Chapter 164 Depressed Ecstasy Cut Tiqi (Third)

On the Holy Sword, Robin breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the red-haired pirates recede, and said with a smile, "Fortunately, the red-haired pirates retreated, otherwise we don't know what kind of chaos will be here."

"Even if the red hair comes, we have the strength to fight." Luo looked sullenly, looked at the departing red hair pirates, and said: "Even if the captain is not around, our strength can block or even defeat a four emperors, and , look there, it's already a mess!"

"Look, the two bastards Sand Croc and Thor are still there to disrupt the situation. Let's finish the captain's mission quickly and help the captains of Whitebeard to evacuate!"

"Unfortunately, Hawkeye is dead, and Whitebeard is also dead. I think this arrogant Blackbeard will die at the hands of the captain. I don't know how many will survive in the end."

Nami and the others discussed, and then under the horrified eyes of the navy, they stepped onto the headquarters of the navy, and instantly rescued the captains who were shackled, frozen, or knocked down.

Those marines didn't dare to stop them at all. Didn't they see that the generals of Qingzhi and Huangyuan were still struggling on the ground, turning into light and ice for a while, but they couldn't condense their shapes.

At this time, the Whitebeard Pirates had no intention of fighting anymore, and the captains who had woken up from their grief also knew the priorities, and ordered their subordinates to retreat with tears in their eyes.

In the center of the arena, Blackbeard grinned grinningly, punching and punching, the fists mixed with the power of shock and the power of darkness and corrosion kept hitting Lu Zhuo, but Lu Zhuo kept avoiding it with his brows furrowed.

His attention was not on Blackbeard at all, but he felt an inexplicable fluctuation, which made him uneasy.Perhaps the support from the world government has arrived, and the delay in showing up may be to let Blackbeard consume some more of his strength.

Hey, this kind of calculation has a fart!

With a sneer, Lu Zhuo finally stopped avoiding, looked at the black beard in front of him, and said coldly: "The power of shock is far inferior to that of white beard, and the power of darkness has no effect on me. Maybe you can compare with white beard, But it is not my enemy with the sword."

"Qi ha ha ha, what big talk are you talking about? Sword God, you don't even dare to take a direct hit from me!"

Blackbeard laughed wildly, his hands were brought together suddenly, the power of shock and the power of darkness mixed together, turned into a black and white beam of light, and blasted towards Lu Zhuo.

Lu Zhuo sighed, stretched out his right hand, and the three-foot golden sword Zhan Kong appeared in his hand.

This sword mourns silently for Hawkeye and Whitebeard!

The arm had just been raised, and Luffy and the others who hadn't left for a long time, as well as Sauron in the battle, Shiliu of the Rain, and the surviving navy, the yellow monkey and the blue pheasant who barely got up, all felt heartbroken. Inexplicably sad.

This sword was not motivated by sword intent, but used Lu Zhuo's sword heart. At this moment, Lu Zhuo really wanted to mourn for Whitebeard and Hawkeye. A great swordsman passed away, and a former When the most powerful person passes away, the heaven and the earth should feel sad!
This kind of sad emotion spread out, and the weak navy only felt sour in their hearts, sat on the ground, crying, including Luffy and others, they all felt a sense of sadness permeated, and their eyes became moist.

And the black beard who rushed towards Lu Zhuo frowned, and felt his eyes wet, with a hint of sadness, and suddenly, the horror in his heart overwhelmed the sadness in an instant.

What kind of terrifying power is this, it can actually affect people's state of mind!Terrible, terrible!

Blackbeard finally had a trace of fear, and wanted to stay away from Lu Zhuo, but the attack in his hand had already been sent out, like an arrow from the string, how could he take it back?

He watched helplessly as Lu Zhuo lifted the holy sword in his hand to Zhankong, and then it seemed to fall very slowly.

The world is mourned for it, and the world is mourned for it!
"This sword is called the Desolate Ecstasy Sword!" Lu Zhuo lamented in his heart, directly stealing a certain name from his previous life.

That sword seemed to be falling slowly, but it was actually approaching the extreme.

When the sword fell, everyone just woke up from that sad mood, and hurriedly looked towards the center of the field.

In their eyes, Blackbeard's expression froze, and there seemed to be horror in his eyes, and there were tears on both sides of his nose.

And the power of shock and the power of darkness froze in mid-air, as if they were frozen!
The next moment, a breeze blew by, and Blackbeard, together with his strength, turned into flying ash and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

Blackbeard, Marshall Ditch, died from Lu Zhuo's Desolation Sword!

One-shot kill!

In fact, Lu Zhuo is not a capable person, and the dark power has almost no effect on him, and Blackbeard's vibration power is also not well controlled, with great flaws!
Therefore, a situation where an elite Four Emperors powerhouse was instantly killed by Lu Zhuo with a single blow!
Lu Zhuo's reputation has long been so high in people's hearts that it couldn't be higher. Defeating Hawkeye, defeating Whitebeard, killing Whitebeard, understatement crushed the peak combat power of the navy, and at this moment, he will instantly kill Blackbeard who has seized Whitebeard's power. !

Most of the pirates have already recognized Lu Zhuo, but some of them, as well as the three four emperors, are still watching this scene with a sullen face in the New World.

Ace stood beside Luffy, gently wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Blackbeard Titch is dead... Dad, I will become stronger and I will not let you down. I will take that person as my friend, teacher, and enemy, and I will go on step by step!"

Luffy looked at Ace and said softly: "Ace... don't be sad, it's over. Next, there are new battles waiting for you."

"Yes!" Ace shook his head, his face gradually returned to normal, the fire of faith appeared in his eyes again, and the sadness turned into a spring breeze.

On the other side, the battle between Sauron and Shiliu of the Rain also came to an end. In the end, Sauron was seriously injured and Shiliu of the Rain died. After this battle, Sauron's swordsmanship also reached the top swordsman, but There is still a short distance from the great swordsman.

After killing Blackbeard, Lu Zhuo's silent mourning gradually subsided, and Hancock came to his side, smiled slightly, and said, "What else is there to be sad about?"


Looking at Hancock, Lu Zhuo's face is still not very good-looking, not because of the war, but because of... Nami in the distance gestured at his lower body and made a threatening gesture, making his balls chill .

Forced to smile, Lu Zhuo said, "Well...Hancock, go get to know your sisters, oh yes, go back to the boat with them, it's not safe here."

Hearing what Lu Zhuo said about the sisters, Hancock's face was also slightly stunned. Just as the anger in his heart was about to spread, he was surprised when he heard Lu Zhuo say that it was not safe, and asked, "Both the navy and the white beard were beaten. Now that it’s done, what’s the danger?”

(End of this chapter)

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