Chapter 171 Freedom and Strength (Fourth Change)
Originally, Lu Zhuo was going to fly directly to Yujian to take Ace away, but he had other thoughts in his mind.The current Lu Zhuo's way of swordsmanship is to break all spells with one sword.

For the strength of the crew, the degree of dependence has been greatly reduced.It can even be said that most of the crew members are Lu Zhuo's burdens. If there were no crew members, it would not be a big problem for Lu Zhuo to make a disturbance in the Holy Land and escape at will with the power of the unity of man and sword.

So Lu Zhuo thought, can Ace and Lu Fei be together, which can be regarded as repaying the wish of the previous life.Of course, it all depends on Ace's choice.

For Ace, Lu Zhuo is extremely benevolent and has given him countless choices. Even if it is Enilo who is currently on Lu Zhuo's boat, Luo, Lu Zhuo may not give them so many choices.

"Luffy, this is not my opponent!" Ace chuckled, his fists were on fire, and he looked at Luffy who was hopping with his fists in front of him.

"It's hot, it's hot, damn it, the armed domineering has failed again..." Luffy's face collapsed, looking at his red fist, he shook his head helplessly.

Seeing this, Ace chuckled and said, "When you can fully grasp this colored and invisible armed arrogance, I'm afraid I won't be your opponent."

Speaking of this, Ace suddenly thought of something, and his expression became lonely.

"Ace...are you thinking about unhappy things again?"

"If I had been stronger, I wouldn't have been caught by Tiki, and Dad wouldn't have..." At this point, Ace clenched his fists tightly, and his body was constantly burning with flames.

Just at this moment, a faint voice floated over.

"Strength is the most important thing!"

"It's you!" Lu Fei was startled, his domineering look did not sense the person coming at all, when he looked up, he found Lu Zhuo's figure slowly approaching, he was relieved again, curled his lips and said: "There is no sound when walking , so scary."

"Ha ha."

Seeing Lu Fei's appearance, Lu Zhuo chuckled and said, "You two brothers' goals are both the One Piece. But why do you want to become the One Piece? It's because you want to be free! That is to say, One Piece is just a title. , what you want is true freedom!"

"Of course, the One Piece King is the freest person, I must become the One Piece King!" Luffy immediately looked at Lu Zhuo and shouted with a smile, and then thought that Lu Zhuo had already launched a battle to become king, his expression collapsed, and he said helplessly : "Forget it, let it go to you first, you have to wait for my challenge!"

"Hehe, okay." Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, but he knew in his heart that Luffy still didn't understand, so he looked at Ace who had been silent and bowed his head, and said, "Lu Fei, you go to training first, let me talk to Ace about it." talk."

"Okay!" Luffy responded, stretched his arms, grabbed a branch in the distance, and flicked to the distance with a whoosh.

Lu Zhuo walked up to Ace slowly, and said lightly: "Lu Fei doesn't understand, you should understand. What you desire is not fame and power, but freedom. But One Piece possesses both fame, power and freedom. If you want to simply have freedom, you only need a little, powerful power!"

"As long as you have enough power to make no one in the world dare to fight against you, that is freedom."

Hearing this, Ace raised his head, looked at Lu Zhuo, his expression slowly changed from lonely to dull, and finally smiled and said: "Didn't I promise you already, I know, you can make me stronger! I I have already lost my father, I don't want to lose Luffy again, I want to have enough power to protect the people I want to protect!"

"That's good!" Lu Zhuo nodded in satisfaction and said, "Don't worry, the battle between Luffy and me will never come. One Piece is just a step in front of me, not the last step."

After listening to Lu Zhuo's words, Ace nodded. From the information revealed by Lu Zhuo before, he knew that Lu Zhuo's goal is not as simple as the One Piece King. Since the enemy is the five old stars, the status of the One Piece King is relatively speaking. Still low.

"Very good, talk while walking?" Lu Zhuo smiled, took Ace's arm, and walked directly to the beach.

"Aren't you saying goodbye to Luffy?" Ace was slightly taken aback.

Lu Zhuo chuckled and said, "It's not necessary, and it's not a farewell. Besides, if you say goodbye to him, he won't be in the mood to train for a few days. It's better to just leave."

"All right!"

Following Lu Zhuo's slow walk, Ace heard Lu Zhuo's words, and immediately felt that Lu Zhuo should be the owner of the burning fruit.

"Your burning fruit is one of the ten most powerful natural types, and among the natural types, except for darkness, light, and nothingness, the three are slightly stronger, and it is tied with other fruits."

"The most important point, and what I want to say, is that the strength of a devil fruit does not mean that its strength is limited. Whether it is dark, light, burning, or even some very rubbish fruits, they all carry this The most original power in the world."

"That is to say, in essence, they come from the same source, so in the end, their power should be about the same, and they are all the pinnacles of the world! It's just that many fruit power owners don't pay attention to fruit power at all. development, and, also, neglect of physical strength."

Lu Zhuo talked while walking, and quickly said several important points about Shao Shaoguo, making Ace feel that a great way appeared in front of him!
Flames are unrestrained and wanton burning!

Putting the so-called form on it will limit its power instead, such as the skills such as Flame Ring and Great Flame Ring, but it is better to let it go completely and let it burn wantonly to be more powerful!

And once the power of the flame is released, it can develop rapidly and have the power to destroy the world.

Although it is not realistic to reach the terrifying temperature in the center of the sun, it is relatively easy to surpass the magma fruit and have a heat of nearly [-] degrees. location.

For Ace, there is still a long way to go.

But knowing the direction is much easier. Although Lu Zhuo, who already knows the power of the source, has not touched it, he can analyze the power of any fruit directly to the source!

For example, Enilo and Crocodile, although they were defeated by Luffy in the original book, it actually means that their strength is not strong.

And after Lu Zhuo's guidance, Crocodile quickly reached the level of a top general by virtue of his fruit power, and he tossed wantonly in the top war, and no one could control him.

Enilo is even stronger. The Thunderbolt fruit is stronger than Shasha, and has fewer restrictions. It has directly reached the half-step Four Emperor level, but there is still a long way to go to completely become the Four Emperor level.

(End of this chapter)

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