Chapter 166 Using Qi to Control the Sword (Fifth Change)

Knowing Lu Zhuo's strength, Chigou finally stopped being stubborn, and these people are also ashamed, they don't need to fight one-on-one, to deal with monsters, just fight in groups!

At this moment, several pacifists who were still intact in the distance also came over and aimed at Lu Zhuo. At the same time, the completely transformed Bartholomew also aimed at Lu Zhuo.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhuo frowned, thinking bitterly in his heart that this damned scientist Vegapunk should also be damned, and he will settle accounts with them after the big event is over.

In the distance, Nami and the others, who had been paying attention here, saw that Lu Zhuo was being beaten by a gang, and immediately wanted to return to help Lu Zhuo, but they were stopped by Robin.

Robin smiled lightly and said, "That little man never suffers, since he let us go, there must be a reason for him."

"Aijia believes in Lu Zhuo." Standing aside, Hancock looked majestic as a queen at the moment, and his faint tone made Nami frown. He walked over and said, "Hey, tell you, I am Boss, you have to listen to me!"

Hancock snorted coldly, and seeing that the two sides were about to fight, Robin chuckled and said, "Do you want the little man to distract himself and lose the battle before he is satisfied?"

After hearing this sentence, the two of them snorted coldly, they both didn't see eye to eye, but they stopped arguing and looked into the field from a distance.

Ai Nilu and the others have also returned to the boat. They don't have the monster-like physical strength of Lu Zhuo. After a battle, they are already tired.

Looking at Lu Zhuo who was still showing off his might at this moment, he could only admire from the bottom of his heart.

On the other side, Lu Zhuo looked at the people surrounding him, his expression suddenly changed, and he burst out laughing.

Seeing this, Zhan Guo frowned, and shouted: "What's so funny, can you escape surrounded by so many of us?"

"Hey, run away, why should I run away?" Lu Zhuo smiled and glanced at the crowd surrounding him.

If he wanted to escape, he could leave at any time with the combination of human and sword, which is why he let Nami and others leave. He didn't want to fight with the world government here and let the revolutionary army take advantage.

"It's just right. I have experienced so many battles, and my swordsmanship has improved a little. Although there are no swordsmen here, you are all very strong. You can taste it if you want to come."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Zhan Guo and the others changed wildly. When they thought of the terrifying power of Lu Zhuo's Vientiane Vitality Slash, they were horrified.

If that trick is used, no one present can stop it.

But fortunately, that move needs at least a few breaths of energy storage time, which is completely inapplicable in this kind of battle.

Thinking of this, I feel a little relieved, but the next moment, their expressions completely changed.

Seeing Lu Zhuo snorted coldly, his whole body suddenly turned into a golden light and came into the sky.Just as Zhan Guo and the others were about to rush up, they felt a wave of sword intent crushing their heads, causing their bodies to sink, and their moon steps were very inflexible.

As for the yellow ape, green pheasant and big bear who do not have the strength of the Four Emperors, including those pacifists, they were forced to be crushed to the ground.

Seeing this, the captain let out a cold snort, and the domineering domain opened up again. The black domain with hundreds of feet covered Zhan Guo and others in it, resisting Lu Zhuo's sword intent.

However, the next moment, Lu Zhuo's figure appeared from the golden light, and he shook Zhan Kong lightly with his hand.

In an instant, ten identical golden swords were directly transformed into wings, the pressure increased sharply, and the sword field kendo suddenly fell down.

Without the emperor-like domineering, the power of the sword domain is more pure, and it is also comparable to the domineering domain!
"Damn it, what does he want to do!" Seeing this scene, Zhan Guo faintly felt that something was wrong, and rushed up with the moon steps, but as soon as he left the domineering domain, he felt his body stagnated and it was difficult to use the moon steps.

Seeing this, Zhan Guo shouted: "All the cannons and long-range weapons are all aimed at the sword god Lu Zhuo!"

With an order, the navy that was still alive immediately took action. After all, it was the elite navy, and the elite navy was still alive.Even though he was stunned by Lu Zhuo, the first duty of obeying orders is still imprinted in his heart.

With a bitter face, Huang Yuan turned into a golden light and said, "It will be hated by monsters." After finishing speaking, countless golden light bullets shot towards Lu Zhuo who was in the air.

At the same time, Aokiji and Akainu also used their long-range attack power.

The deputy captain of the angel shouted angrily, and a sword light broke through the domineering domain and flew towards Lu Zhuo. The captain stomped his feet and blasted his fist into the sky.

That fist caused the air to explode, turning the air into a powerful shock wave and flying towards Lu Zhuo. The power of that shock wave was no less than that of Big Bear's compressed air bomb, and the blue-faced captain could shoot out continuously at will. It can be seen that his strength is indeed at the level of the top four emperors.

Those light bullets are nothing more than that, this kind of super attack compressed air bullet that needs time to be released can be fired in succession, which made Lu Zhuo raise his eyebrows.

As for the red-faced man, although he can't see the expression, he must have a bitter face, because he only has the ability to teleport fruit, and has no long-range attack means. Lu Zhuo is surrounded by sword energy, so how dare he teleport there? Turn into mincemeat!
What was said was complicated, but in fact, in an instant, countless attacks blasted Lu Zhuo in the air, and Nami and the others who watched in the distance were frightened and extremely worried.

However, at the next moment, Lu Zhuo chuckled, and the wing-shaped sword behind his back turned into another illusion. In an instant, ten turned into hundreds, hundreds turned into thousands, and thousands turned into thousands.

In the blink of an eye, countless densely packed transparent golden swords spread across the sky and earth, forming a square formation, which made people gasp.

Those long-range attacks fell into it, like a mud cow entering the sea, it was cut to pieces in an instant.

The captain looked extremely shocked, and said in a deep voice: "I'm not good at long-range attacks, this is too bad!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a faint voice falling from the sky.

Exquisite swordsmanship, controlling the sword with qi, ten thousand swords return to the clan!

The next moment, the endless swords criss-crossed crazily and roared together, like the end of the world, which shocked the navy present.

Those who were watching the live broadcast of the battle also watched this scene in horror.

If Wanxiang Yuanqi Slash is the strongest sword move for a single attack, then this extreme sword technique is the strongest sword move for a group attack.

The overwhelming strangulation of endless golden swords, even an army of millions of people, may be slaughtered in a short time. Swordsmen... so they can be so strong!
Countless people who focused on the ability of the devil fruit had a slight change in their hearts. After a few years, there were so many swordsmen in this world, far exceeding those with abilities, and most of them were due to the impact of this battle!

Not to mention the afterword, it can be seen that under the ten thousand swords returning to the clan, although the domain of domineering can barely support it, it will soon be torn into tatters. The domineering field can't resist it!
(End of this chapter)

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