Chapter 172 Rebecca (Fifth)
The strength of Nami, Robin and others has also become much stronger. Generally speaking, the strength of Robin, Nami, and Luo has reached the half-step Four Emperor level.Although Caesar said he was devoted to research, under the restrictions of Lu Zhuo, he had to spend two hours a day for training, and his strength has steadily entered the ranks of top generals.

As for Monet, although he is a naturalist, after his consciousness is wiped out, there is almost no possibility of growth, because becoming a puppet has no pain, no emotions and desires, and he is stronger, so he can be regarded as an ordinary general.

Beibo, the white bear, barely reached the level of an ordinary general, compared to Rebecca, Da Siqi, and the two daughters, who also reached the level of an ordinary general.

Bai Xing can be directly counted. With the mechanical fruit, Dan is absolutely greater than any top general in terms of destructive power. Even the ordinary Four Emperors can't compare with him, and after adding Lu Zhuo's thinking about flexible deformation, his ability to use Extremely flexible, if it weren't for its weaknesses, it would be at the level of the Four Emperors.

Hancock doesn't need much training, he is an elite general. After a little training, top generals and even four emperors will be fine, but the restrictions are too large. Once they cannot charm the enemy, their lethality will be greatly reduced.

And most importantly, the little angel Conis, this girl's love for music exceeds Lu Zhuo's expectations, and the fruit of music has been further developed by her. She can raise the top generals and half-step four emperors by half a level .

In other words, with her music, a top general can become a half-step Four Emperors, and a half-step Four Emperors can directly become an ordinary Four Emperors!
With her, Lu Zhuo's Holy Sword Pirates have already surpassed all the pirates. Even if Lu Zhuo, a pervert, can be eliminated, the two Four Emperors can be wiped out without any problem.

Following Lu Zhuo to the Holy Sword, Ace greeted the crew with a smile and expressed goodwill, but the effect was obviously not that good.

Nami ignored him directly, Robin smiled and said hello, and most of the others ignored him directly.

Of course, there are also those who expressed malice, such as Enilu, who squinted his eyes and flashed behind Ace, saying, "Sword God, why do I feel that this kid is not strong enough?"

"Ahaha, gradually strength is enough, you were not much better than him at the beginning!" Lu Zhuo laughed, directly exposing Ai Nilu's old background, which made Ai Nilu's face collapse.

Ace has a very cheerful and outgoing personality. Although he is a newcomer when he first boarded the ship, he quickly established a good relationship with the crew.Of course, there were also those who were teased by him. For example, Beipo was scalded a little by him, and almost beat him to death.

The people on board were all at ease, and no one had any worries on their faces. Regarding the so-called battle for kingship, the biggest event in history that had disturbed the entire great route, they all regarded it as a game.

And Lu Zhuo didn't worry much, he just sat there with his sword and looked at the sea during the day, and at night he waited in his room for the woman who couldn't bear to be lonely to come to him, and flew as soon as he came, anyway, don't even think about it Walk.

At this time, the huge waves set off by the world have made the new world in the second half of the great route turbulent.

The four emperors Kaido, the four emperors Bigumamu, the four emperors with red hair, and the three emperors gathered together. Although conflicts and conflicts continued, there was no sign of a direct war, but they were waiting for Lu Zhuo's arrival. .

At the same time, the famous pirates on the sea, no matter those who want to become famous, those who want to challenge Lu Zhuo, those who disobey, or those who worship, or those who want to see the grace of the sword god, are also sailing towards the final stage of the new world .

Because of Lu Zhuo, although conflicts and wars far exceeded peacetime, most of the pirates still had a tacit understanding and did not fight each other.

As for the Navy Headquarters, because the battle was half won and half lost, and the merits and demerits of the Warring States period were balanced, he continued to serve as the admiral of the navy.In order to rebuild the naval headquarters, they immediately recruited troops from all over the world, as if they wanted to reorganize the navy before the battle for kingship.

But the center of the entire sea has already become the last section of the new world, and there are very few naval headquarters in the first half of the great route. Although recruiting troops from all over the world, not many are willing to join the navy.

What's more, Karp is secretly investigating and mixing up the power of the navy, making it difficult for the navy to cheer up in a short time.So I can only be deaf to the big event that shakes the world in the new world, and don't care about anything.

As night fell, Lu Zhuo was lying on the big bed in his room with his eyes closed, with a faint sword intent on his body.

At this time, the Holy Sword has turned into a submarine under Dan's control, sailing from Murloc Island to the New World.

After going through the top war, Lu Zhuo's energy was exhausted, but the effect was undoubtedly great!
His kendo has gone about 80.00%, it seems that as long as there are a few more decent fights, he can reach the end of the kendo!

Silently thinking about the issue of swordsmanship, a figure gently pushed open the half-hidden door of his room and slipped in.

With Lu Zhuo's sense of hearing, he knew it instantly. After a slight smile, he put aside the swordsmanship in his head, and waited for the beauty to fall into his arms.

However, after waiting for a while, the figure didn't immediately roll into his bed, which made him a little strange.

After letting out a bit of knowledge, Lu Zhuo 'saw' a pink-haired figure with a pretty face slightly flushed, standing there, biting his lip, as if struggling in his heart.

"Rebecca? Why are you?"

A little surprised in his heart, but Lu Zhuo still stretched out his arms and pulled her into his arms, and Rebecca also seemed to have made up her mind at this moment, and lay down directly in Lu Zhuo's arms, Xiaozui directly kissed Lu Zhuo's lips.

For this daughter-in-law, who had been settled for a long time, Lu Zhuo and her had always been ambiguous. Except for the last step, they had done it countless times.

But Rebecca took the initiative, this was the first time.

Lu Zhuo laughed heartily, feeling her somewhat jerky wet kiss, put his arms around her lightly, and took the initiative.

After the deep kiss, Lu Zhuo looked at Rebecca, those eyes still had a gleam of light in the darkness.

"Okay, little girl, now is not the time, obediently go to sleep in your own room!" Lu Zhuo said with a smile, lovingly stroking her hair and sniffing the fragrance of her tender body.

"No... I want to be your woman... worthy of the name!" Rebecca lay on Lu Zhuo's body, drawing circles on Lu Zhuo's chest with her fingers, and said softly.

Hearing this, Lu Zhuo shook his head with a smile, pinched her chin and kissed her again, and said, "Why are you self-willed? I'm not in a hurry. You are my daughter-in-law. You can't run away for the rest of your life, so don't affect me." Let’s talk about your swordsmanship after you become a great swordsman.”

"No! At first I learned swordsmanship because my father forced me to do so. Later, because of my father's sake, I wanted to protect him who had turned into a toy. That's why I decided to learn swordsmanship. I don't like swordsmanship."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhuo was stunned, only to realize that he thought that Rebecca liked swordsmanship all along, so he taught her swordsmanship.

(End of this chapter)

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