Chapter 167 Killing with Two Moves (Sixth)
Those golden swords pierced through, and Zhan Guo and the others looked gloomy as if they were about to drip water. I didn't expect Lu Zhuo to have this kind of swordsmanship in group battles, and it was instant!

The power of each golden sword is not great, but the endless golden swords rush in and explode when they cut people, this kind of power becomes extremely terrifying!
Amidst the roar, Lu Zhuo, who was standing in the air, felt that it was not enough, he couldn't hurt the captain like this.

After the captain's domineering domain was torn apart, it directly turned into a black solid sphere, wrapping himself and the red-faced man in it. The domineering domain became smaller, and the defense power was greatly improved, and the golden sword could not hurt it. him, but the others cried for their father and mother.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo chuckled, took a few breaths, and felt that his physical strength was still enough, so he shook the golden sword in his hand.

Extreme ghost swordsmanship... storm style!

In an instant, a sword formation covered Wanjian Guizong again, and Lu Zhuo's figure disappeared in a flash, and turned into an extremely dignified and dazzling golden sword, mixed in the thousands of sword formations.

Every time Lu Zhuo's golden sword combined with human sword flashes, the world is silent, and there is always a scream, mixed with the roar of the explosion, which makes people extremely terrified!
With this golden sword, just one raid left a hole in the captain's domineering field, the second raid caused Sengoku to be injured, and the third time, even Kap's dignified and thick armed domineering body was completely destroyed. Open, cut through the flesh and blood, and blood splattered everywhere.

Wan Jian Gui Zong Lu Zhuo can only urge indiscriminate attacks, but the extremely ghost swordsmanship storm style can already be perfectly controlled.

Then, in just a few breaths, Lu Zhuo's figure flickered hundreds of times.

Finally, Lu Zhuo's body appeared in the air, and the Zhankong sword in his hand was retracted, and the remaining transparent golden swords rushed towards him as if attracted by a magnet, and merged with the Zhankong sword in his hand.

In the final stance, there was another flash of sword light that shook the world.

This ray of sword light finally shook the already broken Marlene Fodor, and the entire island, under people's horrified eyes, split into two halves from the middle!

After the sea water gushed out and the dust scattered, the center of the venue was split in half by a sword.

That kind of tragic scene is unbearable to witness.

I saw that Warring States was covered in blood, and it was difficult to maintain the shape of the Buddha. Kneeling on the ground, Garp and the captain were better, but they were also dripping with blood.

The green pheasant and the yellow ape had disappeared long ago, but seeing that a piece of ice on the ground was still wriggling, and a little light floating in the air was still dancing, it was clear that the two of them were barely alive.

Although the red-faced man has the captain's protection, he can't resist. The teleportation ability is useless in the domineering domain, not to mention there is a layer of sword domain and sword formation around it?

The red-faced man died tragically!
Big Bear and those human weapons pacifists didn't even have any spare parts left, they were completely wiped out!

There was not even a bit of magma left on Red Dog's body. Lu Zhuo knew that this red dog who was sincerely devoted to the World Government would not be able to be persuaded to side with the pirates, so he wiped it out!

Vice Captain Angel was reborn in a ray of light, but there was no blood on his face, and even some scars on his body could not be completely recovered.Obviously his recovery ability has also reached its limit, after all, it is not the same type of ability as Phoenix.

"Okay, you're ruthless! But don't forget, there are Lord Wulaoxing behind us, if you fight against us, your fate will be worse than Roger's!" The captain stared at Lu Zhuo in the sky, although He knew that this time Lu Zhuo's physical strength and sword intent should be exhausted to the extreme, and his spirit must also be exhausted to the extreme.

In this battle, although he was the strongest main force, he was not defeated, but in fact, they were completely defeated by fighting more and less, and not only that, but they also lost the face of the World Government!
Although they cut off the live broadcast of all TV bugs when they arrived, there are always some surviving navies present, and they will always spread the news. Even if there is no evidence, it will be a heavy blow to the prestige of the world government.

Moreover, what annoyed him the most was that, depending on the situation, Lu Zhuo, who had risen in just a few years, was actually stronger than himself!
Who is he, Captain CP0!A person who has obtained one of the eternity qualifications of the Five Old Stars can rule the world by virtue of his domineering domain. Even Roger the White Beard and people hundreds of years ago have never made him so embarrassed!

"Damn it, is it really wrong to choose eternal life?" His heart was churning violently. It is true that after obtaining eternal life, he has a nearly endless lifespan, but the price is the cessation of strength. He exchanged his future for life. Power, that is to say, he turned the infinite possibility of future growth into eternal life.

With the help of the power of the life fruit of the five old stars, this step can be achieved, but it will never reach the real holy level, the real eternal life.

Thinking in a mess in his heart, looking at Lu Zhuo's figure, he could only grit his teeth secretly.They were seriously injured, and they were unable to chase Lu Zhuo.He secretly hated that among the people who came, there were also the three elders of the Tianlong people, who were hidden in the dark, and their strength was also not weaker than his.

But he was stopped by the revolutionary army dragon. Only he left with the help of the red-faced man's teleportation ability, and the deputy captain rushed forward regardless of damage, so they finally came.

I thought that Lu Zhuo, who had gone through several battles, had already run out of fuel, but who knows that he is still alive and well, and he will suffer a lot if he suffers a loss!

Lu Zhuo didn't care about his eyes, smiled viciously, and said: "We will meet again in the future, next time, you will not be so lucky."

After saying that, Lu Zhuo turned into a golden light, flowed across the sky in an instant, and landed on the Holy Sword.

Seeing Lu Zhuo's pale face, Nami Hancock, Rebecca and the others who came to the deck were a little worried.

Opening his arms, Lu Zhuo hugged them directly, kissed each of them, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I just used up my sword intent, and my physical strength is almost exhausted, so I'm not injured."

"Not injured? Very good, then explain to me obediently, who is the eldest sister here!" Nami snorted, touched Lu Zhuo's waist with her small hand, pinched his waist and threatened.

Although Lu Zhuo's physical body is extremely strong and his armed domineering, he definitely can't use the armed domineering, and he doesn't need it, but Nami can use it, so Lu Zhuo still can't resist Nami's orchid finger magical skill.

"This...uh, hehe." Lu Zhuo glanced at the indifferent Hancock, knowing that she must be holding back, and then glanced at the angry Nami, rolled his eyes, and passed out directly.

At the moment, fainting seems to be the best choice. He who has exhausted his physical strength and energy, if he hadn't persisted with his will, he would have passed out long ago.

"Lu Zhuo! Lu Zhuo!"

Seeing that Lu Zhuo had passed out, Nami and the others immediately became confused. They didn't have the time to be jealous. They hurriedly carried Lu Zhuo into the most luxurious room and let Luo Lai treat him.
(Xiaofeng wishes everyone a happy Valentine's Day!)

(End of this chapter)

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