Chapter 169 Power of Rules (Second Change)

Seeing Caesar fiddling with those instruments, Lu Zhuo gradually became impatient, and his eyes shifted to Monet who was looking dull.

After this guy was wiped out of his main consciousness, although he became absolutely loyal, he completely became an ordinary assistant with low-level intelligence.

After circling her a few times, Lu Zhuo stretched out his hand to touch her face, only to feel the coldness of the tentacles, which made Lu Zhuo shake his head and withdraw his hand resentfully.

Although in terms of his body, this kind of cold is nothing at all.But this kind of coldness is definitely an effective way to reduce desire. If Lu Zhuo really did something to her, I'm afraid it's very likely that he will wilt himself.

Lu Zhuo snorted and stretched out his hand to grab her chest fiercely.

There was a muffled sound, and her chest exploded into a ball of pure white snowflakes. Lu Zhuo put the ball of snow in his hand into his mouth, smashed it a few times, and thought with a smile: use her to make snowflakes in hot weather. The ice cream is good.

Without using domineering, Monet was naturally not injured, and his expression was still numb, but he looked at Lu Zhuo with an expression of absolute obedience.After erasing her sanity, she is absolutely loyal, no matter what Lu Zhuo orders her to do, she will do it.

Seeing the white light shining from her chest, and her body returning to its original shape after the flying snowflakes, Lu Zhuo grabbed it again.

After doing this several times, he had a great time playing, only to realize that Caesar was looking at him with a strange look.

"Xululululu, don't worry, captain, she will absolutely obey your orders, no matter what you want her to do, she will do it."

"Didn't I ask you to do the experiment, haven't you started yet?" Although Lu Zhuo said that he has a thick skin, but definitely not in this situation, looking at Caesar's man's understanding eyes made him feel uncomfortable for a while, and scolded : "In addition to experiments, you actually have so many obscene and slutty things in your mind! I'm a man with a lot of wives. Is it necessary to use a puppet to vent my anger?"

When Caesar saw that Lu Zhuo was angry, he immediately behaved like a little sheep, and said flatteringly: "Yes, it was my fault. Look over here, the experiment will start soon."

"En." Lu Zhuo rubbed his chin and walked to the triangular stone platform.

The triangular stone platform is just as long as a person can lie on. Under Caesar's order, Monet meekly lay down on it.

Then, after Caesar pressed a certain button, Monet let out a muffled snort, but his face didn't change at all, it seemed to be just a natural reaction of the body.

Suddenly, with a soft sound, Monet's body exploded into a cloud of snowflakes, and then the three corners of the triangular stone platform emitted a red light, covering the pile of snowflakes.

After about half a minute, the rays of light stopped, and a white crystal appeared on the top of the pile of snowflakes.

Caesar walked over and picked up the crystal directly, and saw that pile of snowflakes turned into Monet again, but his face became a little paler.

Lu Zhuo had stopped looking at her at this time, and was interested in Caesar's experiment again.

I saw Caesar put the white crystal into a glass, then poured some red, green and green liquid, and finally sent it into something like a microwave oven.

The next moment, Caesar activated that thing.

Then lights of various colors kept shining inside, and the white crystal soaked in the liquid gradually became larger, and the liquid gradually decreased.

Afterwards, the white crystals grew larger and larger, reaching the size of an apple, and began to condense into shape, gradually turning into the appearance of a devil fruit, with snowflake-like lines appearing on the surface.

However, at this moment, there was a soft bang, and the Xuexue Fruit, which was completing the last step, exploded directly and turned into a pool of fragments.

Looking at this scene, Caesar seemed to be as expected, but Lu Zhuo frowned, showing a thoughtful look.

"Sure enough, it's still not enough."

Caesar opened the instrument and took out the fragments inside. Those fragments had been completely turned into gray-black things with a burnt smell, and he knew they were failures at a glance.

Holding this pile of things, Caesar frowned and said: "I have experimented many times. Devil fruit users have a special power in their bodies. This power is the core of the devil fruit. So just extract this thing and add If you use my genius invention of SMILE, you should be able to create a devil fruit."

At this point, he paused, coughed, and continued: "But, the most important thing is that the amount is too small. I found that if the energy in a capable person's body is expressed as ten, Then as long as the amount is less than ten, it will fail, even if I extract [-]% of the energy of the Xuexue fruit in Monet's body, it will fail!"

"Why can't you withdraw [-]%?" Lu Zhuo looked at the pile of things and asked calmly.

Caesar shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "No, even if [-]% of this ability is extracted, the ability user will not lose the ability, but will slowly recover to [-]%. Ten percent, I have done this kind of experiment before, and the result is that the capable person died or lost his ability."

"Also, the energy extracted at one time can only be used once. If you extract [-]% for the first time and [-]% for the second time, if they are fused together, an explosion will occur!" Caesar made an explosion with both hands His body exploded into a cloud of purple smoke.

"I see. In other words, no matter what, only one of the same ability can appear?" Lu Zhuo looked at Caesar who had redrawn the human figure, and then glanced at Monet who was aside.

"Having said that, I'm researching now. I'm going to divide it into several extractions, how much to extract each time, and then fuse them together so that there will be no explosion. Once the research is done, the experiment will be considered a success." Caesar, who was packing up his things while talking, had a look in his eyes. Fanatical look.

However, Lu Zhuo sighed, shook his head and said, "Forget it, you don't need to study this kind of thing, there is no result."

"Impossible, [-]% plus [-]%, and [-]% plus [-]%, the power of the explosion is different, there are big and small. In this way, a quantitative ratio can always be researched, so that the explosion does not happen." Caesar shook his head directly to refute .

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo also shook his head and said: "This is not a matter of proportion, it is the most basic rule of this world."

"Rules?" Caesar had a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Yes, the rules. For example, people grow old, sick and die, water can freeze, and fire can heat. These are all rules. The same power cannot appear, and it is also a kind of rule. Unfortunately, I am still thinking about the fruit of the underworld. It seems that I want to get it. You have to kill Brook, in that case, there is absolutely no need for that."

(End of this chapter)

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