Chapter 165 A New Crisis (Fourth Change)

"You can't tell, hurry up, it might be the CP0 of the World Government!" Feeling the growing sense of threat, Lu Zhuo said in a deep voice, picked up Hancock directly, and walked over to Nami and the others.

"Hurry up, someone is coming towards me. I'm too strong, you can't help me! I have a flying sword, and I can leave at any time!"

Seeing Lu Zhuo's solemn expression, Nami also knew the priorities, nodded, and quickly retreated with the people around her, while Hancock kept looking back at Lu Zhuo, and left with everyone.

Da Siqi murmured and left reluctantly. He was planning to come to practice, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even participate in the endgame.Rebecca laughed a few times looking at Da Siqi's appearance, and then teased her again. The two girls ran towards the Holy Sword talking and laughing, not caring about the addition of Hancock, which also made Lu Zhuo I'm glad.

The only thing that is not easy to reconcile now is the conflict between Hancock and Nami. If it is not possible, I will play the true nature of a man and serve the two women's family law to the point of obedience. Believe it or not, it will not work!

Thinking about such lewd and lascivious things in his heart, Lu Zhuo came to Lu Fei and the others with a heavy expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: "You guys also go, go directly to Lei Li, and practice for a while Domineering, you are not qualified to compete with me for the position of One Piece."

"Thank you for the matter of Ace! However, I will still compete with you for the One Piece in the future." These words were very heavy. For the first time, Luffy felt that the One Piece was no longer a verbal wish, but a wish. A heavy burden.

After finishing speaking, Luffy immediately left quickly with Sauron and others.

Seeing that there were only piles of corpses and marines left in the field, Lu Zhuo said flatly, "Isn't this coming for me? Come out, I'll see if you have the ability to keep me here!"

"Wangxiaqi... No, the former Wangxiaqiwuhai Lu Zhuo, since you want to become the One Piece King and fight against the world government, of course you cannot let you go!" A familiar voice came, and Lu Zhuo looked at the sky coldly The figure that flew down was the CP0 vice-captain Angel.

"It's just you and these disabled people?" Lu Zhuo looked at the vice-captain and sneered. The emperor's arrogance burst out and crushed all around. At the same time, the air between heaven and earth seemed to turn into With a sharp sword, murderous intent filled the air for a moment.

Behind the vice-captain, Huang Yuanqingzhi and others with different expressions stood up. They were already seriously injured and knelt on the ground under the pressure of the emperor, but Sengoku and Garp could barely hold on. .

The next moment, a cold snort came from the sky, and a red-faced man and a blue-faced man appeared above out of thin air, causing Lu Zhuo to frown slightly.

The red-faced man is the owner of the teleportation fruit, his strength has grown a bit, and his aura has barely reached the level of the four emperors, but the terrifying aura of the blue-faced man blasted in from outside the sword domain directly. Even White Beard Warring States and others cannot compare.

The top four emperors!A strong man who has truly stood at the pinnacle of the world!
"You should be the captain of CP0, right? CP0 can't just recruit three people?" Lu Zhuo said with a solemn heart, but his face was calm and smiling.

Captain Qingmian snorted coldly, unable to see his expression, but he also knew that he seemed to be a little angry, and said: "Three people are enough to deal with you, let alone these useless navy, they can always help a little."

"Navy? What's the use of wounded soldiers?" Lu Zhuo frowned, and the next moment he saw the vice-captain Angel wave his hands, emitting soft rays of light, and healed most of the injuries of Zhan Guo and others in an instant!

It turns out that the recovery ability of the angel form is not as good as that of the phoenix, but can it be recovered by others?However, this kind of thing definitely has a price.

Seeing the deputy captain's body swaying, his breath seemed to be a lot weaker, Lu Zhuo curled his lips and said, "Do you think this is really a good time to kill me?"

"I have to give it a try!" The captain snorted coldly, and waved his hands directly. The next moment, a dark black domineering circle centered on him exploded violently, colliding with Lu Zhuo's sword domain and emperor-like domineering aura. Come together!
"This is... the fourth level, the domineering domain!" Lu Zhuo's expression froze, and the emperor's domineering and sword domain were actually blocked. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

However, this is also because Lu Zhuo's imperial color and sword domain are not compatible. If the sword domain and emperor color can be perfectly integrated, it must be much stronger than this domineering domain.

The next moment, the red-faced man put one hand on the captain's shoulder, leading the captain and disappearing directly.

Lu Zhuo's expression froze, the golden sword in his hand flashed out, and waved lightly towards the sky.The captain and the red-faced man teleported to the sky, and a dark black fist collided fiercely with Lu Zhuo's sword!
With a loud noise, the captain and the red-faced man flew out backwards. The captain looked at his fist, which was cut through the skin under the fourth level of arrogance. What kind of state has Lu Zhuo's swordsmanship reached!
He was horrified in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Impossible, in my domineering domain, knowledge and knowledge cannot be used, how can you block my attack..."

"You underestimate a swordsman at the level of swordsmanship too much. Although you are a top-notch fighter, if you meet Hawkeye who is a level lower than you, I'm afraid you won't be able to please him!"

Lu Zhuo stretched out his hand and wiped Zhan Kongjian lightly, and then swung the sword away.

Chao, Asura Evil Light Slash!

The next moment, a shocking sword glow directly pierced through the pitch-black domineering domain, and swept towards the captain's horrified gaze.

not good!

They yelled in their hearts that it was not good. They didn't feel much about watching Lu Zhuo's battle. When they really faced it, they would know the horror of the sword state!
The swordsmanship that contains the avenue of the sword, there is no hiding, no avoiding!

Seeing this, the vice-captain of the angel didn't care about his excessive consumption, drew a white light holy sword, and fought with the captain with all his strength.

The sword light drew an abyss between the clouds in the sky and the ice on the ground.

The captain and deputy captain retreated again and again, barely blocking the sword, but one arm was dripping with blood, and a white light sword was cut off directly.

However, with a shake of the deputy captain's arm, the captain's arm immediately returned to its original state, but his consumption was even greater.

The red-faced man is the fruit of teleportation. He is good at assisting, but not good at fighting head-on. He hid behind the two of them. Seeing this, he teleported directly in front of the bewildered Zhan Guo and others, and shouted: "The world government, the five old stars directly issued the most important order." Advanced order, navy assistant CP0, do everything possible to kill the sword god Lu Zhuo!"

"Hey, hey... that monster is so scary, don't let people die." Huang Yuan shook his head directly, with a painful expression on his face.

Akaken, who was also restored by the angel's ability, sneered and said: "You have no general qualities at all. There are so many of us, and you are not allowed to take the lead!"

(End of this chapter)

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