Chapter 173 Unexplainable (Sixth)

"However, I met you later. You helped me solve all my problems and were so kind to me. In fact, it doesn't matter if I learn swordsmanship or not. I just want... to be your woman."

Hearing Rebecca's sincere words, Lu Zhuo sighed in his heart, turned over, and pressed her under him.

If you can bear it like this, you won't be a man anymore!

Anyway, it's my own woman, even if I don't learn swordsmanship, I have countless ways to make her stronger!
That night, everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding. Only Rebecca accompanied Lu Zhuo alone, and Nami Robin and the others did not come.

However, there was also one person who lost sleep while hugging the quilt, and it was Da Siqi.The relationship between her and Rebecca has reached the level of sisters, they live in the same room, and Rebecca runs out in the middle of the night, how could she not know what she wants to do.

Biting the pink incense quilt, Da Siqi gritted her teeth and murmured softly: Bastard Lu Zhuo, if you dare to bully Sister Rebecca, see how I will deal with you... But, I really want to... Great Swordsman, I will definitely To become a great swordsman!
Early the next morning, looking at the delicate body lying in his arms with a happy face, Lu Zhuo smiled slightly, thinking about it.

Suddenly, I felt that it was a pity that Whitebeard and Blackbeard died. What Caesar researched was a little different from Blackbeard's dark fruit. The dark fruit had to wait for someone to die before depriving it of its power.

However, Caesar's research is only possible when the person is alive and the power has not dissipated.If a person dies, it cannot exceed one day at the latest. After one day, that power will dissipate into the world.

Although Rebecca is not necessarily hopeless as a great swordsman, but compared to before, the hope is indeed a little lower. Lu Zhuo is thinking in his heart, to find a decent fruit for her, at least make her not weaker than the great swordsman. OK.

While thinking this way, there was a knock on the door, and then Nami walked in with her mouth pouted, fisted at Lu Zhuo, and said: "We have arrived in the new world, should we speed up or continue to slow down?" ?”

"Well, the pirates should still be gathering, so don't worry, just be there within a month." Lu Zhuo gently took off the jade arm that was hanging on him, then covered Rebecca with a quilt, and left Arriving at Nami's side, ignoring her contemptuous gaze, he hugged her directly, and then dodged to the deck.

Nami was just acting, she didn't mean to be angry at all, she lay obediently in Lu Zhuo's arms, and asked softly, "What are you going to do?"

"It's simple, just wipe them down with one sword!" Lu Zhuo laughed and said domineeringly.

Namei rolled his eyes at him and said angrily, "I really thought you were invincible!"

"Although there is no invincibility, it is still no problem to fight those rogue fish. Even the four emperors like the red-haired Kaido can't stand up to my weighing a few times. You must know that your man is very close to the pinnacle of the world. Slightly."

Smiling and chatting with Nami, Lu Zhuo looked at the sea in the distance and felt impassioned in his heart.

At this moment, something suddenly came from a distance, and it was getting bigger and bigger, making Lu Zhuo frown.

"That's...a cannonball? How could it be so big!" Nami took a closer look, and suddenly showed a look of horror, only to see that what flew over was an extremely huge cannonball, which was far larger than any cannonball. It's as big as a small warship!

"It must be some kind of ability. I didn't expect to meet a pirate on the way and challenged me alone." Lu Zhuo didn't have any worries on his face, he laughed, and then waved his big hand on Nami's chest, a golden sword Emerging out of thin air, he slashed at the shell lightly.

A tiny, crystal-clear sword light flashed across the air, and the next moment, the extremely huge shell instantly split into countless fragments, and a violent explosion occurred.

Lu Zhuo snorted coldly, let go of Nami, and took a step forward, punching the shock wave of the explosion with a scorching armed domineering fist.

There was a loud explosion in the air, and the airflow driven by the fist turned into a fist visible to the naked eye, meeting the shock wave and bomb fragments of the explosion.

There was another loud bang, and all the fragments and flames were directly blocked by the punch, leaving only a little black smoke in the air, indicating the huge shell that had appeared just now.

"What happened?" The crew members of the Holy Sword, who were weak, all came out after sensing the earth-shattering explosion.

Enilu sneered and said, "Which bastard doesn't want to live?"

"Let me pump him up!"

"Let me burn him, how dare you disturb my sleep!" Ace patted the back of his head, opened his sleepy eyes, and looked displeased.

However, Lu Zhuo shook his head, and suddenly said with a smile: "It turned out to be him. I remember I didn't see it in the city of advancement. It's really an unexplainable bug. I guess it's the damn world's will that made me encounter it."


Ace and the others looked bewildered, they couldn't understand Lu Zhuo's words at all, and Lu Zhuo didn't mean to explain, and disappeared on the deck with a dodge, leaving only one sentence behind.

"I'll go back as soon as I go, it's okay. You guys continue to train!"

"It seems that the captain was allowed to do it himself. It seems that he is a person. It's a pity that he had a chance to practice." Ace curled his lips, and the flames on his arms gradually dissipated.

"You are definitely not the opponent who let the captain do it himself." Crocodile hit Ace mercilessly with a cigar in his mouth, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

In front of Lu Zhuo, a very old-looking ship soon appeared. There were a group of people standing on the deck, looking into the distance, and seeing the golden light flashing in the sky, they were all horrified.

"Captain, your attack just now seems to have no effect!"

"To shut up!"

The captain was wearing some shabby clothes and a horned hat on his head, and one of the two horns was broken.

At this time, Lu Zhuo's figure had come directly to the deck of the ship, looked at them coldly, and asked: "Bundy, Wald, the owner of the Momo Fruit, used to be in the same era as Whitebeard and Roger. Like the golden lion, he was imprisoned in the sixth floor of Infinity Hell in Advance City, am I right?"

All the crew members on the ship looked at him in horror, as if they were facing an enemy. After all, the name of the Sword God had spread all over the world. Even if they were all brave generals who roamed the world, they would inevitably feel afraid in front of Lu Zhuo.

A sharp light flashed in Captain Wald's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "That's right!"

"I'm very strange. I remember that I didn't see you on the sixth floor. How did you escape?" Lu Zhuo narrowed his eyes slightly. This Walder is a character in the theater version. The escaped pirate.

(End of this chapter)

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