Chapter 154 The Opening of the Top War ([-]rd update)
Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

"Will that capricious Hawkeye actually make a move?" Sitting under the execution platform, Akainu raised his head, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Ahead, on the harbor wall, Hawkeye stood there, looked at Whitebeard, and slowly pulled out the black knife behind his back: "It seems that there is no distance between us, but I still want to test it out, just to wait Have fun before that person comes."

After that, he held the black knife in his right hand and waved it lightly at the white beard in the distance.

The cyan sword aura in the original book did not appear, but was replaced by a huge gap in the ice in an instant without a sound, and the sword aura was mixed with the power of the eagle-eyed sword, which was irresistible. All the navy pirates were completely torn apart!
Seeing this, Whitebeard's eyes flashed, his left hand stopped Diamond Qiaozi who was about to jump out, his expression sank, and he punched violently with his right hand.

Click click!

There was a loud noise like tearing the air, and the cracks appeared out of thin air, as if the space had been shattered.

The sword energy collided with the shock, making a loud noise.

After the roar, I saw that the ice surface in front of the Moby Dick was shattered inch by inch, and a crack that penetrated the seabed in a straight line led straight to here.

"That's Hawkeye's slash! It's terrifying! You deserve to be the world's number one swordsman."

"Hey, I thought that the name of the world's number one swordsman had changed, but I didn't expect that Hawkeye's strength is so powerful when I see you today!"

The yellow ape dodged into the top of the field, his eyes flickered, and he frowned and said: "It's really scary, these people with swords are all monsters..."

"Sure enough, you are getting old, Whitebeard. It seems that I have no fun other than that person." Hawkeye sighed, and gently put the black knife back.

At this time, the attack of the yellow monkey came and was blocked by Marco, and the battle immediately entered the most intense moment.

In the distance, the Holy Sword Pirates drove over slowly. Seeing the battle in full swing ahead, Lu Zhuo jumped out of Bai Xing's embrace, scratched his hair, and said with a wry smile: "Sure enough, I'm late. Luckily it's not too late."

"Next, you just wait here. Because this is Whitebeard's battle to defend his dignity, it's best not to interfere. You see, the red-haired pirates are hiding there." Lu Zhuo walked to the deck , he smiled, and stretched out his finger in one direction.

Luo carried the long sword, walked up to Lu Zhuo, and said in a deep voice, "Then when shall we enter the battlefield?"

"Wait...when Whitebeard dies! If Whitebeard is really alive, then wait until Warring States dies. In short, after one of the parties loses, it's time for you to join the battlefield, and the enemy... first needs to stop Redhead , and then listen to my command, and help the party that fails!" Lu Zhuo smiled, watching Enilo, Crocodile and others who walked onto the deck together.

"Then, I, Shichibukai, will go and mix it up first, Crocodile, are you interested in going together?"

"Of course, it seems that no matter what, Whitebeard's head will be ours." Crocodile sneered, and Enilu who was beside him glanced at him, and proudly said: "The old man's strongest name, It has already been snatched by the captain, so there is no value in killing it, but the name of Thunder God should be known to these mortals, so let me give them a divine punishment."

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo smiled, knowing that the two of them going together are purely shit sticks, the navy and white beard are their enemies, but they can go, Nami Robin and others, just wait until the endgame, there is no danger Let's go again.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo flicked his fingers, and Zhan Kong came out with a golden light, Crocodile stepped forward, and Anilu raised the corner of his mouth, turning into a bolt of lightning and rushing into the sky.

"Then, Nami-chan, you all just wait."

"You must come back safely, brother Lu Zhuo." Bai Xing folded his hands on his chest, staring at Lu Zhuo with beautiful eyes.

"Of course." After Lu Zhuo smiled, his figure flickered, and he flew to the navy headquarters in an instant while driving Zhan Kong.

On the execution platform, Sengoku stared at the battle below with a sullen face. Only the tyrant Xiong Xiong, the empress Hancock, and Hawkeye were present at the Seven Wukai. Except for Xiong's hard work, Hawkeye and the empress were there. I'm afraid it will be very difficult, if that man is here.

Thinking of Lu Zhuo in his heart, he shook his head again, bitter in his heart.It's better not to have that sword god come, otherwise, the whole battle situation will no longer be under control.

Just as he was thinking like this, he saw a golden light streaking across the sky, stopping instantly over the battlefield, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Is that General Yellow Ape?"

"No...that's Qiwuhai under the king, the sword god Lu Zhuo!"

As the pirates and marines exclaimed, a cloud of dust storm rose up in the sky, covering the sky and sweeping towards the ground. Those tiny grains of sand turned into sharp weapons that could get people's names.Those with insufficient physical strength screamed and were twisted into bones by the sandstorm in an instant!
"Damn it, it's the sand crocodile Crocodile, how could he be with the sword god Lu Zhuo?" Zhan Guo stared, faintly feeling that something was wrong.

At this time, Crocodile's figure suddenly appeared in the sandstorm, and the place where he appeared was the back of Whitebeard, and his golden hook arm slammed towards the back of Whitebeard.


Whitebeard had already noticed it, snorted coldly, and punched out.


With a loud sound of air cracking, Crocodile's body was shattered into a piece of yellow sand, and then he retreated immediately, came to the distance in an instant, wrapped up a vice admiral, and left behind a corpse.

Not to mention Crocodile who was wandering around in the battlefield to disrupt the situation, Lu Zhuo in the sky gently grasped Zhan Kong, which was emitting golden light, and stepped down from the sky like a god.

Zhan Guo looked at the direction Lu Zhuo was walking, gritted his teeth, raised his arms and covered his forehead.

Damn it, bring a Crocodile to spoil the situation, and want to fight Hawkeye here. Is this war still a war between the Navy and Whitebeard!
Ace on the execution platform opened his eyes wide suddenly, and Lu Zhuo's words still echoed in his mind, which made him unable to calm down for a long time. Seeing Lu Zhuo's god-like figure at this moment, his heart was shocked even more. In his heart, the figure of the white-bearded father was covered up!
Shaking his head violently, Ace quickly withdrew his thoughts, the figure of White Beard still occupied the most important position in his heart, but the figure of Lu Zhuo also forcibly walked in.

"Lu he the real One Piece?" As soon as this thought came up in his mind, Ace directly wiped it out, but this thought kept surging, making him restless, and his eyes were very dark. scattered.

(End of this chapter)

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