Chapter 155 Decisive Battle with Hawkeye (Fourth)
At this time, Lu Zhuo stepped down from the sky and looked at Hawkeye with a fierce fighting intent in his eyes.

Although it seems that the strength of Hawkeye is only the elite four emperors, and Lu Zhuo has reached the top, but the battle between swordsmen, especially the battle between the two of them, is not measured by comprehensive strength, but by the strength of swordsmanship. Weak to measure.

Although Lu Zhuo's swordsmanship is a great way, but he only took one beginning.

And Hawkeye's kendo is a slashing sword at will, and it has come to an end. Even Lu Zhuo dare not say that the path to the end is not scary.

The way Hawkeye holds the sword is very casual, he can hold it with his left hand, and he can hold it with his right hand, there are no sword moves, some are simply slashing.

"Although this doesn't look like a good place for a duel, since you have already chosen..." Hawkeye raised his head, looked at Lu Zhuo, his eyes burst out with brilliance, and slowly raised the black knife in his hand, pointing towards the sky. wave.

An incomparably dazzling blue light rushed towards the sky.

Before the sword energy arrived, the Ling Ran Sword Dao had already pressed onto Lu Zhuo's body, and the clouds gathered in the sky above also instantly shattered and scattered!
Seeing this, Lu Zhuo was not afraid at all, Zhan Kong in his hand shook slightly, and a golden sword energy that reached the sky descended from the sky.

The sword glow spanned ten thousand meters, and if no one resisted it, one sword would surely cut the Navy headquarters in half!

The golden sword glow collided with the cyan sword glow from Hawkeye.

There was an earth-shattering bang, and the navy and pirates fighting below stopped their movements in horror and looked at the sky.

I saw the entire sky, with Lu Zhuo above and Hawkeye below, countless cracks appeared in the middle layer out of thin air, just like Whitebeard's air quake!
The two sword beams collided and squeezed each other, even the space was shattered!
White Beard raised his head, squinted his eyes, his expression was extremely dignified, although it was said that the attacks of Lu Zhuo and Hawkeye caused this effect, but the power can penetrate into the space, besides his Shocking Fruit, White Beard is the first See you once.

"Hey, what is this!"

The two sword lights collided in the air, but Lu Zhuo looked extremely relaxed. He glanced at the battle situation below, and the sword intent on his body rose instantly.

Sword potential, sword domain, sword intent, sword heart, sword way, five special forces, with the sword domain as the core and the sword way as the chain, gather together and suppress Hawkeye.

Hawkeye let out a faint smile, and the same power erupted from his body, and the two kendo sword domains collided violently!
This time, it was even more powerful than the previous criss-crossing of sword lights.

The entire ground of Marin Fodo seemed to be lowered by a few feet, and everyone who felt it was shocked.

"The two monsters are better than swordsmanship. Don't do our business. It's more important to rescue Ace!" Seeing the interruption of the battle, Marco frowned, and after punching the yellow monkey, he shouted angrily, waking everyone up.

The battle situation became fierce again, although some people would still look up at the earth-shattering battle above, but if any flaws were revealed, their lives would be lost at any time.

On the battlefield, the least valuable thing is human life!Sometimes, a bullet is worth a life!
However, these were ineffective against Lu Zhuo and Hawkeye who were fighting fiercely in the air. Whether it was stray bullets or some missed shells, before they got close to them, they were crushed into powder by the power of space shocks!
I saw that both of them had dignified expressions, holding swords in both hands, rushing towards each other against the pressure of the opponent's kendo and sword field.

The two swords finally collided violently in the hands of the two of them, and the force of the way of the sword collided violently, but this time it became silent instead.

The next moment, a crack deep into the bottom of the sea suddenly appeared on the ice below, and even the surrounding bay wall was directly torn apart. The solid city wall was like tofu under the swords of Lu Zhuo and Hawkeye.

At the same time, the clouds in the sky were churning, and a sky-cracking mark suddenly appeared. Ai Nilu, who was hidden in the clouds and condensed Lei Ying, cursed, controlled the thunder and lightning to surge, and barely blocked the sword energy, but Lei Ying, who had been condensed in his hands for a long time, also collapsed directly.

This time, after the collision, Hawkeye fell back to the ground, while Lu Zhuo floated high into the sky before he stabilized his figure.

But Hawkeye frowned, and looked at his black knife, there was a slight gap.

Despite the blessings of the Dao of the Sword and the Sword Domain, Zhan Kong, who has become a holy weapon, is already superior to the Supreme Sword. If other people had fought Lu Zhuo with a black sword, they would have been killed by the sword.

After looking at the crack, Hawkeye turned his head to look at Lu Zhuo who was in the air, snorted, and said, "The warm-up is over, let's decide the winner immediately, or you will destroy my black knife."

When these words came out, the people around Hawkeye were extremely shocked.

It turns out that the level of collision just now was just a trial and warm-up!
Qingzhi looked at Lu Zhuo, then at Hawkeye, spread his hands, and said: "It seems that I can no longer compete with Lu Zhuo, that kid is really a monster!"

"Hmph, the sword fight between two swordsmen has nothing to do with the battle situation, Whitebeard, die!" Akaken sneered, staring at Whitebeard, he now has the strength of the Four Emperors, and he is no longer in front of Whitebeard. Vulnerable.

Perhaps the same is true in the original book, because Akainu reached the level of the Four Emperors, he was able to fight against Whitebeard during the top war, and another person fought against more than a dozen captains, and finally fought with the red-haired Shanks .

Whitebeard sneered at the flying magma flow, punched out, the air shattered, and the magma splashed everywhere.

The current White Beard is a White Beard who has no hidden wounds. Although he is old, his combat power is at its peak!
This kind of battle is already earth-shattering, but compared with Lu Zhuo Hawkeye, it is still a child's play.

The fierce confrontation and repulsion between the kendo and the sword field caused the air to burst into roars, making people's eardrums ache endlessly. There were countless tiny cracks in the sky. Once Lu Zhuo and Hawkeye faced each other with a sword, the cracks would instantly change. bigger.

Neither the admiral nor the captains below dared to interfere in the battle between Lu Zhuo and Hawkeye.

Even because of Lu Zhuo and Hawkeye, no one dared to fly in the air, or even jumped too high. Those giants all stared at those space cracks in fear, which was a kind of death-like terror to them.

Floating in the air, looking at Hawkeye, Lu Zhuo chuckled and said, "The weapon is not good, who can you blame, if that's the case, let's decide the outcome with one move!"

After all, Zhankong in his hand suddenly lifted up, and all the elements in the world suddenly violently rioted.

I saw countless light spots, various colors, flying around.A huge vortex gradually formed, and at the center of the vortex was Lu Zhuo's figure.

Those light spots are elements of ice, fire, thunder, etc., under the guidance of Lu Zhuo's strongest sword intent, they forcibly engulfed them.

Aokiji Chiken and the others were fighting, and they were shocked to find that the power of freezing and flames was out of their control, and even their bodies would uncontrollably turn into elements and float towards Lu Zhuo in the air.

Frightened, they hurriedly calmed down and forced themselves to stand on the ground.

Red Dog was slightly better, but he didn't dare to attack casually, but looked at Lu Zhuo with a serious expression.

Lu Zhuo, who was floating in the air for a while, became the center of the battle again.

(End of this chapter)

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