Chapter 162 Defeating One Person With One Sword (Part [-])
"This guy is finally dead..." Crocodile's figure flashed across the crowd, and stopped in front of Whitebeard, saying in a deep voice.

"My deal with you is over, so do you still want to stay in the Holy Sword Pirates?"

"Of course!" Crocodile smiled faintly and said, "My wish has come to an end, and I will wholeheartedly help you become the Pirate King."

"One Piece?" Lu Zhuo looked at Zhan Guo, who was staring and gritted his teeth, and Black Beard and others who looked fearful on the other side, smiled slightly, and said, "I want to become One Piece, do you have any opinions?"

"Sword God, have you forgotten your identity? Do you want to give up your position as King Qiwuhai and be counted by the world government?" Sen Guo gritted his teeth and recovered his body.The current situation of the battle is no longer under his control. No matter how he calculates, once he meets Lu Zhuo, it will be useless, because Lu Zhuo's strength has reached the level where one person can affect the battle situation, not to mention that behind Lu Zhuo, there is the Holy Sword Pirate group!
That was the Holy Sword Pirates that could defeat the Whitebeard Pirates. Lu Zhuo already had the capital to be king, what he lacked was fame.

So from now on, Lu Zhuo will take his fame into his own hands, suppress the navy, and sweep away the Four Emperors!
Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, Lu Zhuo sneered, turned his head to look at the black bearded man, and said with a smile, "Tichi, how important is the position of Qiwuhai, the king?"

"Qi ha ha ha, that doesn't count!" Blackbeard laughed wildly, he took the position of Qi Wuhai only for fame.With fame, you can subdue some powerful pirates.

"You bastard pirate, you still want to be king, go to hell!" Chiquan couldn't bear it long ago, and after hearing Lu Zhuo's insolent words, he roared and punched him.

Lu Zhuo turned around and swept his sword lightly.

"Are you overconfident when your strength improves a little? In front of me, you are trash!"

In front of Lu Zhuo, Chiquan's magma body was instantly covered with a layer of dark blue ice crystals, freezing him in it!

Magma can be frozen!All the people present were astonished, even Aokiji couldn't do it to this level, looking at the dark blue super highly condensed ice crystals, Aokiji was amazed in admiration.

Then Lu Zhuo swept his sword lightly at the yellow ape in the distance. The yellow ape was horrified when he saw it, and turned into a golden light in panic and wanted to escape, but the next moment he was caught up by a black light, entangled directly, and fell to the ground screaming superior.

Seeing this scene, Blackbeard was surprised, it was clearly his dark ability, and Lu Zhuo seemed to use it even stronger than himself!How is it possible, I am the one with ability!

It's really terrifying. I'm afraid that only if you have the ability of your father, you can fight him.

Thinking of this in his heart, Blackbeard saw Lu Zhuo was turning around to look at Qingzhi, and then he came to Whitebeard with small steps, and the people behind him immediately stepped forward and covered him with a layer of black cloth.

Lu Zhuo looked at Aokiji in the distance, and also slid his sword lightly, Aokiji was terrified, but he saw that Lu Zhuo's two random swords made the yellow monkey and the red dog unsure of their lives, and his body hurriedly fell to the ground. On the ice, wanting to dive into the ice below.

However, when the sword slashed, a crimson flame exploded from under his feet and spewed out towards the sky. It was about the same size as Ace's flame ring, but the crimson flame was not comparable to Ace's yellow color at all. of.

Qingzhi screamed, his body melted quickly, and was directly swept up into the sky by this flame, and then fell to the ground with scars all over his body.

Watching this scene, Zhan Guo roared loudly, and at the same time, his palm shone with golden light, and he slapped Lu Zhuo.

"Lu Zhuo, you are going too far!"

Lu Zhuo sneered, without any fear, stepped on his feet, jumped high, and then struck Zhan Guo's head with his sword.

When the shock wave of the Warring States Period failed, he felt that something was wrong, he quickly raised his hands upwards, and caught Lu Zhuo's Zhan Kong in his hands.

There was a loud noise, and everyone looked in that direction in amazement, only to see that the huge body of the Warring States that turned into a giant Buddha was pressed into the ice, and only a big hole and some blood were exposed on the ice!

Warring States had already been attacked by Blackbeard and had a slight injury. Otherwise, even if he lost to Lu Zhuo, he would not be defeated by Lu Zhuo's light sword.

Then, Lu Zhuo turned his head again, looked at Garp who was fighting with Luffy and the others, and flicked his fingers.

The next moment, a golden light flew out, and instantly came to the top of Garp's head, and then turned into a three-foot giant sword, and fell towards Garp's head.

Before the sword arrived, the strong wind and power had already made Luffy and the others breathless, and retreated hastily.

Garp roared angrily, a gust of hot air emerged from his arm, and a thick layer of armed arrogance wrapped around his fist, directly forming a huge ball. The amount and quality of that arrogance far surpassed others, even Lu Zhuo also sighed.

The sword and the domineering ball collided together, and there was a soft sound of gold and iron. The golden sword was deeply embedded in the domineering balloon, but it was not completely cut off.

Even so, Garp below still felt a surge of sword intent coming like waves, wave after wave, only feeling more and more uncomfortable in his chest.


Garp yelled angrily, the veins on his forehead were densely covered, the ice layer under his feet was completely cracked, and he was blasted into the ground the next moment, and his life and death were also unknown.

"Grandpa!" Lu Fei screamed when he saw this scene, Lu Zhuo smiled and said: "The old man is thick and thick, it's okay, go and save Ace."

"Thank you very much!" Lu Fei glanced at Lu Zhuo gratefully, but he didn't know anything about the inside story. He didn't know that all of this was directed by Lu Zhuo, and he didn't know that Garp had actually kept his hand, otherwise it would be Lu Zhuo , and it takes at least a dozen sword fights to defeat Karp, and it is impossible to kill him directly.

After finishing, Lu Zhuo turned around, looked at the black beard who didn't know what to do in the black cloth, sneered, caught a glimpse of Ace who was let go by Luffy, his eyes were a little dazed, and said lightly.

"Why are you sad! Do you have the qualifications to be sad? If you were strong, these things would never have happened! So, you should follow me and become stronger, so that you can protect the people you want to protect. And the culprit, Blackbeard... leave it to me!"

The next moment, Lu Zhuo swept across with his sword again, and Blackbeard's subordinates were horrified. All kinds of power were used immediately, and it was colorful and dazzling for a while.

Lu Zhuo's way of swordsmanship can do whatever one wants, breaking all spells with one sword!

After a roar, all the light dissipated, and those Blackbeard's men stood there in shock, their bodies frozen.

The next moment, their heads flew out together, no matter what their abilities were, in Lu Zhuo's sword field, they were vulnerable to a single blow!
(End of this chapter)

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