teasingly as he walked beside her.

"No, it's this radish, hey, how many of them are there. Of course, Sister Bai Xing is the only one I can't get jealous of..." Nami replied weakly, ran to the table and sat down, looked at the pointer and compass.

"After this war, he will stand on the peak of the sea, how time flies." Robin sat beside Nami, with his arms dragging his cheeks, looking at Lu Zhuo's back, and smiled sweetly.

Nami glanced at Robin, curled her lips and said, "Sister Robin, you never seem jealous..."

"What's the use of being jealous? Of course, there are many excellent girls who like such an excellent man. I'm lucky to be his woman. I envy you very much, although he doesn't say it, and he doesn't Show, but I can feel that the person he loves the most is you." Robin chuckled, stretched out his jade hand, and straightened Li Nami's somewhat messy hair.

After hearing this passage, Nami smiled and said, "Don't talk about this, there will be a war soon, be serious!"

"Oh Well."

(End of this chapter)

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