Chapter 170 Another Research (Third)

"Why are you sure that this is the power of rules?" Caesar still had a look of disbelief, Lu Zhuo snorted and said, "What kind of strength are you? If you do research every day and don't strengthen your own strength, you can't even compare to a general. In reality, I am already standing at the pinnacle of the world, and if I go one step further, I will be able to touch the origin of the world, and of course I can sense the ubiquitous rules."

"It's... so, did my experiment fail!" Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Caesar instantly lost his eyesight and muttered, seeming to have been greatly shocked.

Looking at his appearance, the muscles on Lu Zhuo's face couldn't help twitching a few times.

"No, it's not considered a failure. You have succeeded. Since extracting [-]% can deprive a kind of fruit ability, this is already a success. You know, so far, I only know that the dark fruit of Blackbeard Tiki has this ability. This ability, and Blackbeard has been killed by me, it will take a year or two, or even longer, for the dark fruit to appear again."

"So, so far, your research is unique!" Lu Zhuo could only comfort him helplessly, fearing that Caesar would be unable to bear the blow and become a madman.

This passage was also very effective. Caesar's eyes immediately recovered, and he laughed happily: "Shululululu, sure enough, a great scientist will never fail, Vegapunk, you can't compare mine!"

"Huh? Vegapunk?" Hearing this name, Lu Zhuo frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Do you know where Vegapunk is doing experiments now?"

"Why are you asking this?" Caesar rolled his eyes, looking vigilant.

Lu Zhuo shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I already have a scientist on board, and there won't be another one. This Vegapunk is a big threat, and I want to get rid of him."

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu like the world's number one scientist!" The guards are still relatively tight, and Vegapunk still has some cards that I don't know, of course, in front of the captain, they are all paper, vulnerable!"

Although he was not interested in personal power, Caesar still paid attention to Lu Zhuo's battles. After seeing Lu Zhuo's destructive, god-like power, he naturally thought that Vegapunk would be easily wiped out.

"Well...very good, but now that this research has been completed, I'll give you another research project." Looking at Caesar's appearance, Lu Zhuo touched his chin, showing a thoughtful expression.

Hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Caesar's face turned bitter. He really didn't want to take on any missions anymore. He was terrified, and he was afraid that Lu Zhuo would treat him as trash and kill him if he couldn't complete it.

"That... I don't want to do this kind of experiment, I want to study weapons..." Caesar looked at Lu Zhuo pitifully, and said weakly.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo chuckled and said, "Okay, then I'll let you study weapons. Well, let me tell you, this world is made up of the most basic particles, you know."

"of course."

"If those particles are all perfectly fused together, it is the origin. Of course, this is not something that can be done by scientific research, but what I tell you is that several of these substances can fuse together and become another kind of substance. Matter, at the same time, will emit destructive energy, and it is trivial to directly wipe out an island!"

Lu Zhuo talked and smiled and told Caesar part of the principle of the nuclear bomb, the most powerful weapon on earth in his previous life.Of course, he only knows a little principle, but he doesn't understand the complicated calculations inside.

But it doesn't matter, for Caesar, a genius mad scientist, as long as he has a concept, he can put it into practice and start experimenting.

Although Lu Zhuo didn't have any special thoughts about the nuclear bomb, after all, he could achieve the same power as a nuclear bomb with a single strike, and the subsequent maintenance of the power of the sword is more terrifying than the radiation after the nuclear bomb.

But it is always good to have one more hole card. If Caesar can research it, then go to the holy land of Mariejoa and throw hundreds of them. Even if the five old stars cannot be blown up, they will be disgraced and the Tianlong people will be wiped out directly.

After hearing Lu Zhuo's words, Caesar's eyes lit up. As he often does experiments, he would naturally find some strange phenomena, but he didn't study it carefully.He had seen what Lu Zhuo proposed at this moment several times. Knowing that it would be a super powerful weapon, he immediately became very interested and started a new research.

Seeing this, Lu Zhuo shook his head and smiled, and left the laboratory.

Although Caesar is cruel, but science always has to be like this, experimenting with animals is also a kind of cruelty.And under Lu Zhuo's control, Caesar would naturally not experiment with living people. Even if he took a living person, it must be some notorious pirate or bastard navy that Lu Zhuo caught casually.

After walking out, Lu Zhuo breathed the fresh air on the sea, smiled, and let everything go as it pleases, although it was unsuccessful to copy the devil fruit, but since it can be deprived, if he encounters the power he likes in the future, just take it away.

But after thinking about it, he didn't have any fruit that he particularly wanted. After all, his strength had reached its peak, and his desire for fruit power was not so great.

Thinking this way, seeing an island looming in front of him, Lu Zhuo waved his hand towards the back and said, "Just stop here, you don't need to go there, I can go with Hancock."

There are still some men on board, and it is still inconvenient to enter Nine Snake Island. As for Lu Zhuo himself, how can ordinary men compare?

Holding Hancock in his arms, seeing her loving and shy face, Lu Zhuo's figure flashed across the sky and flew to Nine Snakes Island.

There was not much time wasted on Nine Snake Island, because Hancock had already made preparations in advance before going to the Navy headquarters, and the heir had already been cultivated.

After coming back now, it is just an order to be polite, not to mention that Hancock hates this kind of etiquette at all. If Lu Zhuo didn't want to relax and play with her, with her willfulness, she would definitely throw her hands leave.

After about half a day, Lu Zhuo came back with Hancock.

The next direction to go is Chambord, but after turning around and finding that Rayleigh and Luffy are not in Chambord, they turn to the small island where they practice domineering.

The sailing speed of the Holy Sword is extremely fast, the exhaust shell, plus the mechanical fruit, made it into a deformed state, made a bunch of outer wheels and drainage fans, plus Lu Zhuo's suggestion to make it streamlined, that speed, the best in the world The ship is probably less than one-fifth of the Holy Sword.

Going around from Nine Snake Island to Chambord, and then back to the small island of learning domineering, it doesn't even take half a day.

(End of this chapter)

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