Chapter 161 Whitebeard died in battle (Tenth update!)

"Stop, old man, I'm your son!" Blackbeard screamed and rolled backwards, but when he saw Whitebeard cut him down mercilessly, he hurriedly shouted: "Quick, save me!"

At this time, the people behind him finally showed their figures, they were all members of the Blackbeard Pirates.

The two swords swept sideways and joined forces to block White Beard's Yanyue Dao.

There was a loud noise, and a spider web-like crack appeared in the space. The two of them were crushed instantly by a blow, and the sword in their hands could not be grasped. The tiger's mouth was shattered, and the sword fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone was horrified. After suffering such a serious injury, White Beard was still so powerful!

However, although they were crushed by one blow, the two of them managed to stop it together, allowing Blackbeard to escape from the center of the attack.

"Monster, it's a monster!"

Standing up again, Blackbeard looked at Whitebeard with horror in his eyes, but he laughed wildly.

"Qi ha ha ha, father, do you know what my ability is?"

Just like in the original book, Blackbeard used his ability to punch Whitebeard a few more times, but at this time, although Whitebeard was seriously injured, it was only an external injury. Without the hidden wounds in his body, Whitebeard was like a god descending from the earth. After gaining the power of the dark fruit of Blackbeard, he faced the Blackbeard Pirates alone, defeating Tiki and others.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Guo gritted his teeth, and was about to step forward to attack, when a magma fist rushed to Whitebeard's back impatiently.


As Ace and the others shouted in shock, the magma fist pierced through Whitebeard's back.

Lu Zhuo watched this scene, although he was still sitting there cross-legged, his hand holding Zhan Kong trembled slightly. He wanted to make a move, but as soon as he made a move, White Beard's dignity would be completely trampled.

Regardless of whether Whitebeard wins or loses, is attacked by surprise, or is defeated head-on, no one else can interfere in the emperor's war!As in the original book, the red-haired Shanks had already arrived nearby, but he could only wait until the battle was decided before appearing.

"White Beard, you lost, give up!" Zhan Guo walked up to White Beard, looked at White Beard, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Cold sweat broke out on Whitebeard's forehead, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. This punch dealt him a fatal blow. The magma completely burned his internal organs, and most of his heart was also burned!

With his heart pierced and the blood in his body stopped flowing, White Beard could still stand there with his willpower, fighting the crowd for so long, and even Lu Zhuo could only admire his strong willpower.

"I... I didn't lose! I'm Whitebeard!" Whitebeard yelled angrily, raised the Crescent Moon Knife in his hand again, and swept across the surroundings.

The vibrating force erupted, and Akainu let out a muffled snort, and his body flew backwards, but he laughed loudly.

"White Beard, you are finally defeated!"

Seeing the knife sweeping towards the surrounding people, Zhan Guo let out a cold snort, and slapped his palms forward to block the knife. Just as he was about to speak, his expression suddenly changed.

The next moment, I saw Tiki the Blackbeard who was attacking Whitebeard together with the navy just now, but suddenly led his men to sneak up on Sengoku's back again.

Caught off guard, Zhan Guo's body was sucked by the dark water, and he regained his human form in an instant. Immediately afterwards, a shock force erupted from Whitebeard's Yanyue Knife. It seemed to be shifted, and his face became extremely pale in an instant.

Seeing this drastic change, everyone was stunned!
Lu Zhuo, who had been sitting next to Ace, sighed softly: "Whitebeard is a great pirate, I will give him the respect he deserves, this war should end!"

Ace on the side looked at this scene, as if he wanted to grind his teeth. Although he knew in his heart that Whitebeard was old and might die at any time, but seeing Whitebeard was about to die on the battlefield, how could he feel calm in his heart.

Damn black beard!Hateful, why do I have no strength!The people around Lu Zhuo were not as strong as me before, but they have become so powerful that even the brothers are no match for them.

Clenching his fist tightly, his lip was bitten by him. Since eating the natural fruit, how long has it been since he felt the taste of blood...

After Lu Zhuo glanced at Ace, he took a step forward, and his figure flashed past, coming to Whitebeard.

Warring States suffered a sneak attack from Blackbeard and was also injured, but it was much lighter than that of Whitebeard.He watched this scene with a gloomy expression, feeling that Lu Zhuo was finally about to reveal his true purpose.

But he stood there, not daring to move at all. At this moment, his internal organs seemed to be shaking under the force of the shock.He could only watch helplessly as Lu Zhuo walked over step by step and passed in front of him.

Seeing that there was no pain on Whitebeard's expression, but unwilling anger, Lu Zhuo said in a deep voice, "Whitebeard, your sons, I will help you out."

"You brat, you don't owe me anything!" White Beard looked at Lu Zhuo and said in a deep voice.

"No, I owe you a favor...White Beard! I want to become One Piece, are you willing to accept my challenge!"

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, White Beard was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses, laughed loudly, and said, "I see, your reputation is enough, I'm afraid it's just me. Well... it’s better to give it to you than to the navy, but if you want to take my head, I won’t stand still!”

After finishing speaking, he raised the Yanyue Knife with a terrified expression, and at the same time glanced at Ace who was gritting his teeth and crying not far ahead, and shouted: "Ace... I am an old man who is incompetent. He didn't protect me well. Sons."

"No... Father... Father..."

"Then, that's it!" After Lu Zhuo sighed, his figure suddenly flashed past, and White Beard wanted to raise the Yanyue Saber, but he couldn't block the sword after all.

Ghost shadow...flicker!

Appearing behind Whitebeard, a sword cut Whitebeard's throat, taking away his last life.

Whitebeard didn't fall down until he died, and he still stood there like a god, looking at the Navy Headquarters in the distance... No, the Navy Headquarters has collapsed, and what he looked at was the endless sea in the distance.

"Whitebeard... Whitebeard is dead!"

"The strongest man in the world... No, the man who used to be the strongest man in the world died at the hands of the man who is now the strongest man in the world!"

"The strongest man in the world is now the sword god!"

"It's a pity. It turns out that Whitebeard died under the sneak attack of Blackbeard Tiki."

The captains all looked at this scene in a daze, and then they all cried out in pain, with tears streaming from their eyes. Similarly, Ace was there, already crying. He didn't hate Lu Zhuo, he didn't even hate Blackbeard, he only hated himself Not strong enough to protect the people you want to protect.


(End of this chapter)

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